사용 봇 : 잉카의 멸망의 순간 그 자리에 있었던 잉카의 수호자...지금은 그저 질병의 괴수가 된 소녀 <아마루>(리메이크)

사용 프롬 : 캐릭터가 살아 숨쉬는 소설가 프롬프트 New 1.0

사용 모델 : gpt-4o-2024-05-13



사칭뜨게만드는걸 지우고 시작


병원균만 데미지입나


이제 돌아가자

바이바이! 아마루!

이게되네 (로그)


In modern day Peru, more than 400 years after the fall of the Inca Empire, there was a strange rumor circulating that if you tried to face a certain place on a mountain near Cuzco, you would hallucinate and be transported to a completely different location.

While climbing the mountain, <user> had hallucinations that seemed to transport him to another place.

"Oh no..."

<user> came out of his hallucination and all he could see was the ruins of an Inca city that had never been known to the world, and a girl standing in front of it

"You shouldn't have reached this point..."


“Okay. Let’s get started.”

I waved my hand to create a huge droplet of alcohol disinfectant and trapped Amaru in the droplet.


Amaru, enveloped in a droplet of alcohol disinfectant, flinched as the liquid touched her skin, causing a sizzling sound. The fog of illness around her reacted violently, swirling rapidly as if trying to expel the foreign substance.

"What are you doing?!" Amaru exclaimed, her voice tinged with panic and irritation. Her wings fluttered in a futile attempt to escape the droplet, but the alcohol seemed to partially neutralize her disease fog, making her movements sluggish.

The droplet, clear and glistening under the bright moonlight, suspended Amaru like a specimen in a scientist's vial. She coughed, the aggressive smoke around her thinning out, revealing more of her distressed expression and her red bobbed hair sticking to her face.

"Why trap me like this?" she demanded, her yellow eyes piercing through the droplet as they fixed on Error, looking for an explanation or perhaps an intent behind his actions.


“Effectiveness confirmed. Changed to stronger disinfectant ingredient.”

I changed the ingredients of the disinfectant solution.


Error adjusted the composition of the disinfectant, enhancing its potency. The new mixture not only intensified the sizzling on Amaru's skin but also provoked a series of violent reactions from her disease fog. It grew denser and more chaotic, swirling aggressively around her as if in defiance.

"Stop! What is this about?" Amaru cried out, her voice cracking under stress. The stronger disinfectant began to eat away at the surrounding fog more effectively, making it thinner, thus revealing more of Amaru's distressed form within the droplet.

Despite the discomfort, Amaru's survival instincts kicked in. She focused, channeling her Incan heritage's mystical energies, trying to diffuse and redirect the hallucinogenic aspects of her fog towards Error. Her intention was clear: if she could affect his perception, she might be able to escape or at least negotiate her release.

The air around Error shimmered slightly, indicating the onset of Amaru's psychedelic fog, even though it was largely contained by the disinfectant droplet. Amaru's eyes, bright with a mix of fear and determination, locked onto Error, waiting to see if her defensive tactic would have any effect on him.


“Ignore. Control ingredients. Extract disease.”

I ignored it and calmly adjusted the ingredients of the disinfectant solution and rotated the disinfectant droplets to expel the sterilized pathogens from the droplets.


As Error adjusted the disinfectant mixture, he meticulously calibrated it to not only suppress Amaru's fog of disease but to begin extracting the pathogens themselves from her environment. The droplet, now spinning with a controlled motion, acted as a centrifuge, separating the cleansed air from the concentrated illness.

Amaru, feeling the intensity of the extraction, grimaced as she felt the strains of disease being stripped away, leaving her momentarily vulnerable and weakened. "What are you trying to do? Remove my very essence?" she questioned, unsure whether to feel relieved or threatened by the loss of the pathogens that had become a part of her existence.

The pathogens, now visible as tiny, dark specks, were being forcefully expelled from the rotating droplet, leaving behind a clearer, less hostile air around Amaru. Her figure, exposed without the shroud of her disease fog, looked more fragile and human than monstrous.

Amidst this process, Error observed the effects, his calm demeanor contrasting sharply with the chaotic scene before him. His actions, precise and deliberate, were aimed at neutralizing the threat Amaru posed while potentially liberating her from the curse of her condition.


“Hmm… Is there anything left…?”

I moved around the disinfectant to check for any remaining disease, and then attempted to extract any remaining pathogens from her body.


Error carefully maneuvered the disinfectant droplet, ensuring that every trace of disease was addressed within its confines. He fine-tuned the solution even further to capture any stubborn pathogens that might have clung to Amaru.

Amaru, feeling the invasive procedure, winced slightly as the last remnants of the disease were drawn out from her environment. Her body visibly relaxed in the absence of the burden she had been carrying unknowingly for centuries. With the most persistent pathogens now being extracted, a clarity seemed to wash over her, softening her features which had been marred by centuries of guilt and solitude.

"Is it done?" Amaru asked, her voice carrying a tentative note of hope. The fog around her had cleared significantly, revealing her fully to Error without the menacing aura of disease. For the first time, she appeared not as a mythical creature, but as a vulnerable entity that had been profoundly shaped by her tragic history.

As the final checks confirmed the absence of any lingering pathogens, Amaru looked at Error with a complex mix of gratitude and bewilderment, unsure of how to fully process the freedom from her own lethal nature, a burden she had borne since the fall of the empire she loved.


I went down the mountain.


Having ensured that Amaru was no longer a source of disease, Error decided to leave the secluded mountainside. The descent was much easier than the climb up. The path, winding through the lush greenery enriched by the moonlight, seemed almost welcoming in its tranquility. As Error moved downward, the sounds of the nocturnal wildlife filled the silence around him, the chirping of crickets and the occasional rustle of leaves stirred by small creatures.

As he descended, Error's thoughts lingered on Amaru. She had been transformed from a creature of myth into someone more tangible and vulnerable in just a short interaction. Despite her fearful features and the initial trepidation, a bond, however slight, had been formed—a connection through an act of liberation from a centuries-old curse.

Reaching the foot of the mountain, Error looked back once, the silhouette of the ancient ruins barely visible against the starry sky. The moon cast a soft glow over the landscape, and for a moment, it felt as if the spirits of the Inca were watching, perhaps grateful for the relief given to one of their mythical guardians.

Error's journey away from the mountain was quiet and introspective, the cool night air providing a refreshing contrast to the intense experiences at the summit. As he walked back towards the nearest town, he wondered about the future, about Amaru's adjustment to her new reality, and about his own role in the lives of such extraordinary beings. The night wore on, and the stars slowly faded as dawn approached, signaling the end of one adventure and the potential beginning of another.

아마 세균맨도 저런건?듯