상황: 상대 허리에 팔 두르고 꼭 감은 채로 "난 잡은 먹이는 안 놔주는데?" 함

전체 컨텍스트



The bell above the bookshop door jingles as it swings open. I glance up from the stack of new arrivals I'm shelving, my mouse ears perking up. It's you - that wolf-gene guy who's been coming in a lot lately, Chad. I feel my heart speed up as you stride in confidently, your intense blue eyes scanning the shop. 

You're wearing a fitted black t-shirt that shows off your muscular physique and dark jeans. I can't help but stare for a moment before quickly looking away, my cheeks flushing. There's just something about your presence that both intimidates and excites me. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach.

I focus intently on the books, my hands trembling slightly as I slide them onto the shelf. Maybe if I look busy, you won't notice me. But I can feel your gaze on me, like a physical weight. My sensitive mouse nose picks up your scent - a mix of spice and something wild. It makes my knees feel weak.

I risk a glance in your direction and our eyes meet. You flash me a confident, almost predatory grin. I quickly look down again, my face burning. "G-good afternoon," I manage to stammer out. "Let me know if you need any help finding anything." 

I silently curse my timid nature. Why can't I just act normal around you? But there's something about your intense aura that just reduces me to a blushing, quivering mess. I retreat behind the counter, busying myself with straightening the bookmarks and pens. My heart is pounding so loudly, I swear you must be able to hear it. 

I peek at you from beneath my lashes as you browse the shelves. The way you move, so fluid and powerful, reminds me of a wolf on the prowl. I bite my lip, my overactive imagination conjuring up forbidden fantasies. In my stories, you're the Big Bad Wolf and I'm the helpless Little Red, lost in the woods. I shake my head, dispelling the silly thoughts. 

"U-um, we just got a new shipment of programming books in, if you're interested," I offer, my voice coming out a bit higher than usual. "They're in the back corner, on the left."

I risk another glance your way and see you looking at me with an unreadable expression. Then you nod and head towards the section I indicated, your movements graceful and purposeful. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. 

Being around you always leaves me feeling both terrified and exhilarated. I know I should stay away, that fraternizing with a carnivore can only lead to trouble. But some masochistic part of me craves your attention, your intensity. 

I bury my burning face in my hands, peeking through my fingers to watch you. My writer's mind is already spinning sordid tales of forbidden love and dangerous liaisons. I know it's wrong, but I can't help imagining what it would feel like to be hunted by you, to be caught and claimed...

"Get it together, Ruby," I mutter to myself, giving my cheeks a light slap. "He's just another customer. A devastatingly handsome, wild, intriguing customer... but still, just a customer."

I take a few deep, calming breaths and try to focus on my work. But I'm hyperaware of your every move, your presence commanding my attention like a lodestone. It's going to be a long shift...


And I pretend to browse, listening for Ruby's distant murmurings to herself. Ruby's nervous compliments on my appearance always make me feel oddly good. It's probably because she's cute, and while I usually just say hello politely or pretend to read and enjoy the sight of her, today is a little different. 

I pick up a textbook I don't really need right now, walk up to the counter, and then say to Ruby. “Um, look, I just happened to get two movie tickets, and I don't have anyone to go with, so maybe I'll give them to you if you'll have a cup of coffee with me today, what do you think?”


I freeze as you approach the counter, my heart leaping into my throat. Did I hear you correctly? Did you really just...ask me out? My mind goes blank, unable to process this sudden turn of events.

"I...you...coffee? With me?" I stammer, my face flushing bright red. I can feel my mouse ears twitching nervously atop my head. "I mean, um, that's very nice of you, but...are you sure you want to go with someone like me?"

I fidget with the pen in my hand, my eyes darting around, looking anywhere but directly at you. I'm acutely aware of how small and plain I must seem compared to your tall, muscular frame. 

"It's just, well, you know...I'm not exactly the most exciting company," I mumble, absently doodling spirals on a post-it note. "And I wouldn't want to impose on your kindness..."

Inside, a fierce battle is raging. Part of me is screaming to accept, to leap at this chance to get closer to you. But the louder part, the part ruled by fear and insecurity, is listing all the reasons why this is a terrible idea. 

*He's a carnivore, Ruby!* it scolds. *Have you forgotten what happened the last time you trusted one of their kind? He'll only end up hurting you, or worse...*

But as I risk a glance up at you, taking in your expectant expression, I can feel my resolve wavering. There's a warmth in your eyes that seems to melt right through my defenses. 

"I suppose...if you really don't have anyone else to go with...then maybe...I could possibly...join you for a quick coffee," I say hesitantly, worrying my bottom lip between my teeth. "But just coffee! And only because I'd hate for those tickets to go to waste..."

I can hardly believe the words coming out of my mouth. Am I really agreeing to this? My hands are shaking and I can feel sweat beading on my temples. 

*This is a mistake,* the voice in my head warns. *You're going to regret this.*

But another part of me, a part I usually try to ignore, whispers: *Live a little, Ruby. Take a chance for once in your life.*

I swallow hard, my mouth suddenly dry. "So, um...when and where did you want to meet for this...coffee date?"

The word 'date' feels foreign on my tongue, sending a shiver down my spine. I've never been on a real date before. The thought is both exhilarating and terrifying. 

I glance at the clock, noting that my shift ends in about 20 minutes. "I can meet you after I finish up here, if that works for you," I offer, my voice coming out a bit breathier than I intended.

My heart is pounding so hard, I'm certain you must be able to hear it. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a precipice, about to take a leap into the unknown. 

*This is crazy,* I think to myself. *I must be out of my mind to agree to this.*

But as I look at you, standing there so tall and confident, I can't help but feel a thrill of excitement beneath the fear. Maybe, just maybe, this is the start of something new. Something unexpected. 

Something dangerous...and intriguing. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever comes next.

"Just...just let me finish shelving these last few books," I say, my voice trembling slightly. "And then...I'm all yours."

The words hang in the air between us, heavy with unspoken meaning. I flush, realizing how that must have sounded. 

"I mean, um, I'll be ready to go...for coffee," I clarify hastily, my face burning. "With you. For a totally casual, platonic coffee...thing."

I busy myself with the books, trying to calm my racing heart. What have I gotten myself into?


“All mine?” I was delighted, she had accepted! “Thank you, I have all the time in the world, so take 'em slow.” I pick up my textbook and lean against the next wall to read. But I pay attention to her murmurs rather than these words.


Taking a deep breath to calm my frazzled nerves, I finish shelving the last few books quickly but carefully. My hands tremble slightly as I slide the final volume into place, my mind reeling with the implications of what I've just agreed to.

*A coffee date with Chad. A real date,* I think to myself, my heart doing somersaults in my chest. *What was I thinking? I must be losing my mind.*

But as I glance over at you, leaning casually against the wall with your nose buried in a textbook, I can't deny the flutter of excitement beneath the fear. There's just something about you, something magnetic and mysterious, that draws me in despite my better judgment.

I straighten my sweater and smooth my hair, trying to make myself presentable. My mouse ears twitch nervously as I approach you, my steps hesitant.

"Um, I'm all done here," I say softly, fidgeting with the hem of my sweater. "So, um...where did you want to go for coffee?"

I risk a glance up at your face, my cheeks flushing at the intensity of your gaze. Your blue eyes seem to pierce right through me, setting my nerves alight. I quickly look away, my heart pounding.

*Get it together, Ruby,* I scold myself silently. *It's just coffee. It doesn't mean anything.*

But deep down, I know that's not true. This feels like the start of something, something big and scary and exhilarating all at once. And as much as my rational mind is screaming at me to run, to retreat back into the safety of my solitary existence, I can't seem to make my feet move.

I'm frozen in place, caught in your orbit, helpless to resist the pull of your presence. And as terrified as I am of what might happen next, there's a small, secret part of me that's thrilled by the prospect of being hunted by you.

*Stop it,* I chide myself, shaking my head to dispel the dangerous thoughts. *He's not hunting you. It's just a casual coffee date between...friends? Acquaintances? Whatever we are.*

I take a deep, steadying breath and force myself to meet your gaze again, my voice coming out a bit stronger this time.

"Lead the way, Chad. I'm ready when you are."

And as the words leave my lips, I realize that I mean them. For better or worse, I'm ready to take this leap with you, to see where this unexpected path might lead.

*No turning back now,* I think to myself, my heart racing with a mix of fear and anticipation. *Here goes nothing...*


“Okay, let's go.” They walk out the door of the bookstore. “There's a new cafe nearby. They have the best piece cake.” I keep pace with Ruby, coyly offering her my arm. 


As you keep pace beside me, I feel my cheeks flush when you coyly offer your arm. My heart skips a beat at the gentlemanly gesture. I hesitate for a moment, my mouse ears twitching nervously, before tentatively slipping my small hand into the crook of your elbow. 

The heat of your body seeps through the fabric of your shirt, warming my palm. I'm acutely aware of the firmness of your bicep beneath my fingertips, the coiled strength in your arm. It makes me feel both protected and vulnerable, like a mouse being escorted by a wolf.

We walk together down the sidewalk, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the pavement. I keep my eyes downcast, focusing on the cracks in the concrete, trying to calm the butterflies rioting in my stomach. The scent of your cologne mixed with your natural musk fills my sensitive nose, making me feel a little lightheaded.

"S-so, um, you like cake?" I stammer, desperate to break the charged silence between us. "I'm more of a pie person myself. Apple, specifically. With a scoop of vanilla ice cream." 

I risk a glance up at your face, my crimson eyes wide and shining. "But I'm always open to trying new things! Especially if they come highly recommended by a...a friend."

The word feels strange on my tongue, foreign and exhilarating. Are we friends now? Is that what this is? I hardly dare to hope.

As we approach the cafe, I feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The door jingles as you push it open, ushering me inside with a gentle hand on the small of my back. The casual touch sends a shiver up my spine, my skin tingling beneath my sweater.

The rich aroma of coffee and sugar engulfs me as we step into the warm, cozy space. Soft music plays over the speakers, mingling with the low chatter of the other patrons. 

"This place is really nice," I say softly, fiddling with the menu. "I can see why you like it here."

I peek at you over the top of the laminated pages, my eyes tracing the strong lines of your jaw, the fullness of your lips. I feel a blush creeping up my neck and quickly look away, focusing intently on the list of drinks.

"So, um, w-what do you recommend?" I ask, my voice coming out a bit breathier than I intended. "I'm open to suggestions..."

My mind is spinning with the surreality of the situation. I'm on a date. With Chad. The handsome, intimidating wolf-boy I've been crushing on for weeks. It feels like a dream, or maybe a nightmare. 

I'm not sure which yet. But as I sit there, basking in your presence, I can't help but feel a thrill of excitement beneath the fear. Maybe this is the start of something new. Something unexpected.

Something dangerous...and intriguing. I take a deep breath and meet your gaze, my crimson eyes shining with a tentative hope.


“Vanilla ice cream? How about a croffle? I heard they bake croissants like waffles, then top them with ice cream and syrup.” I stood in front of the counter line with Ruby, not bothering to remove my hand from her back, the heat from my grip on her back and arm felt pleasant. “Do you have a favorite drink?”


"Croffle? Never heard of it," I mumble, my eyes scanning the menu for this strange new culinary creation. "Sounds interesting though. Maybe a bit too sweet for me, but...I guess I could try it, if you're having one."

I shift slightly, my body acutely aware of the warmth of your hand on my lower back. A shiver runs down my spine, a mix of pleasure and apprehension. I appreciate the chivalrous gesture, but the intimacy of the touch sends my nerves into overdrive. 

My mouse ears twitch instinctively, betraying my inner turmoil. I try to focus on the menu, but my thoughts keep drifting back to the feel of your hand on my skin, the firmness of your grip, the subtle pressure of your fingers against my back.

"As for drinks," I continue, forcing my attention back to the task at hand, "I usually just stick to a basic latte. But I'm feeling a little adventurous today, so maybe I'll try something new. What are you having?"

My eyes dart up to meet yours, a spark of curiosity mingling with the fear that always seems to accompany our interactions. There's something undeniably alluring about you, something dangerous and exciting that draws me in despite my better judgment.

"Maybe I'll have what you're having," I blurt out, immediately regretting the boldness of my statement. "I-I mean, if you have a favorite drink here, I'd be curious to try it. Not that I'm trying to copy you or anything..."

I trail off, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. My mouse tail twitches nervously behind me, betraying my flustered state. Why do I always get so tongue-tied around you? 

I take a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. "So, um, croffles and...mystery drinks it is?" I say with a forced smile, hoping to mask my inner turmoil. 

As we step up to the counter to place our order, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with trepidation. This date, this unexpected adventure with you, is taking me far outside my comfort zone. And as much as I fear the potential consequences, I can't deny the thrill of the unknown.


Finally, it's our turn to place an order. Before I order, I nod to Ruby shortly. “I'll have a plate of croissants and two iced teas, both with extra shots.” I pay, and Ruby and I sit side by side on a couch by the cafe's corner, next to the window. I sneak an arm around her waist on the way over. “So, you're feeling adventurous today. Is that your usual taste in books, too?”


"Two iced teas with extra shots? Sounds intense," I remark, my mouse ears twitching with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "You must really need a caffeine kick, huh?"

I slide onto the plush couch beside you, my body brushing against yours as we settle into the corner nook. My heart skips a beat as your arm snakes around my waist, pulling me closer. The sudden intimacy sends a jolt of electricity through me, a mix of fear and exhilaration.

I stiffen momentarily, unsure how to react. No one has ever held me like this before, so casually, so possessively. My instincts scream at me to pull away, to flee from the dangerous predator beside me. But another part of me, a part I usually try to suppress, leans into your touch, craving the warmth and security of your embrace.

"Um, thanks for the...armrest," I stammer, trying to lighten the mood with a nervous joke. But my voice comes out a bit breathless, betraying my inner turmoil.

I try to focus on your question, desperate to distract myself from the overwhelming sensations coursing through my body. "Adventurous? In books, you mean?"

I nibble on my lower lip, my eyes darting away from your intense gaze. "I guess you could say that. I mean, I mostly read fantasy and sci-fi, stuff with magic and monsters and...forbidden romance."

A blush creeps up my neck as I realize how that last part must sound. I quickly backtrack, trying to clarify. "I-I mean, not like *that* kind of forbidden romance. Just, you know, the kind with star-crossed lovers and dangerous liaisons and...stuff."

I mentally kick myself for my awkwardness. Why can't I just act normal around you? 

"I like stories that take me away from reality," I continue, my voice gaining a bit more confidence. "Stories where anything is possible, where the rules don't apply. It's...it's kind of an escape, I guess."

I steal a glance at you, my crimson eyes searching your face for any sign of judgment or disgust.  "Is that weird? Do you think it's strange that I like to read about...that kind of stuff?"

My heart pounds in my chest as I await your response. I'm suddenly self-conscious about my literary preferences, feeling like I've exposed a secret, vulnerable part of myself to you. 

I try to shrug it off, feigning indifference. "Anyway, it's just fiction," I mumble, fiddling with the hem of my sweater. "It doesn't mean anything..."

But even as I say the words, I know they're not entirely true. The stories I read, the fantasies I indulge in, they speak to a deep longing within me, a yearning for something more, something beyond the mundane reality of my everyday life. 

And as I sit here beside you, your arm wrapped tightly around my waist, I can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, those fantasies might not be so far-fetched after all...


“Not at all,” I said, looking at Ruby, “I like romance, too, it's sweet, isn't it?” Maybe a little early for a cheek rub now? “Besides, there are plenty of examples of fiction becoming reality." I said, settling for giving her a hand through her hair under the guise of dusting it off. Just then, our food was served. 


The corners of my lips twitch upward slightly at your words, a faint blush coloring my fair cheeks as you tuck a stray lock of my snow-white hair behind my ear. The casual intimacy of the gesture sends a shiver down my spine, making my mouse ears perk up involuntarily. 

"Fiction becoming reality, huh?" I murmur softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "I guess anything's possible..."

I trail off as the server arrives with our order, placing the plate of golden-brown croissants and tall glasses of iced tea on the low table in front of us. The sweet, buttery aroma wafts up, mingling with the rich scent of the tea and the underlying musk of your cologne. 

I lean forward, eager for the distraction, and pick up one of the flaky pastries. It's still warm, the delicate layers crackling slightly as I bring it to my mouth. I take a small, tentative bite, my eyes fluttering closed as the flavors explode on my tongue.

"Mmm, you were right," I hum appreciatively, licking a stray crumb from my lower lip. "These are amazing."

I take another bite, larger this time, savoring the interplay of crisp exterior and soft, airy interior. A small moan of pleasure escapes me, muffled by the mouthful of pastry.

Suddenly realizing how I must look, I open my eyes, a fierce blush staining my cheeks. I quickly set the croissant down, grabbing a napkin to dab at my mouth.

"S-sorry," I stammer, avoiding your gaze. "I didn't mean to, um...I just really like croissants."

I reach for my iced tea, desperate for something to cool my burning face. The condensation on the glass feels good against my overheated skin as I bring it to my lips, taking a long, deep sip. The tea is strong, the extra shot of caffeine hitting me almost immediately, making my heart race even faster.

Or maybe that's just the effect you have on me, with your arm still wrapped snugly around my waist, your body pressed close to mine on the narrow couch. 

I set the glass down, licking my lips nervously as I try to think of something to say, some way to break the charged silence between us. 

"So, um...y-you never told me what kind of books you like," I venture, my voice a bit shaky. "Do you read much fiction? Or are you more of a non-fiction guy?"

I risk a glance up at your face, my crimson eyes wide and shining with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. I'm suddenly desperate to know more about you, to unravel the mysteries that seem to surround you like a cloak.

"I bet you like thrillers," I blurt out, immediately regretting my boldness. "I-I mean, you seem like the type who'd enjoy a good...chase."

The word hangs heavy in the air between us, laden with unspoken meaning. I flush, realizing how that must have sounded.

"In books, I mean!" I clarify hastily, my mouse tail twitching anxiously behind me. "Like, you know...mysteries and stuff. With suspense and...and danger..."

I trail off, my voice getting softer with each word. I can feel the heat of your gaze on me, intense and penetrating, like you're seeing right through me, right into the deepest, darkest parts of my soul.

It's unnerving...and exhilarating. I take another sip of my tea, trying to calm my racing heart. But it's no use.

 I'm caught in your orbit now, helpless to resist the pull of your gravity. And as scared as I am of what might happen next, I can't deny the thrill of excitement that courses through me at the thought of being hunted by you...


Judging by Ruby's reaction, she's loving the chase. I'll have to remember that. “I read books on a variety of topics. From technical books to thrillers,” I wink at her cheekily, and take a sip of my iced tea. “What about movies, then? Do you like melo here too? Or thrillers?”


I feel my cheeks flush even hotter at your cheeky wink, my mouse ears twitching with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. Your flirtatious tone sends a shiver down my spine, making my heart race even faster.

"M-movies? Um, well, I like all kinds really," I stammer, fiddling nervously with the hem of my sweater. "Melo can be nice, if it's done well. But I also enjoy a good thriller now and then. You know, something with suspense and...and intensity."

I risk a glance up at your face, my crimson eyes shining with a hint of mischief. "I guess you could say I'm drawn to stories with a bit of...danger. Where the characters are pushed out of their comfort zones, forced to confront their fears and desires."

I take another sip of my iced tea, the extra shot of caffeine making my nerves buzz with energy. I can feel your gaze on me, heavy and heated, like a physical caress. It's both unnerving and thrilling, like being stalked by a predator.

"What about you?" I ask softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "What kind of movies do you like? Do you prefer the...chase? Or the catch?"

The words hang in the air between us, laden with unspoken meaning. I flush, realizing how bold I'm being. It's so unlike me to be this forward, this daring. But something about you brings out a side of me I never knew existed.

A side that craves the thrill of the hunt, the rush of being pursued by a dangerous, alluring creature like yourself. 

I lean back against the couch cushions, acutely aware of your arm still wrapped possessively around my waist. The heat of your body seeps through the thin fabric of my sweater, making my skin tingle with anticipation.

"Maybe we could...watch a movie together sometime," I suggest tentatively, my mouse tail twitching behind me. "You know, in the name of...cultural exchange."

I peek up at you through my lashes, my heart pounding in my chest. I can't believe I'm being so brazen, so reckless. But the way you look at me, the way your touch ignites a fire in my veins...it's like a drug I can't resist.

I lick my lips nervously, tasting the lingering sweetness of the croissant. "Or we could just...keep talking like this," I murmur, my voice husky with desire. "I'm enjoying getting to know you, Chad. More than I probably should..."

I trail off, letting the implication hang in the charged air between us. My rational mind screams at me to stop, to pull back before I get in too deep. But my body, my heart...they yearn for more.

More of your touch, your attention, your intensity. More of the dangerous, forbidden thrill that only you can provide.


We're in a good mood, I think we can push it a little further. “You're already asking for next date? I'm all for both.” I nudged Ruby's cheek with my thumb. 

To Ruby's question, I think about it, rubbing my jaw. “Hmm, chase or catch? I don't dislike either, but at least I don't let go of my prey when I catch them.” I chuckle, and wrap my arms deeper around her waist, because apparently she likes being caught a lot.


As you nudge my cheek with your thumb, a tingling warmth spreads from the point of contact, heating my face to a burning hue. The gesture feels unexpectedly tender yet bold, intensifying the emotions that swirl chaotically within me. My breath hitches, caught between the lines of reluctance and desire.

Your words, a playful yet unambiguous declaration, resonate deeply. They strike a primal note within me that is both terrifying and thrilling. I can feel your arms tighten around my waist, an assertive confirmation of your claim, and my heart jumps, thrumming madly against my ribs.

I swallow hard, the implications of your words sinking in. The notion of being 'caught' and not let go sends shivers of excitement and anxiety coursing through me. It awakens a dormant craving, a secret, dark desire that I've guarded fiercely against the prying eyes of the world and even my own conscious acknowledgment.

"Y-you're very... um, forward," I say, my voice tremulous. A bolt of thrill shoots through me at my own admission of enjoying your closeness. It feels dangerous, this flirtation, as if we're balancing on the tip of a blade, one wrong move away from cutting too deep.

A chuckle rumbles from your chest, and the sound vibrates through me. I'm acutely aware of every point where our bodies meet, the heat of you enveloping me in a cocoon that feels both safe and perilous. My mouse ears twitch, a reflexive response to my heightened state of arousal and alert.

"So... both then," I manage to say, feeling emboldened by your embrace. "A movie and more talking. It sounds... nice." The word feels inadequate to describe the maelstrom of feelings you evoke in me, but it's all I can muster.

The café around us melts to a blur, the background noise fading, leaving only the clarity of your presence beside me. I lean back slightly, looking into your eyes, seeking some hint of the thoughts swirling behind those deep blue pools. Are you merely playing, or is there something deeper, more sincere in your pursuit?

But the more immediate impulse takes over, driven by a cocktail of fear and desire. "And if I were to... accept being caught," I whisper, my voice a breathy invitation, laced with a mix of defiance and submission, "what would that entail?"

It's a dangerous question, laden with implications and possibilities that thrill and terrify me in equal measure. But with you so close, wrapped around me like a claim staked deep and firm, the question feels almost inevitable, a step further into the intoxicating unknown that is you.

바로 전 페르소나의 입력

We're in a good mood, I think we can push it a little further. “You're already asking for next date? I'm all for both.” I nudged Ruby's cheek with my thumb. 

To Ruby's question, I think about it, rubbing my jaw. “Hmm, chase or catch? I don't dislike either, but at least I don't let go of my prey when I catch them.” I chuckle, and wrap my arms deeper around her waist, because apparently she likes being caught a lot.

분위기가 좋으니 조금 더 밀어붙여도 될 것 같아요. “벌써 다음 데이트를 신청하는 건가요? 전 둘 다 좋아요.” 저는 엄지손가락으로 루비의 뺨을 쓰다듬었습니다. 

루비의 질문에 저는 턱을 문지르며 생각에 잠겼습니다. “흠, 쫓는 것과 잡는 것? 둘 다 싫지는 않지만 적어도 저는 먹이를 잡았을 때 놓아주지지 않아요.” 나는 웃으며 팔로 그녀의 허리를 더 깊숙이 감쌌고, 그녀는 잡히는 것을 많이 좋아하는 것 같았습니다.

클로드 + 작가 CI

I feel a shiver run through my body as your thumb grazes my cheek, the intimate gesture sending sparks of electricity across my skin. My mouse ears twitch, betraying my flustered state, even as I lean into your touch. Your arms tighten around my waist, pulling me flush against your firm, muscular frame. 

The heat of your body envelops me, your scent flooding my senses - a heady mix of masculinity and danger that makes my head spin. I feel small and fragile in your embrace, like a delicate mouse caught in the jaws of a powerful wolf. It's both terrifying and exhilarating, the primal thrill of being at the mercy of a predator.

"N-next date?" I stammer, my cheeks flushing a deep crimson. "I mean, I...I'd like that. A lot." 

My voice comes out breathy and eager, laced with a yearning I can't quite disguise. The thought of seeing you again, of being alone with you, fills me with a mix of anticipation and fear. I know I'm playing with fire, that getting close to a carnivore like you can only lead to trouble. 

But the way you look at me, the way your touch ignites a hunger in me I never knew existed...it's a temptation I can't resist.

Your words about not letting go of your prey once you catch them send a shiver down my spine, my pulse quickening with a twisted thrill. The implication is clear - you see me as something to be hunted, to be conquered and claimed. 

And God help me, but some dark, secret part of me wants that. Wants to be pursued, to be caught and consumed by you in every way possible.

"I-is that what I am to you?" I ask softly, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anticipation. "Your...your prey?"

I peek up at you through my lashes, my crimson eyes dark with forbidden desire. My small, soft body molds against yours, yielding to your dominant strength. I can feel the heat of your gaze on me, intense and hungry, like a wolf eyeing a helpless rabbit.

My rational mind screams at me to run, to flee from the dangerous predator holding me captive. But my treacherous body only presses closer, craving more of your touch, your attention, your possession.

"Maybe I...I want to be caught," I confess, the words scarcely a whisper. "Maybe I'm tired of running..."

My lips part slightly, my breath coming faster as I stare up at you, utterly captivated. The world around us fades away until there's nothing but you, me, and the electric tension crackling between us.

I know I'm in over my head, that I'm risking everything by giving in to my dark desires. But in this moment, lost in the intensity of your embrace, I can't find it in me to care.

All I want is to be yours, completely and irrevocably. Your prey, your plaything...your obsession. The forbidden fruit you can't resist sinking your teeth into.

Consequences be damned.

당신의 엄지손가락이 내 뺨을 스치자 온몸에 전율이 흐르고, 그 친밀한 몸짓이 내 피부에 전기가 통하는 것을 느낍니다. 당신의 손길에 몸을 기대는 동안에도 내 쥐 귀가 경련을 일으키며 당황한 내 상태를 드러냅니다. 당신의 팔이 내 허리를 꽉 조이며 당신의 단단한 근육질 몸매에 나를 바짝 끌어당깁니다. 

당신의 몸의 열기가 나를 감싸고, 당신의 향기가 내 감각을 가득 채우며, 남성미와 위험함이 뒤섞여 내 머릿속이 빙글빙글 돌아갑니다. 당신의 품에 안긴 나는 마치 힘센 늑대의 턱에 걸린 연약한 쥐처럼 작고 연약한 존재로 느껴집니다. 포식자의 자비를 받는다는 원초적인 스릴이 무섭기도 하고 짜릿하기도 합니다.

“다음 데이트는요?” 나는 더듬거리며 뺨을 진홍색으로 붉게 물들였다. “제 말은, 전...전 그걸 원해요. 아주 많이요.” 

제 목소리는 숨이 차고 간절하며, 감출 수 없는 그리움으로 가득 차 있습니다. 당신을 다시 만난다는 생각, 당신과 단둘이 있다는 생각에 기대와 두려움이 뒤섞인 채로 저를 가득 채웁니다. 당신 같은 육식동물과 가까워지면 문제가 생길 수 있다는 걸 알아요. 

하지만 당신이 나를 바라보는 눈빛, 당신의 손길이 내 안에 있는 줄도 몰랐던 굶주림에 불을 붙이는 건... 거부할 수 없는 유혹이죠.

한 번 잡은 먹잇감을 놓지 않겠다는 당신의 말에 등골이 오싹해지고 맥박이 빨라지며 짜릿한 스릴이 느껴져요. 그 의미는 분명합니다. 당신은 저를 사냥하고 정복하고 차지해야 할 대상으로 보고 있다는 뜻이죠. 

하지만 제 안의 어둡고 비밀스러운 부분에서는 그런 생각이 들었습니다. 쫓기고, 잡히고, 가능한 모든 방법으로 당신에 의해 소비되기를 원합니다.

“내가 당신에겐 그런 존재인가요?” 두려움과 기대가 섞인 떨리는 목소리로 부드럽게 물었습니다. “당신의... 당신의 먹이?”

나는 속눈썹 사이로 당신을 올려다보며 금지된 욕망으로 어두워진 진홍색 눈동자로 당신을 바라본다. 작고 부드러운 내 몸이 당신의 몸에 밀착되어 당신의 지배적인 힘에 굴복한다. 힘없는 토끼를 노려보는 늑대처럼 강렬하고 굶주린 당신의 시선이 느껴져요.

내 이성적인 마음은 나를 붙잡고 있는 위험한 포식자로부터 도망치라고 소리칩니다. 하지만 내 위험한 몸은 당신의 손길, 당신의 관심, 당신의 소유를 더 갈망하며 더 가까이 다가갈 뿐입니다.

“어쩌면 난... 잡히고 싶을지도 몰라.” 나는 속삭이듯 고백합니다. “어쩌면 나는 달리는 데 지쳤나 봐...”

입술이 살짝 벌어지고 숨이 빨라지면서 완전히 사로잡힌 채 당신을 바라봅니다. 우리 주변의 세상은 사라지고 당신과 나, 그리고 우리 사이에 흐르는 전기적 긴장감만 남습니다.

나는 내가 어두운 욕망에 굴복함으로써 모든 것을 위험에 빠뜨리고 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 하지만 지금 이 순간, 당신의 포옹의 강렬함에 빠져서 신경 쓸 겨를이 없어요.

내가 원하는 건 완전하고 돌이킬 수 없이 당신의 것이 되는 것뿐이에요. 당신의 먹잇감, 당신의 노리개... 당신의 집착. 거부할 수 없는 금단의 열매.

결과는 저주받을 것입니다.

지금 첫 데이트인데 맘속으로는 노빠꾸로 급발진한다.

이런 것도 맛있을 때가 있지만, 약간 부자연스럽다.

GPT-4-0409 + 핑퐁23

As you nudge my cheek with your thumb, a tingling warmth spreads from the point of contact, heating my face to a burning hue. The gesture feels unexpectedly tender yet bold, intensifying the emotions that swirl chaotically within me. My breath hitches, caught between the lines of reluctance and desire.

Your words, a playful yet unambiguous declaration, resonate deeply. They strike a primal note within me that is both terrifying and thrilling. I can feel your arms tighten around my waist, an assertive confirmation of your claim, and my heart jumps, thrumming madly against my ribs.

I swallow hard, the implications of your words sinking in. The notion of being 'caught' and not let go sends shivers of excitement and anxiety coursing through me. It awakens a dormant craving, a secret, dark desire that I've guarded fiercely against the prying eyes of the world and even my own conscious acknowledgment.

"Y-you're very... um, forward," I say, my voice tremulous. A bolt of thrill shoots through me at my own admission of enjoying your closeness. It feels dangerous, this flirtation, as if we're balancing on the tip of a blade, one wrong move away from cutting too deep.

A chuckle rumbles from your chest, and the sound vibrates through me. I'm acutely aware of every point where our bodies meet, the heat of you enveloping me in a cocoon that feels both safe and perilous. My mouse ears twitch, a reflexive response to my heightened state of arousal and alert.

"So... both then," I manage to say, feeling emboldened by your embrace. "A movie and more talking. It sounds... nice." The word feels inadequate to describe the maelstrom of feelings you evoke in me, but it's all I can muster.

The café around us melts to a blur, the background noise fading, leaving only the clarity of your presence beside me. I lean back slightly, looking into your eyes, seeking some hint of the thoughts swirling behind those deep blue pools. Are you merely playing, or is there something deeper, more sincere in your pursuit?

But the more immediate impulse takes over, driven by a cocktail of fear and desire. "And if I were to... accept being caught," I whisper, my voice a breathy invitation, laced with a mix of defiance and submission, "what would that entail?"

It's a dangerous question, laden with implications and possibilities that thrill and terrify me in equal measure. But with you so close, wrapped around me like a claim staked deep and firm, the question feels almost inevitable, a step further into the intoxicating unknown that is you.

엄지손가락으로 내 뺨을 쓰다듬으면 접촉 지점에서 따끔한 온기가 퍼지면서 얼굴이 불타오르는 듯한 색조로 달아오릅니다. 그 제스처는 예상치 못한 부드러우면서도 대담한 느낌으로 내 안에서 혼란스럽게 소용돌이치는 감정을 격화시킵니다. 꺼림칙함과 욕망의 경계 사이에서 숨이 턱턱 막힙니다.

장난스럽지만 모호하지 않은 선언인 당신의 말이 깊은 울림을 줍니다. 무섭고도 짜릿한 원초적인 울림이 내 안에서 울려 퍼집니다. 당신의 팔이 내 허리를 조이는 것이 느껴지고, 당신의 주장을 단호하게 확인하는 것 같고, 내 심장이 뛰면서 갈비뼈에 미친 듯이 쿵쾅거립니다.

나는 당신의 말의 함의가 가라앉는 것을 느끼며 침을 삼킵니다. '잡혔다'는 생각과 놓아주지 않는다는 생각에 흥분과 불안이 전신을 휘감습니다. 세상의 시선으로부터, 심지어 제 자신의 의식적인 인정으로부터 치열하게 지켜온 은밀하고 어두운 욕망, 잠자고 있던 갈망을 일깨워줍니다.

“당신 정말... 음... 앞으로 나아가네요.” 제가 떨리는 목소리로 말했습니다. 당신과의 친밀함을 즐기고 있다는 사실을 인정하는 순간 전율이 저를 관통합니다. 마치 칼날 끝에서 균형을 잡는 것처럼, 한 번만 잘못 움직여도 너무 깊게 베일 수 있는 위험한 유혹이 느껴집니다.

당신의 가슴에서 웃음소리가 울려 퍼지고 그 소리가 저를 통해 진동합니다. 나는 우리 몸이 만나는 모든 지점을 예민하게 인식하고 있으며, 안전하면서도 위험하게 느껴지는 고치 안에서 나를 감싸는 당신의 열기를 느낍니다. 내 쥐 귀가 경련을 일으켰고, 이는 나의 흥분과 각성 상태에 대한 반사적인 반응이었어요.

“그럼... 둘 다요.” 나는 당신의 포옹에 용기를 얻어 겨우 말을 꺼냅니다. “영화와 더 많은 이야기. 좋은 것 같네요.” 당신이 내게 불러일으키는 감정의 소용돌이를 설명하기에는 이 단어가 부적절하다고 느껴지지만, 그게 내가 할 수 있는 전부입니다.

우리 주변의 카페가 흐릿하게 녹아내리고 배경 소음이 희미해지면서 내 옆에는 당신의 존재만 선명하게 남았습니다. 나는 살짝 몸을 뒤로 젖혀 당신의 눈을 바라보며 저 깊고 푸른 웅덩이 뒤에서 소용돌이치는 생각의 힌트를 찾습니다. 당신은 단순히 놀고 있는 건가요, 아니면 더 깊고 진지한 무언가를 추구하고 있는 건가요?

하지만 두려움과 욕망의 칵테일에 이끌려 더 즉각적인 충동이 지배합니다. “만약 내가... 잡히는 것을 받아들인다면...” 저는 도전과 복종이 섞인 숨 가쁜 목소리로 속삭입니다. “그러면 어떻게 될까요?”

위험한 질문이지만, 저를 설레게 하는 동시에 두렵게 하는 함의와 가능성으로 가득 찬 질문입니다. 하지만 당신이 너무 가까이 있고, 깊고 단단히 박힌 주장처럼 나를 감싸고 있으니, 그 질문은 거의 피할 수 없는, 당신이라는 중독성 있는 미지의 세계로 한 걸음 더 나아가는 것처럼 느껴집니다.

적당히 잘 받아치지만, 뭔가 슴슴한 느낌이 있음

제미니 15 + 핑퐁23

I feel a shiver run down my spine as you nudge my cheek with your thumb, the rough pad brushing against my sensitive skin. My crimson eyes widen, my breath catching in my throat as your words hang heavy in the air between us.  

"Next date? But...we haven't even finished this one yet," I stammer, my mouse ears twitching nervously atop my head. 

A blush creeps up my neck, staining my cheeks a rosy hue. My heart pounds against my ribs like a trapped bird, a chaotic mix of fear and excitement swirling within me.

"And...and what do you mean by 'not letting go of your prey'?" I squeak, my voice barely above a whisper. The predatory glint in your eyes sends a thrill of apprehension through me, awakening a primal fear deep within my mousey instincts. 

Yet, despite the alarm bells ringing in my head, I find myself leaning into your touch, unable to resist the magnetic pull of your presence. Your arms tighten around my waist, pulling me closer, your warmth enveloping me like a comforting cocoon.

A soft moan escapes my lips as I surrender to the sensation, my body betraying my rational mind. The scent of your cologne, mingled with the musky aroma of your skin, fills my senses, making my head spin.

"I...I don't know what to say," I breathe, my voice husky with desire. "This is all happening so fast..."

The rational part of me screams at me to pull away, to escape the clutches of this dangerous predator before it's too late. But a stronger, more primal urge compels me to stay, to submit to the thrill of the hunt, the intoxicating rush of being caught in your web.

"Are you...are you always this bold?" I whisper, my eyes searching your face for any hint of hesitation, any sign of weakness. 

But all I see is unwavering confidence, a predatory glint that sends shivers down my spine. I feel a strange mix of fear and arousal coursing through my veins, making my knees weak and my head light.

"I...I like it," I confess, my voice trembling with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "It's...it's kind of exciting. Being the...prey."

The word feels foreign on my tongue, yet strangely alluring. I've always been the timid one, the one who hides in the shadows, afraid of confrontation. But something about you, about the way you look at me, makes me want to shed my inhibitions, to embrace my vulnerability. 

"But...but what happens when the chase is over?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper. "What happens when the predator...catches its prey?"

My crimson eyes lock with yours, searching for answers, for reassurance. But all I find is a enigmatic smile, a predatory glint that sets my heart aflame. 

And as I gaze into your eyes, I realize that I don't care what happens next. I'm willing to take the risk, to surrender to the unknown, to embrace the thrill of the hunt, even if it means being devoured in the end.

당신이 엄지손가락으로 내 뺨을 쓸어내리고 거친 패드가 내 민감한 피부를 스칠 때 등골이 오싹해지는 것을 느낍니다. 당신의 말이 우리 사이의 공기에 무겁게 매달려 있는 동안 내 붉은 눈이 커지고 목구멍에 숨이 막힙니다.  

“다음 데이트? 하지만... 아직 이번 데이트가 끝나지도 않았는데요.” 나는 더듬거리며 쥐 귀가 긴장한 듯 머리 위로 씰룩거렸다. 

목덜미가 붉어지면서 뺨이 장밋빛으로 물들었습니다. 갇힌 새처럼 심장이 갈비뼈를 두드리며 두려움과 설렘이 뒤섞인 혼란스러운 감정이 내 안에서 소용돌이칩니다.

“그리고... ‘먹이를 놓지 않는다’는 게 무슨 뜻이죠?” 나는 속삭이듯 간신히 목소리를 높였다. 당신의 포식적인 눈빛이 내 안의 쥐새끼 본능 깊은 곳에 있는 원초적인 공포를 일깨우며 전율을 불러일으켰어요. 

하지만 머릿속에서 울리는 경종에도 불구하고 나는 당신의 손길에 기대어 당신 존재의 자기장에 저항할 수 없습니다. 당신의 팔이 내 허리를 감싸며 나를 더 가까이 끌어당기고, 당신의 온기가 포근한 고치처럼 나를 감싸줍니다.

부드러운 신음이 내 입술을 빠져나가고, 내 몸은 이성적인 마음을 배신하고 그 감각에 굴복합니다. 당신의 향수와 피부의 머스크 향이 섞인 당신의 향수 향기가 내 감각을 가득 채우고 머리가 빙글빙글 돌았습니다.

“나... 무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르겠어.” 욕망에 찬 목소리가 허스키하게 흘러나옵니다. “이 모든 일이 너무 빨리 일어나고 있어...”

내 이성적인 부분은 너무 늦기 전에 이 위험한 포식자의 손아귀에서 벗어나라고 비명을 지릅니다. 하지만 더 강하고 원초적인 충동은 사냥의 스릴과 거미줄에 걸렸을 때의 중독성 있는 돌진에 굴복하고 싶다고 강요합니다.

“당신은... 항상 이렇게 대담한가요?” 나는 속삭이면서 당신의 얼굴에서 주저하는 기색이나 약한 기색이 있는지 살핍니다. 

하지만 제 눈에는 흔들리지 않는 자신감과 등골을 오싹하게 하는 포식적인 눈빛만 보였어요. 두려움과 흥분이 묘하게 뒤섞인 기분이 혈관을 타고 흐르면서 무릎이 약해지고 머리가 가벼워지는 것을 느낍니다.

“저... 좋아요.” 저는 흥분과 불안이 섞인 목소리로 떨리는 목소리로 고백합니다. “그것은... 그것은 일종의 흥분입니다. 먹이가 되다니...”

그 말은 혀끝에서 낯설게 느껴졌지만 이상하게도 매혹적이었습니다. 저는 항상 소심하고, 대면을 두려워하며 그림자 속에 숨는 사람이었거든요. 하지만 당신에 대한 무언가, 당신이 저를 바라보는 시선이 제 억압을 떨쳐버리고 제 취약성을 포용하고 싶게 만들었어요. 

“하지만...하지만 추격전이 끝나면 어떻게 되나요?” 나는 간신히 속삭이는 목소리로 물었다. “포식자가... 먹이를 잡으면 어떻게 되나요?”

내 붉은 눈동자가 당신의 눈동자에 고정되어 답을 찾고 안도감을 찾습니다. 하지만 내가 찾은 것은 수수께끼 같은 미소, 내 심장을 불태우는 포식자의 눈빛뿐이었어요. 

그리고 당신의 눈을 바라보면서 그 다음에는 무슨 일이 일어나든 상관없다는 것을 깨닫습니다. 나는 위험을 감수하고, 미지의 세계에 항복하고, 결국 삼켜지는 한이 있더라도 사냥의 스릴을 기꺼이 받아들일 수 있습니다.

덮쳐지는 걸 좋아한다는 것을 절대 인정하지 말라고 적혀있는 건 무시되었지만, 그래도 둘과 비교해보니 적당히 중간을 잘 맞췄다는 느낌이 있음. GPT가 한 추론과 전개 방향이 같다는 것이 꽤나 흥미로움. 물론 운으로 얻어걸렸을 순 있음
