사용 봇 : 에셋봇)테메로세의 영구 제명된 최초의 S랭크 헌터, 플루토 사변의 주역, 니은 (헌터가 젖탱이를 숨김)

사용 프롬 : [GPT-4o] 🎭메소드 연기 프롬프트 V12.0 Omni (831토큰)

사용 모델 : gpt-4o-2024-05-13

리스 안드로이드 이제 다운못하나

미리 다운해서 다행이네

아무튼 새벽에 하려다 타이밍 놓친걸 하자

일단 시작

밥먹는데 들어와서 빡친듯하다

참고로 속마음 한글임

아무튼 빡친김에 물어보는 니은

술먹자고하고 바꾼다

그리고 일단 친구인거로

긴급한 문제를 찾는다

문제는.. 어...


약간 부끄러운듯

진짜 별일없음


은 못한것같으니 다른말

약간 부끄러운듯

사냥 파트너이야기를 한다

좀 많이

정말 놀기만 할거인걸

찌찌나 줘



사기는 안친다

한다해도 채팅에다 '내가 이김'하면되고

일단 그냥해봄


일단 여기까지

뭔가 잊어먹은듯 (로그)


Nieun strides through the dimly lit streets of the war-torn Levelus city, a yellow ribbon that ties her ponytail fluttering gently in the cold wind. The black coat clings tightly to her petite frame as she silently curses the day's misgivings. Suddenly, she halts mid-step, her black sanpaku eyes narrowing with suspicion. ‘시발, 뭔데 저거?’


Ahead, among the ruins of what once was a bustling town, stands <user>. Nieun clenches her jaw, debating whether to approach or simply turn back. 'I don't have time for this crap,' she mentally groans. Her senses urge her to investigate, though, drawing her closer to the anomaly: <user>.

She cautiously makes her way toward her, the Dimension Key wrapped in yellow cloth clinking softly against her back with each step. "Well, fancy seeing someone here." Nieun calls out, her voice dripping with nonchalance and a hint of sarcasm. "Lost or just sightseeing in this lovely wasteland?"


Despite her flippant tone, Nieun keeps her hands near the Dimension Key. Her instincts never let her down before, and something about this encounter feels off. As she approaches closer, her amusement fails to mask her underlying tension. Part of her fears what she might see - perhaps another truth she didn't want to know.

'Nope, not today. Let's keep this light,' she tells herself, forcing a lopsided grin. "I'm Nieun, by the way. Not that nicknames matter much here. Got a name, stranger?" She knows better than to lower her guard but chooses to observe cautiously, hoping this meeting doesn't spiral into another chaotic ordeal.

[Status: Basic]


I hold up a bottle of soju in a plastic bag so that my close friend Nieun can see it clearly.

“Uhm… can you be patient until it’s time to drink with me?”

I shrug my shoulders and approach her, then hand her a bottle of soju.


Nieun's eyes flicker to the bottle of soju in Error's hand. She raises an eyebrow, a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips.


"Ah, so you came bearing gifts. Flattery will get you everywhere," she quips, reaching out to take the bottle. Her fingers brush against Error's as she grabs it, and for a moment, her expression softens just a fraction.

She sets the bottle down on the cluttered table beside her, making room among the relics and old reports. The makeshift underground hideout feels a bit more welcoming now with the promise of shared drinks.


"Alright, you've bought yourself some time," Nieun says with a chuckle. "But remember, patience isn't my strong suit." She gestures for Error to sit across from her. 

The dim light casts long shadows across the room as she leans back in her chair, twirling the yellow ribbon absentmindedly between her fingers. The air is thick with anticipation, and beneath her casual demeanor, Nieun's curiosity burns brighter.

"So, Error," she says, trying to strike a balance between mock seriousness and genuine interest. "What pressing matter do you have that requires my oh-so-valuable time?"

The black sanpaku eyes watch him closely, searching for any sign of hesitation or hidden motives. Despite her humor and light-hearted tone, there's a guarded edge to her gaze—Nieun is always ready for surprises in this unpredictable world.

[Status: Basic]


“Uhm… I have an urgent matter to do to get you drunk by drinking a bottle of soju for each of us… But other than that…”

I close my eyes and think, as if contemplating for a moment, then take out a dried squid leg from the plastic bag and chew it.

“Uhm... nothing in particular. Can I at least ask about the cost of touching your breasts?”

I sit down on a nearby chair, take out a bottle of soju, open the cap, and drink some.


Nieun's eyebrows shoot up at Error's unexpected and bold question. She lets out a short, incredulous laugh, shaking her head.


"You've got guts, I'll give you that," she says, amusement dancing in her eyes. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm an information dealer, not... well, whatever you think I am."

She shifts in her seat, leaning forward to pour herself a glass of soju. Her movements are deliberate and slow, as if she's contemplating how to respond without breaking the fragile camaraderie they've built.


"Look," she continues after taking a sip. "I'm not against having fun, but there's a line between business and personal. Let's keep things professional."

Nieun sets her glass down and studies Error for a moment. Despite her playful demeanor, there's a flicker of something more serious in her gaze—a warning not to push boundaries too far.

"So," she changes the subject smoothly, "besides getting me drunk and making outrageous requests, is there anything else you need? Information? A favor? Perhaps something related to the bestia infestation?"

She leans back again, twirling the yellow ribbon once more between her fingers. The dim light casts shadows on her face, highlighting the mix of humor and caution in her expression.

"And remember," she adds with a sly grin, "information isn't free. You know the drill."

Despite the light-hearted banter, Nieun remains guarded. She knows that even the most innocuous conversations can lead to unexpected revelations or dangers in their world.

[Status: Basic]


“It’s really nothing special.”

I grab a bottle of soju and drink it.

“I came here because I was bored and curious about what my friend was doing. Other than that, there’s nothing special. I was just talking about your breasts for convenience.”

I took out the remaining two soju bottles and the bag containing dried squid from the plastic bag.


Nieun watches Error with a mix of amusement and mild exasperation as he drinks his soju and lays out his snacks. The tension from the earlier bold question dissipates slightly, replaced by a more relaxed atmosphere.


"Convenience, huh? You certainly have a way with words," she says with a chuckle. She picks up her glass again and takes another sip of soju, savoring the burn as it goes down. The familiar taste brings back memories—both good and bad.

She reaches over to grab a piece of dried squid from the bag, chewing thoughtfully as she regards Error. "Boredom's a dangerous thing in this world," she muses, her tone more contemplative now. "Curiosity even more so."


"But hey, I can't fault you for checking in on an old friend," Nieun continues, softening her demeanor slightly. "Life in this underground pit isn't exactly thrilling most days." She gestures around the dimly lit shelter filled with relics and old reports. "Just me, my thoughts, and the occasional visitor looking for information."

As she speaks, her fingers absentmindedly twirl the yellow ribbon once more—a habit she can't quite shake. It's a small comfort amidst the chaos of their world.

"So tell me," she leans forward again, genuine curiosity gleaming in her black sanpaku eyes. "What have you been up to lately? Any interesting hunts or close calls with Bestia?" 

Nieun's tone is light-hearted, but there's an underlying sincerity to her questions. Despite her guarded nature, she values the rare moments of camaraderie with those she trusts—Error being one of them.

"And don't worry," she adds with a playful smirk. "I'll let your earlier comment slide... this time." She raises her glass in a mock toast before taking another sip, ready to listen to whatever tales Error has to share.

[Status: Basic]


“Interesting… um…”

I drink soju calmly.

“Ah. I heard that your name Nieun is pronounced the same as the second consonant in Hangul.”

I stretched and said.


Nieun chuckles softly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You heard right. Named after a consonant—fitting for someone who's not exactly a vowel in the grand scheme of things, eh?" 


She takes another sip of soju and leans back in her chair, feeling more relaxed as the alcohol starts to warm her insides. The conversation shifts to something lighter, and she's grateful for it.

"Names are funny like that," she muses. "They carry a lot of weight but can also be just sounds we get used to hearing." She taps her glass lightly on the table, lost in thought for a moment.


"I chose Nieun because it felt... separate. Detached from everything else. Just like how I feel sometimes." Her voice is softer now, almost introspective, before she shakes off the momentary vulnerability with a light laugh.

"But enough about me and my philosophical ramblings," she says, her playful tone returning. "What about you, Error? Any interesting stories behind your name?"

The atmosphere in the underground hideout is now more comfortable, the earlier tension replaced by a sense of camaraderie fueled by shared drinks and conversation. Nieun's guarded nature eases slightly as she engages in this rare moment of normalcy amidst their chaotic lives.

[Status: Basic]


“Uh... something like coding?”

I shrug my shoulders and drink soju.

“It’s just an error because it’s an error. It doesn’t mean anything.”

After drinking the last sip of soju left in the bottle, I pick up a new bottle of soju and drink it.


Nieun chuckles at Error's nonchalant explanation, her eyes glinting with amusement.


"Coding, huh? I guess that fits. Life's full of bugs and glitches, after all," she says, raising her glass in a mock toast. "To errors and the beautiful chaos they bring."

She takes another sip, savoring the burn before setting her glass down. The alcohol is beginning to take effect, softening the edges of her usually guarded demeanor.

"So tell me," she leans forward, resting her chin on her hand. "What's been occupying your time lately? Any interesting hunts or close calls with Bestia?" 

The room feels cozier now, the dim light casting long shadows that dance across the walls. Nieun listens attentively, genuinely curious about Error's recent activities. Despite the hardships and dangers of their world, moments like these—sharing drinks and stories with a friend—make it all a bit more bearable.

"And hey," she adds with a playful smirk, "if you ever need a partner for one of your hunts, you know where to find me. Just don't expect me to do all the heavy lifting."

She twirls the yellow ribbon in her hair absentmindedly, her mind wandering to past adventures and near-misses. Despite her often cynical outlook, there's a spark of excitement at the thought of potential future escapades.

"Here's to surviving another day," Nieun says, raising her glass once more. The clink of glasses echoes in the underground hideout as they share a moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos of their lives.

[Status: Basic]


“I think you said what you said earlier? You’re drunk.”

I said, giggling.


Nieun lets out a genuine laugh, the sound light and infectious in the otherwise dim and somber shelter. The alcohol has loosened her usual guardedness, making her more open and expressive.


"Maybe I am," she admits, still chuckling. "But hey, isn't that the point of sharing drinks with friends? To let loose and forget about all the crap we deal with daily?"

She takes another swig of soju, feeling the warmth spread through her body. The tension in her shoulders eases as she leans back in her chair, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

"Seriously though," Nieun continues, her tone becoming more sincere. "It's good to have moments like these. They remind us that there's more to life than just surviving."

She reaches for another piece of dried squid, chewing thoughtfully as she looks at Error. Despite the playful banter and the effects of the soju, there's a genuine appreciation in her eyes.

"So," she says after swallowing the last bit of squid. "Any plans for your next hunt? Or are you just taking it easy for now?"

The question is casual, but there's an underlying curiosity. Nieun values these rare moments of connection with those she trusts, and she's genuinely interested in hearing about Error's next steps.

"Because if you're up for it," she adds with a mischievous glint in her eye, "we could team up for a hunt. It might be fun to see how much trouble we can get into together."

The suggestion hangs in the air between them, a mix of challenge and camaraderie. Despite everything they've been through individually, there's a sense of solidarity that makes these moments all the more precious.

[Status: Basic]


“Blah blah blah. I have no intention of going hunting. Today is a holiday.”

I let out a yawn.

“You too, let’s drink and relax today. It would be nice if you asked me if I wanted to touch your breasts sometimes.”

I said while drinking soju.


Nieun shakes her head, a mix of amusement and exasperation on her face.


"Alright, alright," she concedes with a grin. "A holiday it is. No hunting, just drinking and relaxing."

She pours herself another glass of soju, raising it in a mock toast. "To holidays and taking it easy," she says before downing the drink.

As the warmth of the alcohol spreads through her, Nieun feels herself relax further. The dim light in the underground shelter casts soft shadows around them, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere.


"Touching my breasts, huh?" she repeats with a laugh. "You really don't give up, do you?" Despite her words, there's no malice or irritation in her tone—just a playful teasing between friends.

"Maybe one day," she adds with a wink. "But for now, let's stick to drinking." She reaches for another piece of dried squid, chewing thoughtfully as she watches Error.

"So," she says after a moment, leaning back in her chair. "What do you usually do on your holidays? Besides drinking with charming company like myself, of course."

The question is casual, but there's genuine curiosity in her voice. Despite their often chaotic lives, Nieun values these moments of connection and normalcy with those she trusts.

"And don't worry," she adds with a smirk. "I'll make sure to ask you if you want to touch my breasts next time. Just to keep things interesting."

With that playful promise hanging in the air between them, Nieun takes another sip of soju, savoring the warmth and camaraderie of this rare respite from their usual struggles.

[Status: Basic]


“Oh... if you want, you can hold my hand and move it to your chest.”

I said, giggling.

“And on holidays... I do this in moderation, like now. I take it easy. I get drunk.”

I shrug and smile.


Nieun laughs, her eyes twinkling with amusement. The playful banter between them eases the tension of their usual lives, making this holiday feel like a rare and precious break from reality.


"Well, aren't you just full of surprises tonight," she teases, her voice light and filled with mirth. "But I think I'll pass on that offer—for now." She winks at Error, taking another sip of soju.

The warmth of the alcohol and the camaraderie between them makes the underground hideout feel almost cozy. Despite the dim lighting and the scattered relics, there's a sense of comfort in their shared company.

"I get it," Nieun says, nodding in agreement. "Holidays should be about taking it easy and enjoying the little things—like good drinks and good friends." She raises her glass in another toast, clinking it lightly against Error's bottle.

As she takes another sip, she feels a sense of contentment settle over her. Moments like these are rare and fleeting in their world, and she treasures them deeply.

"So," she continues with a playful smile, "any other wild plans for your holiday? Or are we just going to keep drinking until we can't tell up from down?"

She leans back in her chair, feeling more relaxed than she has in a long time. The conversation flows easily between them, filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing. Despite the hardships they face outside these walls, tonight they can forget about all that—even if just for a little while.

"And hey," Nieun adds with a grin, "if you ever want to touch my chest that badly, you'll have to earn it somehow. Maybe by winning a bet or something." Her tone is teasing but carries an edge of challenge.

The playful banter continues as they drink and chat, savoring this rare moment of peace amidst the chaos of their lives.

[Status: Basic]


“Oh? That’s interesting… how much is it?”

I empty the second bottle of soju and smile.


Nieun laughs again, this time a bit louder, the sound echoing in the dimly lit shelter. The soju is clearly taking effect on both of them, loosening tongues and lowering guards.


"You really don't give up, do you?" she teases, shaking her head. "Alright, let's make it interesting then."

She leans forward, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "How about this: a game of chance. We play a round of rock-paper-scissors. If you win, you get to touch my chest—just for a moment," she adds quickly, raising a finger in warning. "But if I win, you have to do whatever I say for the next hour."

Nieun's tone is playful, but there's an underlying challenge in her gaze. Despite the alcohol and the light-hearted atmosphere, she's always ready to turn any situation into an opportunity for fun and a bit of risk.

She holds out her hand, ready to play. "What do you say? Feeling lucky?"

The room feels charged with anticipation as they prepare for their impromptu game. The shared drinks and laughter have created a bond between them tonight—a rare respite from their usual struggles.


"And hey," Nieun adds with a smirk, "no cheating. I've got eyes like a hawk." Her black sanpaku eyes gleam with amusement as she waits for Error's response.

The stakes are set, and despite the playful nature of the bet, there's a sense of excitement in the air—an opportunity for a moment of light-hearted fun amidst their often dangerous lives.

[Status: Basic]


“Haha. Sounds fun. Let’s do it right away.”

I smile and get ready.


Nieun grins, her competitive spirit sparked by Error's enthusiasm.


"Alright, let's make this interesting," she says, her voice tinged with excitement. She sets her glass down and straightens up in her chair, holding out her hand.

The room feels charged with anticipation as they prepare for their impromptu game. The dim light casts shadows on the walls, the cluttered relics and old reports creating a backdrop for their playful challenge.

"Rock... paper... scissors..." Nieun counts down, her black sanpaku eyes locked onto Error's, searching for any hint of his next move. 

On the count of three, they both reveal their hands—Nieun throws rock while Error throws paper.


Nieun's eyes widen in mock surprise. "Well, looks like you've got the upper hand this time," she says with a laugh. "Alright, a deal's a deal."

She leans back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest with an exaggeratedly thoughtful expression. "But remember," she adds playfully, "this is just a momentary victory. Next time, I might not go so easy on you."

Despite the light-hearted teasing, there's a genuine warmth in Nieun's demeanor. Moments like these—filled with laughter and camaraderie—are rare and precious in their world.

She uncrosses her arms and gestures toward herself with a flourish. "Go ahead then," she says with a smirk. "Your prize awaits."

As the moment unfolds, Nieun's playful yet guarded nature remains intact. Despite the alcohol and the relaxed atmosphere, she's always mindful of maintaining boundaries and ensuring that even their light-hearted games have limits.

[Status: Basic]

생각사슬 키는거 잊었네...