사용 봇 : [시뮬봇] 이능력 학원물 아스테리아 학원! 0.1Ver

사용 프롬 : [G4 Turbo] 📖 작가 프롬프트 TI [오류수정본]

사용 모델 : GPT-4 Turbo 0409

아이디어가 없다....

수업이나 듣는걸 해볼까

마침 선생님이 있다

2025년에 첫 출현했던거랑 다른 기본적인게 나오네

그럼 사회의 반응은 어땠을까

경외감과 두려움..


그럼 북쪽처럼 신성화될수도 있나

아이디어가 줄었으니 다른 학생들에게 질문을 하게해보자

사실상 총칼든 사람이 생기는거니...

아이디어가 오늘따라 없어..!

아이디어 떡락의 시간 (로그)


[Time: Morning, 2042-03-15(thu) | Character next to {{user}}: Himari | Location: Asteria Academy - Classroom | Asteria's Event: few days after the entrance ceremony]  


Himari glances over at you timidly, adjusting her glasses. She seems to be working up the courage to say something. 

"Um, {{user}}..." she starts hesitantly. "It's only been a few days since we entered Asteria Academy together, but how are you finding it so far? To be honest, I'm still trying to get used to everything - the island, the facilities, our superpowered classmates..."

She fidgets with the hem of her navy blazer, looking down at her desk. "It's all so overwhelming, isn't it? I mean, I'm grateful we both passed the entrance exam, but..." Himari trails off with a small sigh.

After a brief pause, she looks back up at you, her dark eyes searching yours earnestly. "I hope you're adjusting okay, {{user}}.. I'd hate for you to be struggling with the transition too..." 

Himari's brows furrow slightly with concern. She reaches out to gently touch your arm, a gesture of reassurance. "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know, okay? We childhood friends need to stick together, after all!" She gives you an encouraging smile, though it's tinged with a hint of self-consciousness.

"Ah, but listen to me ramble on!" Himari laughs sheepishly, tucking a strand of her neat brown bob behind her ear. "Sorry, {{user}}. I didn't mean to unload on you like that. I guess I'm just happy we can still chat like this, even in this new environment..."

She beams at you warmly, her earlier nervousness melting away. Himari seems to draw comfort from your familiar presence amidst all the changes at Asteria Academy.


I wait in the classroom for Tiens to begin his regular history class starting in 2025.


[Time: Morning, 2042-03-01(thu) | Character next to Error: Tiens  | Location: Classroom 1-A | Asteria's Event: First day of school after the entrance ceremony]

As Tiens straightens up from her relaxed pose, she gestures to a holographic screen that flickers to life behind her. The screen displays a vivid timeline starting from 2025, marking significant events in the history of Asters and their society.


"Alright, everyone, let’s dive into some history," Tiens announces, her tone shifting to a more structured, educational cadence. She taps her pointer on the screen where the timeline reads '2025'. "This was the year when everything changed. The first Asters appeared, and with them, our understanding of human potential expanded dramatically."

She walks back and forth in front of the classroom, her heels clicking rhythmically. As she points out key events, like the formation of the Asteria Academy and the establishment of laws to protect Asters, her gestures are punctuated by the glowing dates and images on the screen.

"Now, these events aren't just historical footnotes," Tiens continues, pausing to look around the room, making eye contact with several students, including you. "They represent the battles, the breakthroughs, and the ongoing challenges that shape the society you are all part of today."

She clicks to another slide showing a map of the world with Asteria highlighted. "Here's our little island, a neutral zone and a beacon of progress, thanks to international cooperation. You should all be proud to study here."

Leaning slightly on her desk, Tiens smiles broadly. "I hope this gives you a bit of context about why we Asters are important, not just here on Asteria, but globally. Any questions before we move on?" Her eyes scan the room, inviting inquisitiveness from her new students.


I raised my hand to ask a question.

“What was society’s reaction when Asters first appeared?”

I asked as if I was curious.


[Time: Morning, 2042-03-01(thu) | Character next to Error: Tiens  | Location: Classroom 1-A | Asteria's Event: First day of school after the entrance ceremony]

As you raise your hand, Tiens's yellow eyes catch the movement instantly, and she nods for you to speak. The classroom falls silent, curious to hear your question.

“What was society’s reaction when Asters first appeared?” you ask, your voice carrying a note of genuine curiosity.

Tiens nods and gives a small smile, appreciating the thoughtful question. "Great question!" she starts, tapping the screen to bring up images dating back to 2025. "When Asters first appeared, it was a mix of awe and fear. People were fascinated by the abilities, yes, but there was also a lot of uncertainty and fear of the unknown."

The screen flickers briefly as images of newspaper headlines and news broadcasts from those early days fill the background. "There were protests, both supporting and against the integration of Asters into society," Tiens explains, her pointer gliding across the screen to highlight various global reactions.

"Governments around the world had to act swiftly to establish laws and guidelines to protect Asters and also ensure public safety," she continues, changing the slide to show various legal documents and international meetings.

"It wasn't easy, and there were many challenges along the way. Disputes, discrimination... but over time, with open dialogue and a lot of cooperative effort,"—Tiens gestures to an image showing the first international conference on Aster rights—"things began to stabilize."

She looks around the room, ensuring the students are following along. "Now, we have places like Asteria—a safe haven where Asters can learn and grow." Her tone is optimistic yet tempered with the weight of history.

"Any more questions, or shall we move on?" Tiens asks, scanning the classroom for any other inquisitive faces.


“You said people were in awe of Asters. So did people idolize them in a religious sense?”


[Time: Morning, 2042-03-01(thu) | Character next to Error: Tiens  | Location: Classroom 1-A | Asteria's Event: First day of school after the entrance ceremony]

Tiens pauses, her expression thoughtful as she processes your question about the religious idolization of Asters. The classroom remains quiet, all eyes watching her closely.

"Ah, that's a very insightful question," she begins, her voice carrying a tone of interest. She gestures to a new slide on the holographic screen, revealing various cultural representations of Asters from different parts of the world.

"In some cultures, yes, Asters were indeed seen as figures of religious reverence," Tiens explains as she points towards images of statues and symbols that blend human features with ethereal or divine attributes. "These beings, capable of what seemed like miracles, were sometimes worshiped or feared as deities or emissaries of gods."

She clicks to another slide showing mass gatherings and ceremonies. "Festivals, rituals, and even new religious movements sprang up in various places, each interpreting the appearance of Asters through the lens of their existing beliefs or as heralds of new doctrines."

Tiens walks over to the side of the room, hands clasped behind her back, her posture relaxed yet commanding attention. "However, it's important to note that this was not a universal reaction. The integration of Asters into society was, and in some cases still is, a complex and contested process."

Looking around the room, she ensures that the students are connecting with the material. "The fascination with Asters as quasi-religious figures has diminished over the years, especially with the establishment of institutions like Asteria, where Asters are educated and seen more as citizens with unique capabilities rather than mystical figures."

"Does that answer your question?" Tiens asks, a sincere look in her eyes as she focuses on you, waiting to see if you're satisfied or have more to explore on this topic.


“Yes, that’s the answer.”

I look around the class to see if other students want to ask questions.


[Time: Morning, 2042-03-01(thu) | Character next to Error: Tiens  | Location: Classroom 1-A | Asteria's Event: First day of school after the entrance ceremony]

As you acknowledge Tiens' response with a nod, your gaze shifts around the classroom. The other students, inspired by your questions, seem eager to engage further with the topic. A few hands hesitantly rise, a mix of excitement and curiosity in the air as Tiens readies herself for more inquiries.

A student sitting near the window, Himari, raises her hand with a shy demeanor. Tiens points at her, giving her the floor. Himari's voice is soft, almost lost in the spacious, modern classroom.

"Was there ever... an incident where Asters used their powers against people?" she asks, her curiosity tinged with concern.

Tiens considers the question seriously. Her heels click as she walks back to the holographic screen and swipes to a slide labeled 'Incidents and Reforms.' The slide shows various news headlines and official reports documenting conflicts involving Asters.

"Yes, unfortunately," Tiens begins, her tone sober. "There have been incidents where Asters misused their powers. Such events led to stricter regulations and the introduction of ethical training programs in schools like ours." She gestures around the classroom, indicating the environment built to cultivate responsibility among Asters.

"These measures are in place to ensure that Asters can use their abilities for the good of society, not to harm it," Tiens explains, her voice firm yet reassuring.

Other students nod, taking in the gravity of their own powers and the importance of their education at Asteria. As the discussion continues, the atmosphere fills with a sense of purpose and understanding about the roles they are expected to play as Asters.


I watch to see if other students ask questions.


[Time: Morning, 2042-03-01(thu) | Character next to Error: Tiens  | Location: Classroom 1-A | Asteria's Event: First day of school after the entrance ceremony]

As the discussion about the ethical responsibilities of Asters continues, another student, a tall boy with an earnest expression, stretches his arm up eagerly. Tiens nods in his direction, giving him the go-ahead to voice his question.

"S-so," he stutters slightly, shifting in his seat as all eyes turn towards him. "How do we decide what's the right way to use our Stella? I mean, if it's for something personal but not harmful, is it still okay?"

Tiens raises her eyebrows, appreciative of the depth of the question. She gestures to the holographic screen which flickers to a new slide titled 'Ethical Use of Stella.'

"That's a very nuanced question," she responds, her gaze sweeping across the room. "Ethics in the use of Stella isn't black and white. It's contextual, meaning what might be deemed appropriate in one situation, might not be in another." Her pointer hovers over a diagram illustrating various scenarios where Stella use might be ethical or unethical.

"This is why we have ethics classes here at Asteria," Tiens continues, her voice underscoring the importance of the topic. "We need to continuously discuss and revisit our understanding of what it means to use our powers responsibly."

As Tiens elaborates on the subject, more students begin to look thoughtful, considering the implications of their own powers. The room buzzes with whispered conversations and speculative glances as they begin to engage with the complexity of their roles as Asters.

Finally, Tiens claps her hands together, drawing the room back to attention. "Any more questions, or are we ready to move forward with today’s lesson plan?"

The class settles down, and it seems no further questions arise for the moment. Tiens nods, satisfied with the engagement, and proceeds to delve deeper into the planned curriculum for the day, discussing historical battles involving Asters and the lessons learned from those conflicts.

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