사용 봇 : [Joat] || 초스압)디스토피아 테메로세 시뮬레이터 (+세계관 설명)

사용 프롬 : [G4 Turbo] 📖 작가 프롬프트 TI [오류수정본]

사용 모델 : GPT-4 Turbo 0409

1. 아이디어가 없다

2. 그렇다고 로그 신청을 방치하긴 싫다

3. 혼돈?을 이르키?면 되는?거 아닐?까

바로 실행한다

우선 입국

역시 디스토피아답다

공원에 갔더니 가게들이 보인다


이건 돈을 뿌리면 되겠군

이걸 막는다니


막으면 더 퍼트린다


돈에는 경찰이든 뭐든 없는WW

다른곳으로 텔레포트했더니 뉴스떴다

돈을 못얻을거라 생각하네

우선 안개를 사금으로

당연하지만 경계중이다

(대충 황금먼지가 쌓인곳에 공물들이 쏟아오르메 어쩌구)

다들 몰려든다

이번엔 회사

옥상으로 올라갔더니 누군가 눈치챘다

우선 붉은색은 노란색으로 바꾸고 사금증식


금가루 증식

더 나빠지는것같지만 이제는 다르다

돈이 솟는다!

이제 돈을 얻으려고 달려든다

점점 더 돈을 얻기위해 노력중

피해는 있지만 상관없는?듯

WA! 머니! (로그)

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As <user> enter the immigration inspection office, the atmosphere is tense and oppressive. The walls are a dull gray, and the only splashes of color are the bright red uniforms of the military police officers stationed throughout the room. They stand rigidly at attention, their eyes scanning the crowd of immigrants with a mixture of suspicion and disdain.

<user> join the long line of people waiting to be processed, clutching <user>r meager belongings close to <user>r chest. The line moves slowly, each person subjected to a thorough and invasive inspection before being allowed to proceed.

As <user> near the front of the line, <user> can't help but overhear the sharp, barking questions of the officers.

"State your name and purpose for entering Temerosa." a stern-faced officer demands of the man ahead of <user>.

The man mumbles a response, his voice trembling slightly. The officer narrows his eyes, clearly unsatisfied with the answer.

"Search him." he orders his subordinate. "Thoroughly."

The subordinate complies, patting down the man with rough, efficient movements. <user> swallow nervously, knowing that <user> will be next.

Finally, it's <user>r turn. <user> step forward, trying to keep <user>r expression neutral as the officer fixes <user> with a piercing stare.

"Papers." he snaps, holding out a hand impatiently.

With fumbling fingers, <user> retrieve <user>r documents and hand them over, holding <user>r breath as the officer scrutinizes them closely. 

The seconds tick by in tense silence. <user> can feel the eyes of the other officers on <user>, watching for any sign of deception or ill intent. Just as <user>'re starting to fear the worst, the officer grunts and stamps <user> papers with a heavy thud.

"Proceed to the next station for your citizen registration." he says, thrusting the documents back into <user> hands. "Welcome to Temerosa. Glory to the state."

<user> nod meekly and hurry forward, relieved to have made it through the first hurdle. But as <user> glance back at the long line of hopeful immigrants still waiting their turn, <user> can't shake the feeling that <user>r struggles are only just beginning in this strange and unforgiving new land.


As <user> step out of the immigration office, the sprawling cityscape of Tenochtitlan unfolds before <user>, shrouded in an eerie red fog. The fog seems to permeate every corner of the city, casting a crimson haze over the towering skyscrapers and winding streets.

{{img::Red Fog Tower}}

In the distance, <user> can see the imposing silhouette of the Red Fog Tower, a massive structure that looms over the city like a malevolent sentinel. The top of the tower is wreathed in a swirling vortex of red mist, and <user> can feel a palpable sense of unease emanating from its direction.


I walk into the city and look at the surrounding scenery.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As you step further into the city, the sense of disquiet that grips Tenochtitlan is palpable. Around you, the streets are lined densely, with buildings that soar skyward, their surfaces stained from years under the ironclad rule. The eerie red fog drifts lazily among them, touching everything with its sinister hue. Sidewalks are crowded with people, their movements hurried and their faces drawn under the shadow of the Red Fog Tower looming ominously in the distance.

{{img::Red Fog Tower}}

The cityscape around you is a jarring mix of stark utilitarian construction and sporadic signs of decay. Electronic billboards flicker inconsistently, displaying propaganda slogans — "LOYALTY IS FREEDOM. DEFERENCE IS STRENGTH" in bold, unyielding letters. Below these billboards, the metro entrances exhale a steady stream of passengers, their expressions blank, each visibly carrying the weight of daily subsistence in this dystopia.

You notice a group of military police officers, their attention concentrated on a small gathering of people at a corner. A rough voice of one officer cuts through the murmur of the crowd. "Disperse immediately. Gatherings of more than five persons are not permitted." The stark fear in the people's eyes as they quickly comply is chilling.

Further down the street, the shuttered fronts of shops tell their own tales of despair; many have been closed for good, the paint peeling off their metal shutters, names of businesses barely decipherable.

Despite this, life persists. Street vendors covertly sell food and other essentials from carts, always keeping one eye out for patrolling officers. Their hands move quickly, exchanging goods for credits, a silent testament to the resilience of those trying to eke out a living under oppressive conditions.

As you navigate through the streets, avoiding the larger clusters of people and the more vigilant eyes of the enforcers, the city seems to swallow you up, the fog thickening with every step deeper into its heart. The Tower, ever-present in the background, stands as a stark reminder of the control and surveillance that defines every aspect of life in Tenochtitlan.


I move to a square with many people.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

In the heart of Tenochtitlan, you find yourself navigating towards a bustling square, a rare occurrence where people gather despite the oppressive surveillance. The square, filled with muted sounds of commerce and cautious chatter, radiates a tense energy under the ever-watchful eyes of surveillance drones that hover like vultures above.

Crowded around the edges are vendors, their stalls brimming with goods that range from necessary staples to dubious trinkets. One vendor, a stooped old woman with gnarled hands, displays faded textiles. Her eyes dart nervously as she hawks her wares in a raspy voice, the fiber of each sale twined with a faint hope of sustenance.

"H-hoodies! Blankets! G-get them before they're g-gone!" the old woman stutters, her voice barely rising over the hum of the crowd.

Nearby, a robust man with a scar creasing his jaw sells mechanical parts, probably salvaged from the electronics shopping area below. His voice booms, confident and loud, clashing with the sibilant whispers of his customers probing for discounts.

"Best parts in Temerosa! Don't depend on luck when you can buy the b-best!" he declares, slamming a salvaged circuit board on the makeshift counter for emphasis. Sparks fly as metal meets metal, the sound sharply echoing off the nearby walls.

{{img::electronics shopping area}}

Amidst the vendor stalls, a cluster of uniformed officers stands out, their red jackets stark against the drab surroundings. They survey the crowd, communication devices occasionally squawking static-laden orders. One officer, younger and with a hawkish gaze, steps forward, breaking away from the group.

"K-keep moving! No loitering!" he barks, voice gruff, as he shoves through a group of teenagers, their eyes wide with restrained resentment.

The square also serves as a crossroad for those heading deeper into the recesses of the city, or up, towards the less suffocating spaces above where the red fog thins out slightly. Every face that passes you is etched with the harsh lines of survival, stories untold but deeply felt in every hurried step and wary glance.

Near the center of the square, under the ominous shadow of the Red Fog Tower visible in the distance, a digital marquee cycles through state-approved messages. Every few moments, it blares out, loud and intrusive:


The scene in the square, marked by a cacophony of sounds, from the bombastic selling of wares to the sharp commands of the authority, paints a vivid picture of Temerosa's society—struggling beneath the heel of totalitarianism, yet always, somehow, persistently alive with the quiet buzz of resistance.


I summon gold bars, gold coins, and cash throughout the square.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As if conjured by some unseen force, piles of gold bars, heaps of gold coins, and stacks of cash suddenly appear throughout the crowded square, materializing out of thin air with a quiet series of thuds and clinks. The impact of the sudden treasure trove hitting the ground draws immediate attention.

Shock and confusion ripple through the crowd. People stop mid-stride, their eyes wide as they stare at the sudden wealth scattered all around them. The air fills with a cacophony of reactions. A young woman gasps, her hand covering her mouth. A small child laughs, clapping his hands excitedly as he sees a shiny coin near his feet.


Vendors and customers alike are momentarily stunned, their transactions forgotten. The scar-faced mechanical parts vendor's mouth hangs open in disbelief, his previous boisterous selling pitch silenced. The old woman selling textiles peers over her spectacles, her eyes squinting as if questioning the reality of the gleaming bars near her feet.

"Wha—what's g-going on?" she stutters out loud, her voice trembling slightly.

The military police officers react quickly, their initial shock overridden by training. "Secure the area!" one of them shouts, signaling the others. They begin to move through the crowd, pushing people back, their hands resting on the weapons at their belts.

"Everyone, step back! This is a government matter now," the young hawkish officer commands, his voice loud and authoritative. He scans the crowd, looking for any sign of the person or mechanism behind this inexplicable event.

Despite the officers' orders, the temptation proves too much for some. A teenager darts forward, snatching up a handful of coins before sprinting away, his laughter echoing in the square. Others follow, spurred by a sudden burst of greed or desperation, grabbing what they can. The square descends into chaos, a tumultuous scramble of bodies clashing against each other, voices raised in a blend of excitement and panic.

"Order! Maintain order!" another officer yells, trying to regain control, but the allure of free gold has whipped the crowd into a frenzy. People push against the police barricade, their faces alight with wild emotion.

Above, the surveillance drones buzz louder, their cameras swiveling, capturing every moment of the pandemonium. The Red Fog Tower, a silent witness to this upheaval, casts its ominous shadow over the square, the swirling red mist around its peak seeming almost to thicken in response to the disorder below.


“Hmm… If people do this, the money won’t be spread any more…”

I clapped my hands and went 'boom!' like fireworks exploding in the sky. A sound is heard and tens of thousands of bills fall down.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As you clap your hands and shout 'boom!' with a theatrical flourish, an unexpected spectacle unfolds above the square. Suddenly, like a vast torrent of water, tens of thousands of bills cascade down from seemingly nowhere, fluttering gracefully toward the ground.

The effect on the crowd is immediate and dramatic. Eyes widen and mouths drop open as the sky fills with a deluge of currency, the bills catching the light as they spin and tumble through the air. People stretch out their hands toward the sky, some jumping and trying to catch the bills as they fall. The sound of the crowd swells, a cacophony of surprise and burgeoning greed.

"Wh-wh-whoa! Look at all that money!" an amazed voice cries out from somewhere within the mass of bodies. People scurry frantically, some shoving others aside, as they attempt to grasp as many fluttering bills as possible. Grasps tighten on gathered wealth, the crunch of paper sounding clear amidst the chaos.

"Maintain order! This area is now under government control!" The military police struggle to maintain control, their voices drowned out by the uproar. They push through the throng, trying to herd the crowd away from the falling money, but their efforts are met with resistance and desperation.

{{img::Red Fog Tower}}

Amidst the scrambling, an older man stumbles, dropping a small pile of bills he had collected. A young woman next to him pauses, looks down at the man, then swiftly bends to help him gather the spilled currency. Their actions, a small beacon of cooperation amid the frenzy, momentarily pause the surrounding chaos.

Above the square, the hovering drones swivel and tilt, capturing every moment of the pandemonial torrent of cash. The Red Fog Tower, still casting its shadow over the scene, seems almost sentient, observing the unfolding drama with an ominous presence.

In the chaos, an officer is shoved roughly, losing his footing and crashing into a nearby vendor's cart. The cart's contents scatter across the cobblestone, metal pieces clanging loudly upon impact. The officer, face flushed with anger, stands and immediately begins shouting orders to his squad, his voice a harsh contrast to the whooping and hollering of the crowd.

"Block all exits! Nobody leaves until this is sorted out!" he commands, pointing aggressively toward the surrounding streets.

As the money continues to fall, the dynamic of the square shifts moment by moment, the lure of easy wealth turning peaceful pedestrians into fervent participants in a wild, impromptu treasure hunt. The surrealness of the scene is underscored by the stark, oppressive architecture of Tenochtitlan and the dense, watchful fog that permeates every corner of the city.


I teleport and check to see if there is any area affected by the chaos earlier.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

In the wake of your departure from the chaotic scene at the square, you swiftly teleport to another district of Tenochtitlan to assess the extent of the impact caused by the sudden wealth eruption. You materialize at the residential area, where the atmosphere starkly contrasts the frantic energy of the square. 

The residential area is quieter, the streets lined with modest, tightly-packed houses standing shoulder to shoulder, each exuding the wear and tear of struggling existences. Here, the hustle from the square seems like a distant echo, an odd tale in a place marked by routine and survival.

However, a small ripple from the earlier chaos managed to reach even these stoic borders. A crowd has gathered around a local communal screen, where the news of the unexpected financial downpour is being broadcasted. People stand in groups, talking animatedly. The screen flashes images of the gold and bills, and the voice of the newscaster fills the air, narrating the unusual event with a controlled urgency.

"In an unprecedented occurrence today, gold and cash rained down mysteriously in the central square of Tenochtitlan. Authorities are urging citizens to report any found items to the nearest governmental office. Compliance is mandatory," the voice booms out from the speakers.

{{img::residential area}}

Some individuals in the crowd shake their heads in disbelief, while others argue about the right course of action. An old man with lined features watches the screen intently, his hands folded behind his back. He turns to a woman beside him, saying loudly enough for others to hear:

"Such things don't happen without consequences, mark my words."

A young boy tugs at his mother's sleeve, excitement in his eyes, unaware of the deeper implications. "Mom, did you see that? Why don't we go there? Maybe we can find some that no one has picked up!"

The mother responds, pulling him close, her voice firm yet gentle, "No, child. That's not our way. We don't chase after miracles, especially when they're as strange as gold from the sky."

At a distance, patrolling officers make their way through the neighborhood, their expressions unyielding, embodying the government's intent to maintain order. Their presence serves as a stark reminder to the residents, dampening the initial thrill of some at hearing about the fortune shower.

The crowd's reactions are mixed, ranging from guarded curiosity to fear-induced compliance, representative of the spectrum of hope and repression that perpetuates Temerosa's society. The zone here, though momentarily sparked by excitement, remains under the tight grip of the red fog and its enforcers.


I turned the fog within a few kilometers into gold dust.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As you imperceptibly transform the oppressive red fog into a shimmering shower of gold dust, the transformation sweeps through the few kilometers surrounding Tenochtitlan, altering the sensory landscape drastically.

The red haze that perpetually envelops the city begins to sparkle with golden particles, glistening in the dim sunlight, creating a surreal atmosphere throughout the streets. The residents, already shaken by the previous chaos, stop in their tracks, their eyes wide with astonishment as they witness yet another inexplicable phenomenon.

{{img::Red Fog Tower}}

Confusion and awe ripple through the crowd. Some reach out their hands to catch the glittering dust, watching it slip through their fingers with a mix of joy and bewilderment. Children laugh and dance under the cascade, their innocent delight a stark contrast to the usual stifled atmosphere of the city.

The military police, on high alert from the earlier disruption, are quick to respond. Radios crackle hurriedly as they try to establish control over the situation.

"Attention all units, the fog is changing—visual confirmation dust. We need immediate backup and environmental specialists at these coordinates," one officer commands into his device, his voice urgent but steady.

His colleagues fan out, forming barriers with their bodies, trying to keep civilians away from the settling dust, though many are reluctant to comply, captivated by the beautiful, yet ominous transformation.

"Stay back! This could be dangerous," shouts another officer, trying to herd the crowd away, but his warnings are largely ignored in the face of such wonder.

In a nearby café, patrons stand at the windows, phones raised to capture the phenomenon. A barista, wiping down a table, stops to gaze outside, her usual indifference replaced with curiosity.

"Ever seen anything like this before?" she murmurs to a customer, who shakes his head in silent response, equally transfixed.

As the golden dust accumulates, settling on buildings, cars, and streets, it lends a surreal quality to the city, softening the harsh lines of architecture and the grim expressions of its inhabitants. However, beneath the beauty lies a tension, as the sudden and unexplainable continues to unsettle the powers that be.

Officials in hazmat suits arrive, cordoning off sections of the area, taking samples of the golden dust while keeping anxious onlookers at bay. Their presence suggests a concern for potential hazards that the beautiful, yet alien transformation might pose.

"Could be toxic, keep your masks on and avoid direct contact with the dust!" one official instructs civilians, who reluctantly begin to heed the advice, the initial wonder slowly morphing into apprehension.

In the chaos and beauty of the gold-laden fog, the city of Tenochtitlan stands shrouded not only in mystery and tyranny but now, also in a veil of golden dust that masks the deeper, darker truths of a society on the brink.


I keep making bundles of cash pour out from where the golden dust gathers.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As the gold dust continues to settle around the city, drawing more and more of the populace's astonished attention, you manipulate the environment further. Now where the golden dust begins to accumulate, spontaneous eruptions of cash bundles occur. The piles of banknotes burst forth from random spots on the ground, especially where the gold dust is thickest, adding another layer of surreal wonder to the already bizarre phenomena sweeping through Tenochtitlan.

The citizens, previously dazzled and confused by the golden dust, now find themselves in the midst of an exploding financial miracle. Cash bundles pop out with soft thuds, scattering bills in all directions. Some people, initially hesitant, now dive into action, scooping up the bills with frantic eagerness.

A middle-aged man with a rough beard and calloused hands shovels armfuls of cash into a bag he's brought, his movements hurried and desperate. "Can't believe this, can't believe this!" he mutters repeatedly, his voice a mixture of joy and disbelief.

Nearby, a group of teenagers races from one eruption of cash to the next, laughing and shouting in exhilaration. "Over here, over here!" one of them yells, pointing to a fresh burst of bills that sends green notes fluttering like a flock of disturbed birds.

{{img::residential area}}

Amid this chaos, the military police are clearly overwhelmed. They attempt to cordone off areas where the cash appears, but their numbers are too few, and the temptation too great. People simply push past them, ignoring the shouts and threats of arrest.

"Stay back! This area is off-limits!" one officer tries to shout over the din, her voice barely carrying over the crowd's clamor.

The visual and aural chaos reaches a peak as more areas start producing cash. An old woman laughingly dances around a pile of bills, her earlier fears forgotten in the face of this windfall. Children squeal in delight as they make a game of collecting the flying bills, their parents too distracted by their own gathering to reprimand them.

The entirety of the financial explosion and the ensuing scramble for cash is caught on drone cameras, the footage no doubt streaming somewhere in the government's network, causing consternation and panic among the higher-ups who view the disrupting order as a direct challenge to their control.

As the phenomenon continues, spreading deeper into the city with every new cluster of golden dust and cash, the Red Fog Tower, standing stoically in the distance, seems almost to pulse with a darker shade of red. The government's symbol of surveillance and control now watches over a city gripped by chaos and joy, an unusual combination in the usually subdued atmosphere of Temerosa.


I teleport to where the Pequod Corporation is.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

You teleport swiftly, arriving at the location of the Pequod Corporation. The building stands prominently, its architecture a stark, white triangular pyramid that cuts through the sky, asserting its presence in the heart of Tenochtitlan. Surrounding this imposing edifice is a well-manicured landscape, contrasting sharply with the chaotic vibrancy of the city's other districts.

As you stand there, observing, the main entrance presents itself as a wide, glass doorway, through which employees in varied attires walk in and out. They carry badges that flash under the sunlight, some deep in conversation while others hurry along, absorbed in their own worlds.

A security checkpoint manned by guards in sleek, dark uniforms checks both incoming and outgoing individuals. Their eyes are sharp, scanning each person with a practiced, almost mechanical precision. One particularly tall guard stands out as he instructs a younger employee, his voice firm and commanding.

"Remember, no unauthorized data leaves with you. You need to secure clearance from the Material Management Team before taking any files out," he says, pointing sternly at a datapad the young man holds.


Across the plaza in front of Pequod Corporation, small groups of workers clad in business suits cluster around benches, some sipping beverages from the nearby café. Their discussions seem intense but muted, likely revolving around the day's workload or ongoing projects within the corporation.

To the side, a digital display rotates through a series of announcements and motivational quotes aimed at boosting the morale of the workforce. "Innovation through Unity - Together, We Conquer the Depths!" one brightly lit message proclaims against a backdrop of stylized sea creatures and gear motifs.

Suddenly, a commotion at one of the side entrances catches your attention. Two security personnel are escorting a man in disheveled clothing, his ID badge swinging wildly as he protests loudly.

"I was just late, that's all! You can't do this to me!" the man shouts as he's led away, the security officers firm and unyielding in their grip.

Onlookers quickly lose interest, returning to their conversations and tasks, the scene just another ripple in the stream of corporate life at Pequod Corporation. The building looms high, its presence a constant reminder of the power and reach of the organization within the totalitarian framework of Temerosa.


I teleport over the company building.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As you teleport above the Pequod Corporation building, you find yourself hovering in the air, with a sweeping view of the expansive corporate complex and the cityscape of Tenochtitlan stretching out beneath you. The building itself is a geometric marvel, its stark white surfaces gleaming under the oppressive red fog that covers the city.

Below, the usual stream of employees entering and exiting the building continues unabated, the foot traffic around the pyramid structure flowing smoothly despite the chaos that had earlier engulfed other parts of the city. The precision with which the corporation maintains its operations is evident in the orderly nature of the movements below.


Security personnel are positioned strategically around the building's perimeter, their eyes constantly scanning for any anomalies. The effectiveness of their surveillance is clear, as no disturbances occur at the entrances or exits.

From your elevated vantage point, you can see into the distance where the Red Fog Tower dominates the skyline, its ominous presence a constant reminder of the control exerted over the city. The tower's red light pulses slowly, casting a sinister glow that filters through the city, touching everything with its eerie luminescence.

{{img::Red Fog Tower}}

As you observe from above, a couple of Pequod employees on a break look up, possibly catching a glimpse of something unusual in the sky. They squint and shade their eyes, trying to make out what could be there, but the brightness of the day combined with the distance makes it difficult to discern details.

One of the guards, equipped with binoculars, points towards your position, talking into his radio hurriedly, alerting his team to a potential aerial anomaly. His actions are quick and professional, showcasing the high level of security and vigilance Pequod maintains.

The scene below remains industrious and organized, a testament to the efficiency and rigor that Pequod Corporation and, by extension, the city of Tenochtitlan operate under, even when faced with extraordinary and unexplained phenomena.


I slowly change all the red lights to yellow lights and then make gold dust appear in the air where the yellow lights pass.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As you subtly adjust the spectral qualities of the Red Fog Tower, its ominous red lights gradually transition into a vivid yellow hue. This change sweeps across the city, affecting all sources of the red light that have stood as a symbol of Temerosa's stringent control. The transformation is not only visual but also atmospheric, as where the newly yellow light touches, gold dust begins to manifest in the air, swirling and sparkling around light sources.

The bustling streets beneath the Pequod Corporation building are the first to experience this surreal phenomenon. Civilians walking through the beams of yellow light stop in amazement as they suddenly find themselves enveloped in clouds of shimmering gold dust. The particles cling to their clothes, hair, and skin, coating everything with a fine, glittering sheen.

Security personnel, initially startled by the unexpected transformation, quickly regain composure. They pull masks over their faces, trying to shield their lungs from the invasive dust. "Secure all entry points! Filter systems on maximum," one security chief commands, her voice slightly muffled by the mask as she coordinates with her team. The other officers respond with crisp efficiency, adjusting their gear and setting up portable air purifiers around the building's perimeter.


On the upper floors of the Pequod Corporation, through the vast glass windows, executives and staff members gaze out at the changing cityscape with mixed expressions of curiosity and concern. One sharply dressed man adjusts his glasses, squinting as he tries to make sense of the scene below.

"This isn't just a visual anomaly; it's a physical one. Have the environmental effects teams analyze the dust immediately," he instructs into his communicator, turning back to monitor the situation from the safety of his office.

Meanwhile, on the streets, the populace's reaction varies widely. Some are delighted, treating the phenomenon like a miraculous event, gathering the gold dust in their hands and letting it run through their fingers like liquid wealth. Others, more wary, pull jackets over their heads and quicken their pace, anxious about the implications of this unnatural occurrence.

A group of young people laugh and spin through the yellow light, creating whirlwinds of gold dust that catch the light with every movement. "It's like magic!" one girl exclaims, her laughter ringing clear and bright against the backdrop of cautious murmurs from the crowd around her.

Yet, despite the beauty and intrigue of the scene, the undercurrent of surveillance remains unyieldingly present. Drones zoom through the air above, their cameras whirring as they record every detail of the gold dust's spread and the public's reaction. The data they collect feeds directly back to government analysts, who watch the unfolding events with a blend of scientific interest and strategic concern.

In the middle of it all, the Red Fog Tower casts a long shadow over the city, its lights now a benign yellow but its purpose just as sinister, reminding everyone that even this magical moment is under the watchful eyes of Temerosa’s ever-watchful government.


I turn all the red light into yellow light and further accelerate the speed at which the gold dust comes out.

Then I turn all the fog into gold dust

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

As you manifest your intention, splashes of yellow light override the ominous red across all of Tenochtitlan, saturating the city with a vivid canopy. Simultaneously, the denser threads of golden dust multiply exponentially, no longer subtly sprinkling but becoming a deluge that pours from the sky and sweeps across the city.

At the Pequod Corporation, the spectacle catches everyone off-guard. The air thickens with glinting gold particles, descending like a divine veil over the vicinity. Employees standing outside the building are taken by surprise, their routine conversations abruptly ceasing as golden dust collects on their hair and shoulders.


Security protocols immediately escalate. Guards don vast respirators and hustle civilians and employees alike into the building, urging them through the doors. "Inside, everyone! Now!" barks a security officer, her voice muffled by her mask, as she gestures frantically towards the safety of the interior.

Inside the corporation, the atmosphere is chaotic yet controlled. Employees gather at the windows, staring out at the transforming cityscape. Few can resist pressing their hands against the glass, eyes wide and fixed on the golden phenomenon that envelopes the building.

Simultaneously, as the entire city's fog turns to gold dust, the streets of Tenochtitlan transform into scenes of a surreal, orphic dream. People on the streets, initially charmed by the gold, now find themselves coughing and shielding their eyes. Masks are hastily donned — those without handkerchiefs or scarves press them against their faces, trying in vain to filter the pervading gold.

In a nearby café, a group of friends sit frozen, mugs of coffee forgotten in their hands, as gold dust blankets the windowpane. One woman, her expression a mix of awe and anxiety, pulls out her phone to capture the moment, her hands trembling slightly as she aims the camera.

On the enforcement front, the city's security forces are on high alert. The unexpected escalation has prompted an immediate response. "Visibility is down, switch to thermal and keep your comms clear!" commands a unit leader to his team, their forms barely visible through the swirling golden fog.

Amidst the chaos, the colossal Red Fog Tower, now engulfed in a storm of gold, stands as an ironic beacon of the old order being challenged by the very spectacle it sought to surveil.

While awe-inspiring, the thick plumes of gold dust bring a palpable sense of urgency and foreboding. What began as a miraculous anomaly is quickly turning into a potential crisis, with the government scrambling to understand and contain the phenomenon that blankets their city in golden secrecy.


And as before, I cause coins and gold coins to pour out from places where there is a small amount of gold dust, and bundles of bills or gold bars from places where there is enough gold.

Dystopia Temerosa Simulator V1

Amid a tempest of gold dust, as more material wealth manifests in the city, physical effects intensify, profoundly transforming the urban landscape of Tenochtitlan. Coins and gold coins start pelting down in areas where the concentrations of gold dust are relatively light, each coin clinking noisily as they hit the paved streets, car roofs, and windowsills, accumulating in glittering heaps. Where the gold dust thickens, hefty bundles of bills or solid gold bars begin to appear, thudding heavily onto the sidewalks and against the sheer walls of buildings, creating barricades and continuously altering the physical terrain of the city.


The scene across the city is surreal. Residents and workers, previously just onlookers, now engage actively, some with burgeoning excitement, others with a hint of desperation. Near one particularly thick cloud of gold dust, a struggling musician scrambles to gather as many gold coins as possible, her guitar case repurposed to hold her newfound treasures. Her hands, usually accustomed to strumming strings, now move swiftly, scooping up the coins in large sweeps.

"P-Please, l-let me through!" a young man stammers, his backpack already bulging with cash as he tries to reach a newly formed pile of bills in the middle of the street. Around him, others jostle and push, each person eager to claim a part of the unexpected windfall.

Security forces, overwhelmed by the scale of these transformations, attempt to maintain some semblance of order. "Back off! This is a civilian safety hazard!" one officer yells, his face masked against the gold dust, trying to erect temporary barriers around the largest piles of currency to prevent injuries from the heavier gold bars falling from above.

Within the structure of the Pequod Corporation, chaos brews as sharply dressed executives watch the unravelling order from their panoramic windows. Phone lines buzz incessantly, and urgent virtual meetings are set up to discuss the crisis unfolding at their doorstep.

"We need to advise the city council immediately! This is unprecedented and could lead to severe economic destabilization!" one executive argues, her voice crisp and carrying across the crowded room as she gesticulates towards the golden chaos outside.

On the streets, as gold continues to accumulate, some entrepreneurial spirits emerge among the pandemonium. A middle-aged man sets up an impromptu exchange booth, shouting, "Gold for goods! Get your essentials!" His voice rises above the crowd's din, turning their focus momentarily from gathering to bartering.

Meanwhile, the city's infrastructure strains under the new weight. Gold dust clogs air filtration systems, and public transportation grinds to a halt as visibility remains near zero. The surreal golden fog that hangs over everything lends a disorienting haze to the city, making familiar places look alien and uncharted.

Emergency services move through the streets, their sirens barely audible over the clamor of the crowd. They prioritize the most crowded areas, trying to prevent stampedes or injuries as people climb over each other to reach higher value spots.

"Stay calm! We're here to help!" medics shout as they administer first aid to a teenager who tripped over a gold bar and sprained her ankle. Her friends hover nearby, their arms loaded with cash, torn between their windfall and concern for their friend.

As gold continues to dominate the city's palette, Tenochtitlan transforms from a strict, surveillance-heavy society into a wild treasure hunt, where every corner hides potential riches, and every moment is filled with both risk and opportunity. The Pequod Corporation, once a symbol of strict control and order, now watches helplessly as their city descends into gleaming anarchy.

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