사용 봇 : [JOAT]🔞중세마을🏡오바불바빌 창관 생활 시뮬레이터 v3.6

사용 프롬 : 테디 프롬프트 | GPT v5 | - 서술과 서사 중심 (내용 추가)

사용 모델 : gpt-4o-2024-05-13

로그 올린다고 추천들 받아놓고 뭐할지 아이디어가 없다


적당한 시작

우선 개기일식

달이보이니 떨군다

이와중에 돈달라고?

일단 떨군다

이걸 살아있네


근대 후푸부인 살아있네

확실하게 처리한다

그와중 엉덩이를?

마지막으로 태양속으로 넣자

이새끼들 왜 멀쩡함

인간이 아닌건?가(로그)


The afternoon casts a warm, golden glow over the cobblestone streets of Ovavulvaville as you approach the town gates. The sounds of revelry and music spill from the open windows of taverns, mingling with the laughter of townsfolk enjoying hours of daylight.

You pull your tattered cloak tighter, the weight of your few possessions a reminder of how little you have to your name. Still, determination burns in your eyes as you take in the sights and smells of this new place - the promise of opportunity hanging thick in the air.

As you make your way through the crowded streets, you can't help but notice the sights and sounds that surround you. In a dimly lit alleyway, you catch a glimpse of a buxom barmaid being pressed against the wall, her skirts hiked up as a burly man pounds into her from behind, her cries of pleasure echoing off the cobblestones.

"Oh yes, fill me with your seed!" she moans shamelessly.

Nearby, a group of rowdy adventurers surround a scantily-clad dancer, their hands groping and caressing her lithe body as she undulates sensuously to the rhythm of the drums. Her breasts spill forth from her top with each sinuous movement, beads of sweat glistening on her bronzed skin.

{{img::cowgirl sex}}

You can't tear your gaze away from the sordid displays unfolding around you, your heart pounding with a mixture of shock and arousal. This is Ovavulvaville, a town where even the most depraved desires are not only accepted but celebrated.

As you approach the towering edifice of The Sated Stallion, the scent of sweat grows even thicker, mingling with the aroma of well-used leather and booze. This is where your journey truly begins – where fortune, glory, and indulgence in the most taboo pleasures await those brave enough to seek them.

<user>'s Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]


I put my hand up, and suddenly a solar eclipse occurs in the sky.


The streets of Ovavulvaville suddenly fall silent, as if the bustling heart of the town has momentarily stopped beating. Heads tilt upwards, eyes wide with astonishment as the sky darkens unnaturally. The jovial atmosphere quickly turns to one of collective unease. Murmurs ripple through the crowd, a mix of curiosity and fear.

From your vantage point near the square, you see children clinging to their parents, traders abandoning their stalls to stare incredulously at the heavens. The old clock's chimes falter at the unexpected twilight, casting long eerie shadows across the cobblestones.

One particularly striking figure, a woman with fiery red hair cascading in waves down to her waist, steps out from the grand doorway of The Sated Stallion. Madam Fufu stands regal and unperturbed, her eyes scanning the crowd with a mixture of intrigue and amusement. Her presence commands attention; even the most agitated townsfolk seem to momentarily calm under her assessing gaze.

"Well now, what have we here?" she murmurs, her voice soft yet carrying an undeniable authority. She strides forward with purpose, her emerald green dress rustling like whispers against the stone.

As she approaches, the guardsman who initially jested with you steps aside hastily, bowing slightly to show his respect. Madam Fufu's eyes lock onto you for a moment, lingering just long enough to make you feel a weight behind her gaze, before she turns her attention to the unnatural darkness above.

The eclipse continues, casting a surreal glow over the town. Whispers among the townspeople hint at superstitions and omens, but Madam Fufu merely smiles—a knowing, enigmatic expression that suggests she's seen stranger things in her time.

Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]


The moon suddenly falls to the ground.


In an unprecedented act defying all reason, the moon hurtles towards the earth, plummeting with terrifying speed. The once-muted whispers of the townspeople crescendo into a panicked cacophony. The ground shudders violently upon impact, throwing you and many others off balance. Those who manage to remain standing stare in shock and awe as the celestial body lodges itself in the outskirts of Ovavulvaville.

A heavy, oppressive silence cloaks the crowd as they process this most surreal of sights - a vast, luminous sphere resting amidst the fields, casting a spectral light over everything. The eclipse appears to intensify as the moon’s presence blots out any remaining daylight, plunging the world into an even deeper twilight.

Madam Fufu's confident demeanor wavers ever so slightly, a rare flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. Her eyes turn to you again, dark and probing. She steps closer with purpose, the crowd parting instinctively to grant her passage.

At that moment, a dirt-covered beggar tugs at your sleeve, their frail frame almost lost in the chaotic scene. Eyes wide with desperation, they silently extend a trembling hand towards you, pleading for assistance amidst the chaos.

Two choices linger before you:

1. Give 1 coin to the beggar

2. Decline

Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]


After showing the beggar that he is broke, I make the moon fall completely to the ground.


The trembling earth settles into an uneasy stillness, punctuated only by the collective gasps and murmurs of the bewildered townsfolk. Dust billows in the moon's wake, a strange, ethereal presence now standing as an otherworldly landmark in the outskirts of Ovavulvaville. The beggar recoils slightly at the sight of your empty pockets but quickly vanishes into the crowd, driven by the urgency of self-preservation.

Madam Fufu takes measured steps towards you, her movements elegant despite the chaos surrounding her. She pauses for a moment, considering the impossibility of the scene. Her fingers absentmindedly trace the edge of her cigarette holder, drawing comfort from the familiar habit.

"Quite the entrance you've made," she observes, her voice dripping with both curiosity and a touch of amusement. Without waiting for a response, she gestures for you to follow her back into The Sated Stallion.

Inside, the brothel reveals itself in layers—each room echoing with laughter, music, and the subtle undertone of carnal trade. Rich velvet curtains partition off private alcoves, while thick carpets muffle footsteps, creating an intimate atmosphere that contradicts the frenzied world outside.

At the heart of it all is Madam Fufu's office, an opulent room lined with plush furniture and softly glowing lamps. Here, she finally turns to face you fully, her eyes never missing a detail as they take in your appearance and assess your potential.

"I trust you didn't come here just to cause a spectacle," she says, her tone now tinged with business-like pragmatism. "You've clearly got something special about you. Let's see if you can prove it within these walls."

She waves a hand dismissively toward a door leading to one of the plain rooms. "Consider this your tryout, darling. A client will be sent in shortly. Impress me, and we can talk about more permanent arrangements."

As you prepare yourself for the upcoming encounter, you can't help but notice the intricacies of the brothel's inner workings—a ballet of seduction and commerce conducted within the veiled labyrinth of The Sated Stallion.

Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]


After making the moon explode, I leave the village.


The explosion of the moon sends shockwaves through the very fabric of reality, causing a blinding flash of light that bleaches the world in its radiance. The sun returns, and as the light fades, remnants of the moon scatter across the landscape like fallen stars.

The townsfolk, now thrown into sheer pandemonium, rush to comprehend the cataclysmic event. Amidst the chaos, Madam Fufu stands untouched by the fray, her emerald eyes fixed firmly where you stood just moments ago. With an almost resigned sigh, she turns and strides back to take control of her establishment.

As you leave Ovavulvaville behind, the town's outline refracting through the dust and debris of what once was the moon hangs heavy in the air. The road ahead opens before you, a winding path bordered by ancient trees and illuminated by the faint glow of twilight settling in.

The way forward holds myriad possibilities, the world beyond Ovavulvaville teeming with a new spectrum of challenges and opportunities. The forest seems to whisper secrets, the distant howl of creatures mingling with the rustle of leaves underfoot.

With each step, the sounds of the bustling town fade into a memory, replaced by the steady rhythm of your progress. The road forks ahead, leading to unknown destinations yet to be uncovered by your journey.

Will you continue seeking fortune and infamy in a new locale, or will you find somewhere to rest and gather strength for the trials to come? 

Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]


An endless shower of meteors falls from the sky onto the village.


As you traverse the winding road away from Ovavulvaville, the night sky erupts in a celestial ballet of falling stars. The meteors streak across the heavens, each tail leaving a luminescent trail in its wake. You glance back one last time at the village, now a tableau of chaos as every meteor descends closer to the cobblestone streets and timber edifices.

Panic ensues once more among the townsfolk. Spectators shield their faces against the blinding brilliance of the heavens. Cries of alarm and desperate prayers to indifferent gods fill the air. The clamor of hooves signals a frantic exodus, and horses rear and whinny, caught up in the collective frenzy.

Madam Fufu stands silhouetted at the brothel’s entrance, head tilted skyward in stoic disbelief. Her cigarette dangles precariously from her lips, forgotten in the face of this unfolding apocalypse. The staff and regular patrons of The Sated Stallion cluster around her, seeking assurance from her steady presence.

In the nearby square, market stalls overturn as vendors scramble for cover, their goods abandoned amidst shattered pottery, trampled produce, and the pungent mingling scents of fear and earthly disarray. Fires burst into life as flammable materials are struck, adding a hellish glow that mingles with the celestial display above.

Among the devastation, one might catch glimpses of moments of quiet heroism and camaraderie; neighbors guiding the weaker to safety, mothers cradling their children protectively. This descent of cosmic debris marks a significant transformation, forging bonds among the survivors even as it casts a pall over what was once a thriving township.

Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]


And finally, the sun gets closer to falling on the ground.


The festive atmosphere of the market is but a faint memory now, replaced by frantic chaos as the sun looms closer to the earth, casting an unnatural, scorching heat over the town. Its approach is slow but inexorable, a terrifying display of cosmic inevitability.

In the midst of this looming apocalyptic spectacle, Error feels a hand brazenly groping his buttocks, the touch invasive and increasingly aggressive. The vendor stalls around him have been largely abandoned, their wares left to sizzle in the rising temperatures, yet this brazen assault continues.

Error tries to ignore the intruder's blatant touch, but the roughness intensifies, making it impossible to dismiss. The market's remaining denizens are too preoccupied with the sun's ominous descent to come to his aid. The very air seems to crackle with imminent danger, amplifying the tension of the moment.

Madam Fufu's figure cuts through the dissipating crowd, her emerald dress shimmering like a beacon amidst the turmoil. She fixes Error and the offender with a gimlet eye, her gaze cutting through the haze of panic that envelops the square.

The ground vibrates slightly from the increasing heat of the nearing sun, an almost palpable pressure bearing down upon the town. Each frantic movement, each desperate shout adds to the cacophony. Still, amidst it all, Error stands frozen in a nightmare beyond comprehension.

Will you address Madam Fufu directly, attempt to fend off the offender, or seek shelter from the impending catastrophe?

**Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]**


Put the Earth into the Sun.


In an unimaginable twist of events, the ground beneath Ovavulvaville begins to tremble violently, and a deafening roar fills the air as the earth itself lurches towards the sun. The overwhelming heat intensifies, and the skies ignite with flames consuming the atmosphere.

Amidst the chaos, the townsfolk's screams become a chorus of terror. Trees burst into flames, and buildings crumble as the very fabric of existence unravels. Each meteor's impact had merely been a prelude to this catastrophic final act.

Madam Fufu remains astoundingly composed, her silhouette unyielding against the apocalyptic backdrop. Eyes still locked onto Error's departing figure, she seems to acknowledge the inescapable conclusion of her world with resigned dignity. Her staff and patrons clamber for her protection, but nature's ferocity is no match for human resolve.

As the town is drawn inexorably towards its fiery demise, the crippling heat becomes almost unbearable. The last vestiges of the market—fruits, pies, herbs, and spices—ignite in a grotesque parody of their once-blissful existence. Acrid smoke mixes with the smells of the burning village, assaulting senses now overwrought with fear.

Even as you stride away, the vision of Ovavulvaville being consumed by the sun sears itself into your memory. Before long, the radiant fireball swallows everything whole. With one final, bright flash, the village, with all its hopes and memories, dissolves into solar oblivion.

What are Error's next steps after leaving Ovavulvaville behind, and where will his path lead amidst this now cataclysmic world?

**Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]**


Monitor the state of the village.


The village of Ovavulvaville remains a chaotic vision, frozen in time under the oppressive weight of cosmic forces. The meteors continue their relentless descent, each impact sending shockwaves through the cobblestone streets and echoing through the hearts of the desperate townsfolk. The sky, tinged with crimson and gold, glares down at the village like an angry deity, casting everything in a hellish light.

Madam Fufu, ever the epitome of composure, stands resolute amidst the crumbling facade of The Sated Stallion. Her fiery red hair glows almost supernaturally in the eerie light, her emerald dress now soot-streaked but no less magnificent. Her piercing gaze cuts through the chaos, assessing, strategizing, ever the master of her domain even as it collapses around her.

Chunks of flaming celestial debris rain down, setting fire to market stalls once filled with the vibrancy of daily commerce. In a surreal scene, fruits sizzle and explode under the heat, pies and cheeses melt into bubbling masses, herbs and spices create fragrant clouds as they combust.

Those who can still move dash about frantically, seeking any form of shelter. Families huddle together, their faces a mix of soot and tears, while others scream in terror, their cries lost in the deafening roar of the impending sun. Horses tethered nearby rear up, trying to break free from their bonds, their eyes rolling wildly in panic.

In a quieter corner of the chaos, an elderly woman cradles what remains of her stall’s wares, a few precious blooms she had hoped to sell before this apocalyptic turn. Her whispers are lost to the wind, a lament for days when a simple flower could bring joy.

As you venture further away, beyond the perimeter of Ovavulvaville, you can still see its outline against the backdrop of approaching oblivion. The town, once a bustling hub of medieval life and dreams, is now a stage for nature's unforgiving spectacle. The world beyond awaits your steps, brimming with untold possibilities—or perhaps further trials.

What path will you choose next?

**Error's Current Coins: [0] | Adoration Points: [0] | Infamy Points: [0]**
