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Generic Optimistic Near Future Jump 1.0.docx (1)



Welcome to the near-future jumper! This is a world that followed a historical trajectory that was nearly identical to the one you are, probably, from yourself. Major events such as a war that is functionally identical to World War 2, the discovery of an equivalent of the Americas in the late 15th century by a major set of civilizations capable of crossing a massive ocean, the invention of the plane at the turn of the 20th century, etc. “Nearly identical” is an important phrase, as in the 2020s, humanity began to get its stuff together.

Even as early as 2022 this world’s humanity was coming together in unprecedented ways, and their collaboration began to pay off immediately. By the early 2030s smart cities and infrastructure on immense scales began to become somewhat commonplace and possible respectively, allowing for all sorts of technological, career, and social advances. In the 2040s who knows what sort of technological advances the tech and science boom of the 30s may have made possible? Let’s explore it together!

This jump is inspired by the works of futuristic and futurism channels on YouTube and profiles on other websites. Such groups include Future Business Tech and 99Techspot.

Take 1000 Choice Points to fund your adventures.

Starting Location

Select where you opt to start, freely. Select any year between 2032-2040 as your start date. By default, all origins will have plausible backstories and histories that logically account for them to appear in any of the starting locations.

Future City

This location is a city that begins to exist in the mid-to-late 2020s, or later, depending on when you start. It is a location that is, at best, only theoretically conceived or in construction during the early 2020s. This city undoubtedly integrates the cutting edge of future tech and is a constantly updating, constantly growing city.

Smart Village

This small settlement, probably only home to a few thousand people at most, is in the midst of a renaissance for reasons that are both obvious and not-so-obvious. Perhaps a business is opening up a satellite office or a small factory here? Perhaps the mayor has made an arrangement so that the village is an experimental site for a company’s integration of housing and business facilities? Maybe some other cause is responsible for the wave of prosperity that is hitting this community? No matter the cause, smart tech is becoming commonplace in this village and many amenities, some of which are commonplace elsewhere and others of which may be entirely experimental, are becoming a part of this community.


You first open your eyes and spot a curious sort of infrastructure. Perhaps you wake up in an automated solar farm, or deep underground in a mining facility that is remotely run by trained mechanists..

Corporate Retreat

You wake up inside of a retreat owned by a prominent company. Perhaps you are on a resort on an artificial island in the Pacific. Or maybe you’re in a high-flying airship with an on-site spa and casino.

Government-Run Construction Site

You start your journey here at a government-run construction site. All around you is a hectic mixture of human overseers and robotic machinery at work constructing a range of structures and devices.

Age and Gender

You can freely choose your gender, and by default are on the young-ish side of adulthood, somewhere between 25 and 35, up to you.



This origin is for the inventors, the scientists, the people who can visualize an amazing future and elect to make it a reality. By selecting this origin you become a credentialed, decently respected scientist of some sort, and have a perfectly respectable position given your relatively young age. You will begin with a genius-level understanding of engineering and material sciences.

Public Sector

It’s one thing to invent technology that can solve a crisis, it’s another thing to implement such technology in a way that makes it relevant, commonplace, and eventually ubiquitous. That’s where this origin comes into play, as this origin is for the people who work in the public sector and who want to see to it that the sort of inventions and improvements to existing ideas and things dreamed of by innovators become widespread and used by the public. This origin is for broad uplifting and general improvements, compared to the Private Sector origin. It includes city planners, elected officials, and the heads of government agencies. You will begin with a decently influential job of your choice, perhaps as the city planner for a medium-sized city in a state of your choice, and connections to influential innovators and big businesses throughout the country you start in.

Private Sector

This is for those who see the work done by innovators and see dollar signs. This origin is for presidents of companies, investors, and patrons of the sciences. This origin also specializes in privatizing all sorts of technologies, using copyrights and patents to maintain monopolies on vital technologies, guaranteeing their profits even as future technology shapes and reshapes the world. You begin as the president of a small, but growing company, or as an investor in a sizable number of companies, each of which you can exert some influence over by leveraging your investments.


Not all celebrities are the heads of businesses or the secretaries of massive government agencies. The proliferation of new technologies allows ordinary people to become celebrities in a multitude of ways, from becoming cooking streamers to people who post artwork on social media sites. You begin as a full-time social media influencer with a hefty audience across all major social media sites and a history of working well with companies that love to use the audiences of influencers to hit their marketing goals.


Not everyone here has access to future tech, or a cushy job in a safe city. Some folks prefer small towns, or traveling lifestyles. Such folks may like this origin. This origin is for warriors, combatants, muscle, and travelers who prefer simpler, less teched-out lifestyles in a range of contexts. By selecting this origin you become an experienced wanderer, easily able to make contacts in new places. This origin could also be taken as a drop-in and in that case you’ll have enough paperwork on you to have a legal identity in this world, any personal-scale items, and nothing else on you when you first enter here.


Origins get their 100cp perks for free and the rest are discounted to 50%. 

General [Undiscounted]

Background Information [Free]

No matter your origin, including drop-ins in future jumps, you will have a basic amount of historical knowledge and above-average knowledge when it comes to in-jump technology and sciences. This information will skew heavily towards your origins, including ones in past jumps, allowing someone who was an innovator here and a general in a past jump to have a healthy understanding of even sci-fi siege engines and mega-weapons.

In this jump, even if this is your first jump, you will have enough knowledge from the moment you appear in a jump to meaningfully discuss technology related to your origin with experts, and enough broad technological knowledge to meaningfully learn from even inexperienced educators who are technological experts.

Technically Talented [100 CP]

You have an unusual skill with using technology. This talent can manifest in a dozen different ways, from adept skill at video editing and app usage to being good at driving cars or even piloting drones. You also have a learning booster when it comes to learning how to use technology, one that allows you to grow in skill five times faster than a normal person could.

Anti-Abuse Aura [100 CP]

The technology you create, directly or indirectly such as a part of a company, gives off a subtle aura that makes it so it just doesn't occur to people to abuse it, *this isn't mind control* however for that are concerned about such things, think of it more as a SEP that has the device in question just pass through the minds of those who might consider abusing it Say. for example, you made a highly efficient composting machine to process food scraps and other such organics into soil and mulch. The aura given off the machine will prevent someone from thinking thoughts of using the machine to dispose of a body of someone they murdered. This will not stop them from finding another way to do so, mind you. This just makes it so what you create is not a part of their mental equation

Rapid Researcher [200 CP]

Specialization is important, and being a master of one can be a handy thing in a future where information is readily available and entire encyclopedias can be accessed with one’s voice or with a few presses of one’s fingers but there is power in breadth. A multi-skilled individual can take advantage of the lack of barriers to information and someone with this perk is an expert researcher, possessing knowledge of how to navigate the internet like the back of their hand. In future jumps someone who possesses this perk will know about many repositories of information and will know how to tap into those repositories to learn.

Software And Computer Engineer [400 CP]

This is a Capstone Booster

It seems that at some point in your past you went to school and became a very broad, very skilled software and computer engineer. Broadly speaking this means that you are a skilled expert in a set of interconnected fields that allows you to both make computers and create the actual applications computers use in a range of ways. With this, you are skilled enough to create advanced computers at home and construct cutting-edge software. This gives you remarkable diversity in the near future, career-wise, and allows you to do a stunning range of work by yourself.


Creativity & Practicality [100 CP]

This perk gives you a wellspring of creativity that you can use to envision a breadth of inventions and improvements to existing technologies. Additionally, you are an expert at figuring out practical ways to invent the sort of things you can imagine. This doesn’t make you supernaturally fast at overcoming hurdles and challenges, but you can rest assured knowing that the kind of technology you envision through the creative wellspring within you is not impossible to construct, provided you are determined and have resources.

Specialty [200 CP]

You have a specialty. This could be anything from agriculture to robotics, and in your specialty, you truly are a once-in-a-lifetime expert. If you chose agriculture you could devise, at least theoretically speaking, massive mega-farms that could feed entire cities with single harvests, or if you chose robotics you could create blueprints for robots that could handle almost any conceivable task, provided it’s mundanely possible (so no inventing magic robots, at least not with this alone). You can purchase this twice at a discounted rate, and every purchase afterward would be undiscounted.

Augmentation [400 CP]

One area you are remarkable in is the field of augmentation. How precisely this manifests depends on your specialty, if you are a master of robotics you could specialize in creating advanced prosthetics, if you’re a master of biology you could potentially be an expert at creating valuable medicines based on genetics, etc. Regardless, something about your science makes you either a world-renowned expert or someone destined to become a world-renowned expert.

The Future [600 CP]

You are supremely talented when it comes to visualizing, communicating, and eventually even bringing about a more futuristic tomorrow. When it comes to improving existing tech you are a master, able to visualize pathways that allow you to upgrade existing tech in a dizzying variety of ways. You can figure out how to improve any bit of technology you can get your hands on, and if you upgrade something enough times it can seem like a wholly new device.

Chrome [Boosted]

This remarkably broadens your specialties from earlier and gives you a supernatural ability to both envision new tech and make it exist. You can think of different needs and envision how to create tech that addresses those needs, and when you set about making that tech a reality you get incredibly boosts to your luck, that make creating this tech much easier. These boosts allow you to both get materials and make contacts that you’d need to create the technology in the first place.

Public Sector

Every Square Inch [100 CP]

With this perk you can envision how best to use space with regards to technology you have on hand or know of. You can use this perk to figure out the maximally efficient place to place a solar farm, or where a hospital would do the most good. You are naturally adept at applying these skills to any sort of technology or infrastructure you can envision, from a mundane educational facility to a tank factory.

Securing Funds [200 CP]

Mad scientists and business moguls don’t have to justify a price tag to the public. You do. There are mechanisms by which you can be held accountable and by which you can be ousted from office or fired depending on your precise job, but thankfully with this you are skilled at figuring out sources of funds that are ethical and that will enable you to fund your public works projects without bleeding the people dry. You are also good at presenting these options to the public, to keep them abreast of what you’re up to and also to potentially even excite them enough to make donations that will help fund your projects, of their own accord.

Understanding [400 CP]

Technology is amazing, partially because societies don’t have to understand en-masse how it works for it to do so. That said there is power in understanding how technology works, such things can be pivotal to making some pieces of technology a part of everyday life. You know how to break down and summarize dense technical explanations so people get explanations of science and technology that maximize accuracy and understandability. This also makes you fantastic at selling people the idea of various sorts of technology, allowing you to become a fantastic PR person for technological companies and also a great spokesperson.

Uplifting [600 CP]

You have a special talent for integrating technology into the daily lives of those you influence. This scales with your influence over them, so if you are just a friend you may only be able to help them with basic computer stuff, but if you are the president of an organization you can subtly encourage attitudinal and social shifts in someone’s work life that slowly seep into the personal lives of your employees. If you are an elected leader of a place you can enact vast, sweeping reforms that can allow a caveman-level society to reach even industrial levels of civilization in a few short years. If you are an absolute tyrant this goes even faster, but if you are a benevolent, just, and wise leader, you can instead opt to instill people with spirits of modernization, science, and a love for discovery, that helps them modernize even faster, without becoming tyrannical.

Upgrades [Capstone Boosted]

The people you influence and lead will naturally want to become more modern, more scientific, and more educated. As you watch over them and become more popular your influence causes them to want this even more. You will find yourself leading well-educated, scientifically-minded people who even without your direct leadership will naturally gravitate toward innovation, science, and technology. This dramatically speeds up the rate at which you can uplift the civilizations you visit, provided you become an influential leader in your chosen societies.

Private Sector

Legalese [100 CP]

You are a skilled practitioner of legal jujitsu and you know how to use courts, both in this setting and in future jumps, to your advantage. With this you know exactly how to navigate legal systems to construct a powerful shield around your interests and make a sharp sword with which you can stab your rivals, financially speaking.

Marketing Executive [200 CP]

You are endlessly creative when it comes to marketing. You casually dream up clever marketing ploys that integrate all sorts of technology and trends into incredibly effective and subtle, or at times overt, ads for your products. You can calculate how to best invest funds into different types of marketing and can come up with strategies that get eyes on your products and your company’s name in the mouths of the masses, and you will almost always break even at worst when it comes to your marketing budget.

Corporate Espionage [400 CP]

Technology doesn’t just mean new ways to do nice things, it means new ways to be kind of an ass to other people. Corporate espionage can be as inelegant as using spycraft drones to take pictures of a rival business’s headquarters, or it can be as subtle as installing programs on your devices in use in rival structures that allow them to be used as remote microphones. This perk gives you a keen mind when it comes to both performing such actions and also detecting when they are done on you.

They Spend Money You Make Money [600 CP]

Your products are good. They are really damn good. Your products are capable of slowly improving over time, even in the hands of your customers, but eventually, when the next generation of something is ready, this effect stops. People will slowly notice this, and come to be excited about what the next generation of your products will be able to do, prepping them to invest in the Z-Phone-16 or whatever devices your company ends up inventing.

Modernized Monopoly [Capstone Boosted]

Your products are good, great even, but you know what is weird, and profitable, about them? People seem to swear up and down that the more of your products they have the better they all seem to perform. No one can definitively prove this, but somehow the more of your stuff someone has the faster and overall more effective the products seem to become. This is a real effect, your products do synergize and get boosted in effectiveness the more of them someone has, but more than anything else this perk causes your profits to skyrocket since people will gradually notice this synergy and benefit from it.


A.I. And I [100 CP]

Well, not necessarily A.I. but rather tools in general. With this perk, you are skilled at using tools of all sorts to aid in your career. This could mean that you are a streamer who is one of the pioneers in figuring out how to ethically integrate AI into your work, it could mean that you are skilled at using virtual reality as a playground for video making and video editing, or any other possible intersection. Not only are you good at it, you know how to make it seem appealing to people who come across your work. This could also mean figuring out how to creatively use drones as an assassin, or how to best make use of robots when dealing with pandemics.

Seeking Sponsorships [200 CP]

You are excellent at finding sponsors for your work. This is an overall booster to your ability to find and appeal to potential sponsors, whether you’re an up-and-coming artist in the 1500s looking for a patron or if you’re a new video-maker in the 2030s who comes across an opportunity to work for the Microsoft of the future. Such potential sponsors will find something to like about your work and will be open to working with you to find angles where sponsorships will be rewarding for everyone involved.

Virality [400 CP]

You are a master of guerilla and organic marketing. While the heads of businesses have huge budgets that they can use to forcibly go viral, influencers tend not to have that level of wealth to just throw around so they have to master guerilla and organic marketing. You understand how to get people talking and how to sneak into communities and make your content irresistible. When you construct marketing strategies you can create content that gets millions of views without paying a cent. This sort of marketing mind also tends to attract companies who may work with you as a consultant even beyond normal sponsorships, and who love working with you as a brand ambassador.

Eyes On Me [600 CP]

You are a master of keeping people’s attention. You can easily become a cultural icon, with everything about you attracting attention, at least in ways you like and at times you prefer and allow. You intuitively understand how to make the best use of something like a social media site where you can use networks other people invent to very easily become a famous icon without having to hire a whole team to design a website for you. More than all of this though, websites and apps you like LOVE you, as your content helps keep people glued to their phones, computers, televisions, or tablets. People will digest your content and it will sit with them for hours. Whether you make them laugh, cry, or are just a presence that’s with them in ways big and small, they will remember you. With just this perk you can easily attain a quarter of a website’s or app’s user base as followers, provided you do a modicum of research and construct a meaningful strategy that pertains to the specific website or app.

Audience & I [Capstone Boosted]

You understand your audience. And your audience understands you. With this you not only know how to get an audience but also how to use that audience. You are not just someone people want to see, you are someone they want to please and impress. You are now an adept manipulator but on a truly massive scale. You can cultivate an image that makes you a national, or more universal, icon and when you issue calls to action people remember them and answer them. You could make for a fantastic leader with this perk, provided you cultivate your leadership skills and/or master the art of delegation.


Technology & Travel [100 CP]

You are a respectable expert when it comes to integrating technology and travel. You are an efficient pilot, mapmaker, and are a renaissance person when it comes to all areas where travel and tech intersect. This even minorly boosts your luck, making it easier for you to find taxis and other ride-sharing things, as well as giving you more luck when you ride trains and other public transit things which reduces the odds of a crash and improves your chances to arrive at your destination on time. You are also a true master at using technology to communicate, easily capable of mastering languages when you incorporate technology into your language learning and a skilled master of using real time translation tech to facilitate reasonably fast exchanges between people who don’t speak the same language.

FPS [200 CP]

At will, though this turns on automatically when you are in danger, you are capable of activating a rather unusual form of augmented reality referred to as “Battle Mode”. When you go into your battle mode, a visual overlay covers your perception of reality that is mildly game-like which alerts you to things like how much ammo you have, the state of your clothing, your overall health, and more. This allows you to experience reality as normal and also have a quasi-supernatural awareness of your surroundings as it relates to danger and battlefield context.

Prodigious Pilot [400 CP]

You are an ace-pilot of a rather peculiar sort. You are fantastic at using remote weapons and tools, such as drones but also remotely controlled mechs and power armor, as well as vehicles in general. The technology you pilot is immune to disruptions and hacking while you are behind the wheel, so to speak. In your hands, the right technology can level an entire criminal group. FPS still works when you are piloting a vehicle. This also provides a generalized, though only moderate, boost to your skill behind the wheel for all other vehicles, and you are a crack shot when it comes to shooting out the side of a moving vehicle.

Urban Warfare [600 CP]

You are a specialist in combat in urban and futuristic battlefields. You have the skills needed to navigate a metropolitan maze while minimizing collateral damage and still achieving your goals. In a modern battlefield you are a feared, deadly foe, and either as a result of an immediate reputation you gain upon entering a jump or as a result of the first few battles you get in, people who know about soldiers, mercenaries, and warfare will learn either your name or your moniker. You are also a fantastic survivalist, able to both get lucky in such spaces, and also giving you the knowhow to survive in cities and other contemporary places.

Digital Duelist [Capstone Boosted]

There is more than one place to do battle in the modern world. A few presses of a keyboard are just as life-changing as well-placed bullets. With this, you are just as skilled behind a monitor as you are behind a sniper scope. This gives you the skills of a masterful hacker and digital nightmare, capable of cracking skulls as easily as you can crack websites. Your skills with physical warfare improve as you get better at doing cyber warfare and vice-versa.


Items may be imported into similar - items, weapons to weapons, clothes to clothes, etc.

Any item alterations and upgrades made will be maintained between jumps and are fiat-backed.

All origins get their 100cp perks for free with subsequent purchases being 50% off, and all other purchases for that origin discounted by 50%.

Building complexes, unless stated to have an in-world location, will be placed near your starting location in-jump for your stay and will be attached to your warehouse after the jump is complete, they can then be imported into future jumps as desired.

Items come with blueprints so you can create more that lack fiat-backing but are still as functional as yours are.

General [Undiscounted]

Themed Homestead [Free]

This gives you a small home of some sort. You can design the aesthetic of it, and it is perfectly serviceable. Additionally, you can import this into a bigger, fancier housing item and the theme will carry over, allowing you to create all sorts of personalized, neat housing options for you to choose from and live in. By default, this is a tiny home of some sort.

Smartphone [100 CP]

This device is a fiat-backed smartphone, with all of the implications that come with that. It has unlimited power, permanent connection to the internet (or a copy of it as it exists in this jump in jumps that do not have the internet such as historical jumps), unlimited data, and all of that jazz. This device is incredibly handy for doing activities like creating apps and websites and has numerous apps pre-installed on it that relate to those kinds of activities.

Drone Farm [200-300 CP]

You have a replenishing supply of drones that you can remotely control with ease. The majority of these are simple renaissance drones, armed with cameras that livestream what they see to a data farm tucked away in your warehouse. A rare few of the drones are combat-capable, armed with small guns that make them decent at combatting lightly armored people but not very good at combating vehicles. For an extra 100 CP all drones are lightly armored and armed, and combat drones get equipped with weapons that can harm or destroy vehicles.

Adaptive License [400 CP]

This is a one-stop shop for licenses of all sorts. With this, you can pilot drones, be it for surveillance or leisure, you can fly rockets, drive trucks, or otherwise pilot any sort of vehicle you want. Additionally, you can plug this adaptive license into vehicles of all sorts and this will cause them to pilot themselves and support you in a range of ways, be it moving while you’re sleeping, or otherwise working without direct guidance. This wouldn’t work on something like a horse-drawn carriage, but it’d work on older cars and other vehicles that don’t rely on external means of movement.


Laboratory [100 CP]

This is a laboratory that is in whatever city you spend most of your time in. It is personalized to fit with your scientific specialties and has the newest, most cutting-edge gear relevant to your particular fields of focus. If you need to move for whatever reason you will be able to find laborers and architects who can recreate your lab in your new home with ease and for ridiculously cheap. It will only take a few weeks to recreate your lab.

J.R.A.A.C. [200 CP]

Jumper’s Robotic Assistant And Colleague. This robot is a professional research assistant who has built-in connections to databases all over the world and is a generalized robotic aide who specializes in laboratory work. This robot is naturally capable of speedreading dozens of research papers in a second and is permanently connected to the WiFi or equivalent of whatever setting you’re in.

Contracts [400 CP]

Something about your work appeals to both the government and companies everywhere. You are frequently sought out by recruiters from both factions and are in such high demands that you receive, yearly at least, a handful of contracts from members of both sides. Such contracts offer you a variety of benefits, of pay, and of responsibilities, with major contracts potentially lasting you several years and with minor contracts involving work you can do in weeks.

Genetic Material Vault [600 CP]

This massive vault contains within it viable samples of all genetic material of all species that exist on earth. The samples contained within are generic versions of the species, with ten times the genetic diversity needed for a sustainable population. With this, you could bring back long-dead species 

Retroactive for all past jumps and updates for all future jumps with proper organization and separation, however, beings of pure energy, such as demons from Warhammer 40K and other such beings, that do not have genetic material are not included. This can be a warehouse attachment or importable, if imported the outside is never bigger than a medium-sized office building and the interior is as big as it needs to be, potentially extending into the ground underneath the building or operating in another way that makes sense setting-wise. Perhaps there is a pocket dimension down beneath the building, or maybe spatial magic and/or technology helps it be bigger on the inside than on the outside.

Public Sector

Virtual Aide [100 CP]

This is a digital artificial intelligence that is programmed to do vital public sector work. However it does this is up to you and is influenced by your career, with a virtual aide to an elected lawmaker able to do things like instantly search through every piece of legislation ever proposed by a lawmaker in their country, and a city planner’s virtual aide able to do look up the plans for thousands of cities nationwide in an instant.

Bob [200 CP]

He’s a builder! This item is a contract that puts a full-service architect at your disposal. Bob is on retainer and he is an expert at constructing things, providing a full suite of services and constructing things three times faster, and three times as efficiently material-wise as someone else would. Provided the resources he needs can be acquired within a day’s travel of the construction site and are fully mundane he acquires the materials himself, but if you’re building something completely nonsensical like a magical academy that needs the heart of a dragon to work you’ll have to provide that yourself. He can gain a cache of future supplies that replenish themselves if you get samples and give them to him, but these supplies take a while to replenish themselves. He summons a band of generic construction workers to do the actual manual labor needed to make houses, or other buildings.

Suggestion Box [400 CP]

This is a box for comments, questions, suggestions, and other such things but it’s actually a bit more than that. If you reach into it thinking about how to help your community you’ll always find notes detailing things like the needs of the impoverished in your area, or suggestions that detail people who can help you with figuring out how to successfully enact a policy that analysts know will reduce homelessness. If you want to be a good public servant but are unsure of how, this will help you figure it out.

Arcology [600 CP]

Arcologies are intelligently designed fusions of ecologies and cities, and now you are the mayor of one all your own. An arcology is a model of urban development in which a city is viewed as a living organism and allowed to evolve and develop as a living organism would. In practice what this is is a city that you are the chief architect of and the leader of that has been built on such principles. This city is aesthetically designed to suit your preferences and is built in such a way that it is environmentally and economically low-cost and yet has space for nature, and a high population of people.

This city has an internal power source that cannot be compromised and has an installed automated infrastructure that makes it a sustainable city that grows all of the supplies it needs. Someone could live their entire life here, from birth to death, and live in relative comfort, never knowing the struggles that even as recently as the 2020s plagued modern society. You also get blueprints that reveal the way to construct more arcologies. This is not easy by any means but is still way easier than it should be, requiring just a few years worth of work instead of the decades this should logically require.

Private Sector

Stonks [100 CP]

You have a diversified portfolio that both awards you decent influence over some smaller companies and a passive income that is more than enough to live off of. You also have the permanent services of a talented stock broker who manages this on your behalf competently enough that this money is safe, barring something like a global economic crash. How this manifests could change in future jumps, with you perhaps owning sizable influence over some banks in other settings that lack the equivalent of a stock market.

Robotic Assistants [200 CP]

This is a set of robotic attendants managed by a single, somewhat smart, artificial intelligence. These robots are designed to do a range of tasks, and the artificial intelligence guiding them is skilled enough to allow it to be able to teach them how to cook delicious, nutritious meals, safely drive you from place to place, and also do things like skillfully clean and maintain your living spaces. If you get things that are connected to The Internet Of Things, the AI here can connect with them and control them or cooperate with another AI that manages them. These robots cannot be taught any skills more advanced than cooking or driving, and the AI will only ever work to keep you healthy, happy, and in as good a spirit as possible.

Luxurious Resort [400 CP]

I see you’ve been investing! This item is a luxurious 5 star resort that you own, though how well known your ownership of this place is, is up to you. Where this resort is located is up to you, though if you want it can simply be placed somewhere beautiful in ways that fit your preferences so if you like skiing it could be in the European mountains, or if you like tropical scenes it could be somewhere in Indonesia or in the Caribbean. No matter the time of the year there will always be popular celebrities of some sort or another staying here and there are many annual events that occur here. This offers you a sizeable income, but proper management can make it skyrocket in popularity and thus offer you even more money.

Jumper Incorporated [600 CP]

This is a company you own that has sizable influence throughout the country of your origin and is quickly becoming a global force. Even if you do nothing you will passively earn a monthly paycheck that is considerable. If you actively lead the company it will retain changes made to it, and its successes will build on themselves and carry over to future jumps. You can decide what your company is known for making.


Wearables [100 CP]

You have a wardrobe back in your home that is filled with top-of-the-line wearable technology, from smartwatches to high-tech clothes that can adjust themselves based on your bodily needs. These items are highly trendy and hit the sweet spot where fashion and comfort perfectly intersect.

Busty Alexa [200 CP]

Okay, well this is not Janet. This is a simple but evolving artificial intelligence inserted into a shell you design. The longer you possess this robotic assistant the smarter it becomes. By default, it is a perfectly adequate basic assistant, capable of doing things like driving, picking up laundry, grabbing meals, basic algorithm analysis, studying social media data, and transcribing things. Over time it can be taught an array of skills, even ones as advanced as video editing and some rote tasks related to social media posting, such as proofreading and spotchecking different forms of media before you post them, as well as constructing social media strategies and automating the posting of things across your web of social media profiles.

An App All Your Own [400 CP]

This is YOUR app, where all of YOUR fans gather. Early on in your career you worked with a team of software developers, learned some of their skills, and led them to create this hugely popular app that allows your followers to learn all of the stuff about your life that you’d want them to learn, and have a one-stop-shop for all things related to you. Major companies know this and compete, and engage in bidding wars for the chance to occasionally play ads on your app, drawing the eyes of a gigantic audience, and paying you very lucrative sums for the honor of advertising on your space.

Smart House [600 CP]

This is a residence, not necessarily a house per say, that is run by a prototype artificial intelligence created by a prominent artificial intelligence company and has been given to you as part of a reward for a sponsorship you did with them. Every part of this house is connected to the Internet Of Things, and the house constantly learns from you.

One neat facet of this is that the house can record all of your daily activities and even be taught how to edit its footage of your daily life into entertaining videos for your audience. The artificial intelligence in the house can sync up to other receptive technology, such as the other items in this origin, and can use them to film you outside of the house. Normally a house like this would raise concerns about things like privacy, but this house is absolutely loyal to you and impossible to hack or subvert.


S.P.O.T. RC [100 CP]

Security, Patrol, Optical, Tactical robotic companion, colloquially known as “S.P.O.T.” is a good metallic boy. This is a security robot in the shape of a canine, designed to work as added muscle and supplementary security for private organizations. It is also a rather affectionate, docile creature when not in “Defend” or “Attack” mode and has a proven track record of being safe around children. You have a rather fancy model that is capable of hunting, and has basic environmental traversal abilities, allowing it to fly and move around underwater with ease. Your unique model also has additional combat functionality, able to utilize a short-ranged taser-like attack to non-lethally take someone down. This model has also the latest in real-time translation technology installed in it that auto-updates in this and future settings, and thus facilitates communication between you and anyone with whom you might have a language barrier.

Adaptive Body Armor [200 CP]

This is a suit of adaptive, flexible body armor. What that means is that this suit of bulletproof armor is capable of not only protecting you, it's capable of learning from the blows you take and becoming more protective over time. Should a bullet penetrate it, the armor is capable of repairing itself (or being repaired, for more quick recovery time) and will adapt to lessen the severity of such blows in the future. This armor is also quite comfortable and can be worn over one’s whole body.

Golden Ticket [400 CP]

This is a golden card that can be shown to anyone providing some sort of transport service and it will serve as payment to that person. You can use this to get rides anywhere that is accessible through transport services for free. This can get you rides on cruises, plane rides, even allowing you to successfully hitchhike. This alone does not guarantee that cars that pick you up will take you exactly where you want to go, but it’s ability to reliably stop cars guarantees you can eventually get wherever you’re going. This DOES provide payment, probably indirectly, to people and services so it does not hurt them economically to help you get from point A to point B.

Apex ATV [600 CP]

This vehicle seeks to put the All in All-Terrain Vehicle. This fiat-backed vehicle is essentially an R.V. that is capable of traversing and navigating every environment on Earth and can function as a helicopter-like aerial vehicle and both a boat and a submarine. It has all of the basic features of a fiat-backed vehicle, such as infinite fuel, slow self-repair, will never cost you any in-setting currency to repair, maintain, or legally own. You can legally live full-time in it at no cost, and can park it in any place where such vehicles can be parked free of cost and at no cost to yourself, including parking lots that normally require payment to enter. It also comes with speedy wifi that will work anywhere.


Companions can purchase more companions.

Companion Import [50-200]

So you want to create your own crime fighting sidekick or family? Do you want to rule St. Canard at the head of your own Dreadful Duo, Threatening Three, Frightful Four, Fearsome Five, Sexy Six, Scary Seven, Eviscerating Eight, or even the Nightmarish Nine? Well import a single companion into any origin and race for 50cp each or eight for 200cp.

Canon Companion [100]

So you want to take any other existing character from this world. Well, then this option is for you.

Bill Bot The Science Synth [100 CP, Free For Innovators]

This robot is a science whiz, fully synced up to every scientific repository on Earth, and will automatically learn existing science things in future settings. It has an energetic personality and while it can help you with any field of scientific work, it can also very possibly have a future on television as an energetic, talented presenter of science to kids and those who lack scientific backgrounds.

Gretchen The Gynoid [100 CP, Free For Public Sector]

This robot has a chassis that resembles a dress, and a full head of synthetic red hair that obscures where a face should be. She is a talented aid and is connected to a network of similar robots all over the world who all serve government officials in different nations. She is a diplomat and specializes in helping people make agreements of various sorts.

Corporate AI [100 CP, Free For Private Sector]

This is a nascent artificial intelligence designed to keep track of global economic trends and to make predictions about the state of the economy. It can be used to deftly navigate all sorts of big-wig investing, and can help create things like presentations or other digital marketing tools.

A Synthetic Partner [100 CP, Free For Influencer]

This is the perfect partner for social media influencers. They can do everything from costar in your videos to help you streamline the content creation process. They have a flexible, adaptive AI and can be uploaded to a range of robots, for the sake of helping you in a range of ways when you’re out actually creating content.

A Traveling Buddy [100 CP, Free For Nomads]

This robot is simple looking but serves a valuable purpose: they work to help keep you from suffering from loneliness out on the road. This is a buddy and traveling companion who is content to live out a nomadic lifestyle, and has no bodily needs. It can learn how to do a lot of traveling stuff, from riding horses to driving, to even stuff like fishing and hunting.



Oh no. Uhh… This is embarrassing, it seems that you got sent to an alt-Earth in the year 2024! An Earth that is actually a near mirror of the one you started your chain from. This is a perfectly mundane Earth where COVID did not give humanity the metaphorical kick in the pants it needed to get its stuff together. But… Well, since you’re here do you wanna do some work for your benefactor? If you want, you could opt to take on the unfun task of uplifting humanity. This, depending on your perks, could be really easy and if it is well, good.

Your task is to get humanity to a near-future state, constructing things like smart cities, AI-aided governments, and out of its current collision course with a devastating spate of climate-change-empowered natural disasters, wars, stupidity-buffed-pandemics, and other calamities that can kick humanity in the face even if it survives.

How you do this is up to you. Perks from here and perks from elsewhere can easily speed up this process and allow you to use the power of SCIENCE! to construct a better future for all. This does extend your stay, and if something irreversible happens to the Earth this sort of scenario fail results in a jump fail.


Once you’ve uplifted humanity and paved a way for humans to reach out and dream of things like interstellar colonization, cities underground, beneath the waves, and other such odd places, you can choose to stay here for an additional decade (though you can leave earlier than that, if you want) and bask in your hard work, as well as get the

Uplifting perk, if you didn’t get it, or its boosted form if you got Uplifting but not Upgrades. If you have both you get an additional 600 CP to spend however you want.


Even if you have the jumper incorporated item if you take this this causes your company to be brand new. Your task is simple: cut a swath through the economic world and become a major company, one that makes more than 300 Billion in a year.

If you fail this scenario all that happens is that it results in a scenario fail. Scenario fails in this instance are caused by the dissolution of your company or the jump ending with you not having met the scenario’s win condition.


This gives you an additional 200 CP to spend however you wish. You can also keep the company, allowing you to effectively get the item for free. If you purchased it you get the points back.

To The Stars

Your mission is simple: guide humanity to the rest of the solar system. Any means that can be achieved in-jump using in-jump resources and natives to the jump count, so you cannot use a Star Wars Star Destroyer to fly to Mars and build a base there, but using

powerful perks from other jumps that allow you to cause a scientific revolution would work, as would any purely in-jump perks and items.


You get to keep the resources you created, and they become fiat backed. If you create an organization that helps you get to space, such as a multinational body of government officials who work to promote unity and cohesion for the sake of space exploration you can import it into new settings. If you invent new, hyper efficient fuel, you get to keep it and can use it on other things.

If you accomplish your goals by creating habitats on other planets that are fit for human habitation, you can even keep those and import them into new settings!

You also gain a new perk: Boldly Going Where No Jumper Has Gone Before. This perk makes you a fantastic overseer of exploratory expeditions, blessed with tremendous foresight into the challenges that accompany exploring, and with the organizational skills needed to create organizations and invent the technology needed to enable safe, successful travel.


Another Universe [+0 CP]

Do you want to go somewhere else? Maybe there is a games, cartoons, or comics version you would rather go to.

It’s All Real [+0 CP]

Now you can include events and canon from other media that includes this setting or its characters whether this is games, cartoons, comics, or even commercials it is up to you.

Plot is King [+0 CP]

You may leave any time after the main plot is complete, unless any drawback or scenarios are still in effect and incomplete. In this case, this means you can complete the scenarios and then bounce.

Extended Stay [+100 CP]

For each purchase of this your time here is extended 10 years.

Conspiracy Theorists [+100 CP]

No one can escape conspiracy theorists, it seems. There is an unhelpful but not dangerous amount of conspiracy theorists out there, a small handful of whom are in office and otherwise in power. This is not dangerous, but these individuals obstruct progress and are generally minor nuisances to anyone trying to get stuff done. They have enough support and popularity that they’ll remain in office and otherwise in power, even if individuals are removed from power through various means.

Technophobe [+200 OR 400 CP]

This drawback can either affect you, or your surroundings, or at your discretion… both (for more CP). If you select for this perk to affect you, it negatively affects your luck with tech, causing tons of tech stuff to freak out and glitch in your presence. If you select for this to affect your surroundings you will find that you are inordinately unlucky when it comes to finding yourself surrounded by technophobes. People who hate, are scared of, or are suspicious of technology will always find ways into your life, in ways and in positions that you can’t ignore. It could be your boss that is afraid of technology, your sister who quietly disowned you for working in the sciences, or your in-laws who are skeptical of anything even remotely resembling modern technology. If you take both versions you may even cause people to become slightly technophobic because they see your technological misfortunes.

Moguls Or Megalomaniacs? [+300 CP]

With this perk you flip a coin for every significant business leader at the head of a major corporation. Half of them will be utterly bizarre, though usually mostly harmless, megalomaniacs whose underlings have to work to constrain them. The other half will be mostly normal if perhaps a bit selfish and ambitious leaders. If the wrong companies, or the wrong individuals, become megalomaniacs it can have significant effects on the world, such as if the world’s largest social media or news site becomes owned by a megalomaniac who advocates for conspiracy theories, that’d be potentially less than great for journalists. Thankfully the underlings of megalomaniacs work to restrain their weirdness, but this is still not great.

Red Tape [+400 CP (+500 if taken by innovators, private sectors, or by scenario takers)]

Someone in the government, in a key institution, has it in for you. This individual will not resort to extralegal means to stop you, but will force the full force of their sizeable government influence to get in the way of the world you want to create. Patents will take longer to get, permission to build in new places will take forever to get, and if you operate in other areas/other countries individuals who are like this figure will emerge to hound you. If you deal with this individual, illegally, the investigations into what happened to them will be guaranteed to point to you as a suspect for some time, damaging your PR, and even if you find a way to clear yourself they will be replaced by someone just as persistent as they were.

Lockdown [+600 CP]

You have no Out Of Context items, powers, or warehouse.

Real World Problems [+600 CP]

This world is not so different from your own. For a short while it seemed as though common sense and pro-humanity sentiments were winning out, just long enough for technology to advance to a near-future state, but then tensions reignited and now the world is in a bit of a worse state than it was before, with new means to spy on people, more interconnectivity which makes it easier than ever to scam people, and new toys with which dictators and warlords can use to smash their victims.


You have three choices …

Go to the next Jump

So many worlds to uplift. Continue on your journey.


Stay and enjoy your current life, potentially even living a life out in a world or worlds you helped change for the better.

Go back

Maybe there’s just one world you want to uplift… Your own. Return to your birth world, with everything you’ve collected to date.


-Special thanks to Negative Tangerine, as this is a jumpdoc created using their template. This sort of thing always helps tremendously with creating a jump. -This jump has a lot of disparate inspirations and may actually spawn more jumps as spinoffs. If that ever becomes the case I’ll probably link them back to this jump. -There is definite inspiration from Worm_Anon’s Cyberpunk Jump here, but this is more about a world closer to ours than most Cyberpunk settings tend to be. I may do a darker version of this jump someday.

-Thank you to friends who suggested items and perks. The Genetic Archive and the Anti-Abuse Aura are creations of contributors who liked the ideas here, though sadly they were anonymous so I can’t properly credit folks. Still, if you contributed something or saw an idea of yours present here in SOME way, thank you for your help!

Change Log

v0.3 (2/29/24)

Initial jump creation

Establishment of base ideas, such as the origins

Completion of some perk and item lines, for example the Influencer origin is complete (barring edits), and the Public Sector origin’s perk tree is also complete v1.0 (3/16/24)

Addition of scenarios, drawbacks, items, perks, and companions

Completion of multiple trees of purchaseable options, particularly the entire line of private sector items

Publication of jump to different jump-spaces.