
Voxel game engine이 정확히 뭔지는 모르겠지만 Lua API를 통해 이 자체 엔진으로 마인크래프트틱한 게임을 만들 수 있다는 것 같다.

이걸 보고 든 생각이, 다 읽지는 않았지만 (ㅎㅎ) Winograd씨의 1960년대 저서에서 이런 내용이 있는데

1.2 Implementation of the System


9. BLOCKS is a collection of PLANNER theorems which contain the system's knowledge about the properties of the particular physical world it deals with. Also included is knowledge about achieving goals in this world and making deductions about it. It is a very simple model, designed less as a realistic simulation of a robot than to give the system a world to talk about.

10. MOVER is a set of display routines which simulate the robot's world on the DEC 340 graphic display attached to the PDP-10 computer. It displays the scene indicated by the DATA currently in memory, and any action called for is displayed in real time, so the human can get visual feedback from his commands to the robot. The input sentences and responses are also displayed.

11. PLANNER is the deductive system used by the program at all stages of the analysis, bot to direct the parsing process and to deduce facts about the BLOCKS world. The system uses Micro-Planner, (Sussman et al, 1970) an abbreviated version of Carl Hewitt's original PLANNER language (Hewitt, 1971). It is written in LISP.


Baker, B., Akkaya, I., Zhokhov, P., Huizinga, J., Tang, J., Ecoffet, A., ... & Clune, J. (2022). Learning to Play Minecraft with Video PreTraining (VPT). OpenAI Blog, June23, 28.

이런 것들이 떠올랐다. 그렇다면 당장 생각해 볼것들은

1. 비디오 게임은 일종의 시뮬레이션인가?

2. 비디오 게임과 시뮬레이션의 경계선이 명확히 존재하는가?

3. 게임 속 NPC들은 예전부터 이미 AI라고 지칭해왔었다. 멀티플레이어가 아닌 한 적이든 동료든 AI가 경정론적이면 (예측하기 쉬우면) 흥미가 떨어지게 마련이다.

Inworld AI


