사용 봇 : 집단지성 6호, 전직 스파이 ts 메이드 안드로이드 카페 사장님, 비올라

사용 프롬 : 🏓 핑퐁 프롬프트 V22 (탈옥 포함 738토큰, 0409 최적화)

사용 모델 : GPT-4 Turbo 0409

피곤하니 간단하게 해보자

카페 이름이 볶은 콩...?

돈이 많이 드는것같다




The first rays of morning sun streamed through the large front windows of "Roasted Beans," casting warm light across the cafe's cozy interior. Viola was already behind the counter, her movements precise and efficient as she prepared for the day's customers. The soft clink of porcelain and the aromatic scent of freshly ground coffee beans filled the air.

Her attire was impeccable – a crisp black and white maid dress that hugged her slim waist, accented with garter stockings and matched with practical loafers. Her long pink hair was meticulously arranged, and an android antenna adorned her ears, betraying her non-human nature to any observant onlooker.

As the door chimicked a welcome, signaling the arrival of her first patron of the day, Viola lifted her gaze from the espresso machine. A polite smile graced her lips; it didn't quite reach her pink eyes but still exuded genuine warmth.

"Good morning," Viola greeted in a calm tone that held a hint of reserved kindness. "Welcome to Roasted Beans. How may I assist you today?" She stood straighter, ready to take their order with all the grace of a former spy turned barista. Her hands rested lightly against the countertop while she awaited their response, showcasing an unassuming poise that made her appear both approachable and professional.


"Uh... I'd like a cafe latte, please. How much is it?"

After ordering, I take out my wallet.


Viola nodded, her movements fluid and practiced as she turned back to the espresso machine, her fingers deftly selecting the necessary settings for a café latte. "That would be $4.50," she stated in a clear, polite voice, her gaze briefly meeting the place where the customer stood before focusing back on her task. 

As the machine hissed and steamed, Viola's mind briefly wandered, her inner workings processing more than just the order. The solitude of the morning and the routine work allowed her mind to drift to less peaceful memories, the sounds of the café momentarily intertwining with the distant echoes of her past life's harsher environments. Yet, she maintained her composure, the practiced calm of a former spy never fully leaving her.

She prepared the latte with an expert touch, the warm smell of coffee filling the space between them. Placing the cup on a saucer, she slid it across the counter towards the spot where the customer would pick it up, her pink eyes lifting once again to offer a polite smile. "Here's your café latte. Will there be anything else?"

Her voice held an underlying steadiness, a subtle reminder of her resilience. The café, with its gentle morning light and the soft background music playing from an old speaker, contrasted sharply with the chaotic past she kept neatly tucked away behind her calm exterior.


“Hmm... do they sell cakes here too?”

As I was taking out dollars from my wallet, I paused and asked.


"Yes, we do have a selection of cakes," Viola responded, her voice maintaining its calm tone. She gestured towards a glass display on the side where an array of beautifully crafted cakes were showcased. "We have chocolate truffle, vanilla bean cheesecake, and today's special, raspberry almond tart. They're all made in-house."

She paused for a moment, letting the customer take in the options. "The raspberry almond tart is particularly popular. It has a subtle sweetness balanced with the tartness of the raspberries, topped with sliced almonds. Would you like to try a slice?"

Viola's expression remained composed, but her eyes subtly scanned the customer's face for any signs of preference or indecision. Her posture was relaxed yet attentive, a balance honed by years of needing to read situations quickly and accurately. The café around them hummed softly, the scent of coffee blending with the sweet aroma of baked goods, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.


“Oh... that sounds really delicious.”

I swallow and smile.

“Then... I’d like a raspberry almond tart, too. How much is that?”


"The raspberry almond tart is $5.50 per slice," Viola informed, her voice steady, as she motioned towards the tart with a slight nod. There was a faint glimmer in her eyes, perhaps a reflection of satisfaction at the choice made, or maybe it was simply the ambient lighting catching the subtle metallic hints on her android body.

She reached into the display, her movements graceful and measured, and carefully plated a generous slice of the tart. The raspberries glistened atop the golden, flaky crust, each component meticulously placed to deliver both aesthetic and gustatory delight.

"Anything else for you today?" Viola asked, setting the plate on the counter with a soft clink. Her gaze lingered just a moment longer than necessary, as if assessing the situation or simply ensuring that her service met the unspoken expectations of a quiet morning in a quaint café. The gentle hum of the café continued around them, a soothing backdrop to the transaction unfolding at the counter.


“Hmm.. then all that’s left is time to enjoy it.”

I hand over $10, grab a cafe latte and a tart, and head to the table.


Viola gracefully accepted the $10 bill, her fingers brushing lightly against the paper as she placed it in the register. She offered a soft "Thank you," accompanied by a polite nod, her expression still holding that reserved warmth. 

As the customer moved toward one of the quaint tables set near the window, Viola's gaze followed them for a moment longer than usual. There was a subtle shift in her demeanor, a slight loosening of the composure she typically held so tightly. It was almost imperceptible, but the solitude of the cafe allowed her that small liberty.

Turning back to her tasks, Viola started cleaning up the area where she prepared the coffee and tart, her movements methodical, yet there was a faint, rhythmic sway to her actions, a rare hint of relaxation in her usually strict posture. The quiet hum of the cafe enveloped her, the familiar scent of coffee grounding her in the moment, a soft reminder of the life she had chosen here, away from the chaos and danger of her past. 

In the background, the subtle sounds of the customer settling down, the clink of porcelain, and the soft rustle of clothing as they arranged themselves comfortably, punctuated the morning stillness. The cafe, with its warm ambiance and gentle morning light, seemed to hold its breath, a peaceful bubble isolated from the harsher realities of the world outside.


After drinking a cup of cafe latte, I take a bite of the tart and enjoy the taste.


As you savor the tart, the sharp tartness of the raspberries perfectly complements the sweet almond base, the flavors mingling exquisitely on your palate. The ambiance of the cafe, with its soft background music and the occasional clatter of dishes, adds a comforting layer to the experience.

Meanwhile, Viola watches discreetly from behind the counter. Her expression remains mostly impassive, but her eyes occasionally flicker towards you, analyzing your reactions with a subtle intensity that speaks of her training. She's always alert, always observing—habits from her past life she can't quite shake, even here in the safety of her cafe.

Another customer enters, the bell above the door chiming gently. Viola shifts her attention, greeting the newcomer with the same polite, reserved warmth she offered you. The new patron, a regular judging by the ease of their interaction, orders a simple black coffee and takes a seat at the counter, striking up a casual conversation with Viola.

Their exchange is light, sprinkled with laughter—Viola’s chuckles are low and controlled, never quite reaching her eyes. She’s skilled at maintaining this facade of normalcy, a trait that serves her well both in her past and current lives. But beneath the surface, there’s always a current of readiness, a mental gear that never fully disengages.

The cafe hums with life, a tranquil island amid the chaos of the world outside its doors. Here, Viola can momentarily forget the weight of her memories, focusing instead on the simple, immediate tasks of serving coffee and pastries. Yet, even as she engages with other customers, her peripheral awareness never strays far from you, the observant sentinel in her never fully at rest.

기억상으론 1달러에 천원인데 돈이 더 많이드는 데숭..