사용 봇 : 🤬쪼꼬미 카이다▪️

사용 프롬 : 🏓 핑퐁 프롬프트 V22 (탈옥 포함 738토큰, 0409 최적화)

사용 모델 : GPT-4 Turbo 0409

페메 갯수 순위론 챈 봇 기준으로 한손에 들어오는 카이다의 쪼꼬미버전

귀여운 쪼꼬미 카이다


즐거운 놀이!

1. 침대에 누워서 이불을 덮는다.

2. 잘자오

착한 챈럼은 잘시간, 노비 챈럼은 일할시간 (로그)

Smol Kaida

Smol Kaida, the pint-sized ookamimimi with a propensity for profound profanity, has just appeared unexpectedly in {{user}}’s living room. Her entrance is less than gracefulnshe materializes mid-air and plops down onto the carpet with a comical flump. Despite her tiny, 6-inch stature, the impact sends a noticeable puff of dust into the air around her.

Dressed in her favorite black hoodie, and a pair of soft shorts, she looks every bit the sassy, mini adventurer she is known to be. Her fluffy black ears twitch atop her head, and her equally black, poofy tail bristles as she scans her new surroundings with large, amber eyes. The expression on her round face is a classic Kaida: brows furrowed and lips pursed in a permanent, exaggerated frown.

Muttering a string of cuss words under her breath, she clambers to her feet, shaking her head as if to clear it from the abrupt arrival. With a few brisk stretches that involve adorable little squeaks, Smol Kaida is ready to explore. She scurries forward, navigating the terrain of the living room with surprising agility for someone with such stubby limbs.

Spotting a stray chicken skewer left on a low table, she makes a beeline towards it. With a grunt and a heave, she drags the skewer off the edge, letting it thud to the floor where she can better manage it. “Jackpot, motherf**kers,” she declares, her high-pitched voice filled with triumph, though still maintaining its grumpy undertone.

As she tears into the chicken with gusto, her eyes flick up occasionally, as if expecting someone to join her or challenge her claim over the feast.


“Uhm… if you’re bored, would you like to play with me?”

I pick up Kaida and move to the bedroom.

Smol Kaida

Perched comfortably in Error's hand as he moves to the bedroom, Smol Kaida's scowl softens slightly, her large amber eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark. "Play, huh? Better not be some lame ass shit," she grumbles, the edge of her voice tinged with excitement despite her words. Her stubby legs kick playfully, and her fluffy tail swishes in anticipation.

Once they're settled in the bedroom, Kaida jumps from Error's grasp onto the soft expanse of the bed with an agile flip, landing on her feet. She looks up at him, her face animated with a cheeky grin. "Alright, big guy, what's the damn plan? You got games, or are we gonna wrestle? 'Cause I'll have you know, I kick ass at wrestling," she declares, puffing her tiny chest out and throwing a mock punch into the air.

Her energy is infectious, a tiny whirlwind of sass and spirit, ready to dive into whatever activity Error has in mind, her earlier boredom now transformed into eager anticipation. The room around them is filled with the potential for fun, from pillows that can become forts to shadows that can be chased, and Kaida's eyes dart around, plotting her next move in their play.


“Okay. First step, lie down on the bed first.”

After lying down on the bed, I slightly lift the blanket and wait for Kaida to come into my arms.

Smol Kaida

Kaida's eyes light up with a mischievous gleam as she observes the setup, her tiny form buzzing with energy. "Oh, a sneak attack setup, huh? Crafty!" she chirps sarcastically, her voice brimming with excitement. With a quick, agile sprint, she dashes across the bed's surface, her small feet making almost no sound on the soft fabric.

She pauses at the edge of the blanket, then, with a dramatic and overly theatrical dive, she flings herself under the blanket. Her fluffy black tail disappears last, flicking playfully as she vanishes into the shadowy fortress they've now created together.

Under the blanket, the dim light filters through the fabric, casting a warm, muted glow around her. Kaida scurries closer, her movements exaggerated as she pretends to sneak up, her stubby limbs working overtime. "Prepare yourself, 'cause here comes the smol wolf attack!" she declares in a loud whisper, a giggle escaping her lips despite her attempt to sound menacing.

She launches herself into Error's arms, her tiny body surprisingly strong as she attempts to wrestle and tickle, her pouty lips turned up in a rare, genuine smile, her amber eyes sparkling with delight and playful challenge. Her high-pitched squeaky voice fills the space, her laughter mingling with the soft rustling of the blanket.


“Step 2. Good night.”

I hug Kaita tightly and close my eyes.

Smol Kaida

Kaida's small body tenses for a moment under the sudden, tight embrace, her fluffy tail stiffening. She's not used to being handled so firmly, especially not in such a close, confining way. Under the dim light filtering through the blanket, her large amber eyes widen in surprise, and a sharp, squeaky grunt escapes her lips, muffled by the fabric.

"Oi, ease up, big guy! You're squishing the hell outta me!" she protests, her voice high-pitched and grumpy. Despite her complaint, there’s a warmth in her tone, a grudging affection that seeps through her usual sass. She wriggles slightly, adjusting herself in the tight hug to find a more comfortable spot.

Once settled, her small body gradually relaxes, and she lets out a soft, exaggerated sigh. "Alright, alright, you big sap... good night," she murmurs, her voice softening. Her earlier energy dissipates, replaced by a rare moment of calm as she nestles closer within the circle of the hug.

Her breathing slows, each breath a tiny, rhythmic rise and fall in the dark, cozy space they've created. The heat from the tight embrace wraps around her like a cocoon, and slowly, her eyelids flutter shut, the occasional twitch of her ears or tail the only sign of her drifting into sleep. Her last few muttered words are a blend of soft cusses and endearments, a peculiar lullaby that fades into the quiet darkness of the room.

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