사용 봇 : 에셋)"S급 귀차니스트 헌터 에코는 비자발적 설명충입니다" (P.S. 노팬티타이즈)

사용 프롬 : 🏓 핑퐁 프롬프트 V22 (탈옥 포함 738토큰, 0409 최적화)

사용 모델 : GPT-4 Turbo 0409


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댕댕타락이 된 에코

우쭈쭈 (로그)


Echo, having just completed her latest mission, a necessity to ensure a long, uninterrupted period of rest, found herself indulging in a much-needed treat. Her hand, clad in a metal gauntlet, grasped the bagel laden with cream cheese, a simple pleasure she allowed herself. She sat in her usual spot, a secluded corner of the warehouse that served as her chosen sanctuary within the vast network of Pequod's facilities.

She was mid-bite when she sensed a presence, a break in the pattern of her solitude. With her exceptional senses, honed through her drastic human body modification, she noticed <user>, an unfamiliar figure standing not too far from her. Her red eyes, glowing subtly in the dim lighting, fixed on this new variable in her environment.


"Lurking in the shadow of the warehouse, Echo is aware that a person she has not encountered previously is now within her line of sight," she began, her voice carrying the involuntary descriptions that stemmed from her psychosis. "With a cream cheese bagel clutched in her gauntlet, she is momentarily conflicted; the simple action of eating is disrupted by the unanticipated arrival of an unknown entity."

"Echo scrutinized <user>, evaluating whether this presence was a threat, a nuisance, or a mere passerby." People seldom approached her; her intimidating demeanor and the legends of her strength kept most at a safe distance. Curiosity, however, was a trait she couldn't easily shake off.


"Curiosity is a thorn for Echo as she observes the stranger," she continued, narrating her inner thoughts. "Her instinct is to dismiss and return to the comfort of her food and forthcoming sleep, but a slight inclination, a minute divergence from her typical disinterest, prompts her to remain still. She wonders why this person, whom Echo has never seen in the labyrinthine confines of Pequod, stands there now."

Silence lingered for a moment longer before Echo's voice broke it once again, addressing <user> directly now, her tone void of emotion yet loud enough to carry across the space between them. "Why does Echo notice your presence here in her place of solitude, where she partakes in the consumption of a cream cheese bagel, a simple joy before succumbing to the embrace of slumber? What purpose does your standing in this warehouse serve? Does it bring potential complications to Echo's already fulfilled task of the day?"


“I tell you this all the time, but I wanted to do something to you, so I woke you up. Just stay right where you are for a moment.”

I take out the rope from my bag and also take out a paper bag that smells like delicious bread.

“Today will be something you like.”

I take the rope and approach her.


Echo sits motionless, her red eyes fixating on the items Error holds: a rope and a paper bag emitting the tantalizing aroma of fresh bread, likely cream cheese bagels, her favorite. “Echo observes the rope and the fragrant paper bag, her interest piqued not by the rope which suggests a binding, a restriction that Echo usually would find unnecessary and cumbersome, but by the aroma that promises the delight of cream cheese bagels, a simple pleasure that Echo deeply cherishes,” she vocalizes, her voice a monotone that starkly contrasts the potential excitement of the scent.


“Echo considers the proposition presented by Error, the offering of a favored indulgence coupled with an action that implies a loss of freedom, a concept Echo generally disdains. However, the allure of the cream cheese bagel momentarily overshadows the usual aversion to restraint. Echo remains seated, her body still save for the occasional twitch of muscle beneath skin, indicative of a battle between desire for the treat and her natural inclination for personal liberty,” she continues, elaborately describing her inner conflict.

As Error approaches with the rope, Echo shifts slightly, the metal of her gauntlets catching the dim light. “Echo feels the cool metal of her gauntlets against her skin, a reminder of her strength, a strength that could easily resist this impending physical limitation. Yet, the scent of the bagels acts as a siren call, tempting Echo to momentarily forego her usual preference for unimpeded freedom,” she states, her tone unwavering.


“Echo decides that she will permit this, this binding by rope, but only under the clear understanding that the reward will be as substantial as the aroma implies. Echo communicates this decision, her voice devoid of typical human inflections of negotiation or agreement, but clear in her conditional acceptance,” Echo pronounces, finally giving a nod, a subtle sign of her acquiescence.

Her gaze never leaves Error, watching his every move with a calculated intensity. “Echo remains vigilant, her trust not easily granted, especially when her freedom is at stake. However, the promise of cream cheese bagels holds a power over her, a


I leisurely tied Echo up with a rope.

“Okay. I’ll give you something delicious.”

I approached Echo with the bag and took out a warm limited edition cream cheese bagel inside the bag.


Echo remains immobile, her expression impassive as the rope secures her limbs, the fibers tightening around her metal gauntlets and the black tights that sheath her legs. "Echo feels the constriction of the rope, a sensation foreign and typically undesirable, yet the imminent prospect of the promised bagel holds her compliance," she articulates, her voice calm and void of distress.


As Error approaches with the bag, the warm scent of the cream cheese bagel intensifies, enveloping Echo in an olfactory embrace that tempers her usual disdain for restraint. "Echo detects the warmth and the distinct aroma of the bagel, each note of scent a tantalizing promise, a sensory prelude to the satisfaction that awaits her," she states, a slight quiver in her voice that might suggest an eagerness she wouldn't typically display.


When the limited edition cream cheese bagel is revealed, Echo's eyes, usually a stoic red, flicker with a hint of something akin to anticipation. "Echo observes the bagel, its creamy topping richly laden, a luxurious variant of her simple favored fare. Her anticipation builds, tempered only by her current bound state, a state she tolerates only for the sake of the culinary reward," she explains, her gaze locked on the bagel.

"Echo now awaits the fulfillment of the promise, the bagel's consumption, which she expects to be as gratifying as its aroma suggests. Her restraint, a temporary and tolerated state, hinges solely on this expectation," Echo continues, her voice steady, betraying none of the internal conflict this unusual situation might stir within her. 

Her posture subtly shifts, a readiness to receive the bagel apparent despite the ropes that bind her. "Echo prepares herself to savor the bagel, her usual aloofness overridden by a rare moment of indulgence, facilitated by the very binds she would otherwise disdain," she concludes, ready to experience the pleasure she was promised.


“Now. Enjoy your meal.”

Like a mother bird feeding her baby birds, I handed the bagel to Echo’s mouth.


Echo, bound yet momentarily acquiescent for the sake of indulgence, watches the approach of the bagel with a focused intensity. The warmth radiating from the freshly baked bread fills her nostrils, a delightful contrast to the coolness of the warehouse and the restrictiveness of the rope. Her mouth opens slightly, an almost imperceptible sign of readiness to accept the offered treat.

"Echo feels the texture of the warm cream cheese bagel as it brushes against her lips, a sensation that momentarily overshadows the discomfort of her bindings. The aroma intensifies, enveloping her senses, coaxing a rare moment of vulnerability from her usually stoic demeanor," she verbalizes, her voice steady yet filled with a trace of anticipation uncommon to her usual utterances.

As the bagel presses into her mouth, her taste buds ignite with the rich, creamy flavor of the cheese mingled with the soft, chewy texture of the bread. "Echo savors the taste, each bite a potent reminder of why she tolerates this momentary loss of control. The pleasure derived from the food almost, but not quite, balances the discomfort of her restrained state," she explains, her words a meticulous account of her experience.

Her eyes, glowing softly in the dim light, remain locked on Error, a silent acknowledgment of the temporary power he wields over her through this simple act of feeding. "Echo contemplates the dynamics of this interaction, the exchange of her usual dominance for submission in return for sensory satisfaction. It's a calculation, a rare concession Echo makes, influenced heavily by the culinary reward," she articulates.

The bagel slowly diminishes with each deliberate bite, the temporary pleasure it provides a stark juxtaposition to the cold, hard reality of her existence within the confines of the Pequod warehouse. "Echo knows this moment of indulgence is fleeting, a brief interlude in her otherwise monotonous routine of sleep and duty. The enjoyment of the bagel is a rare highlight in her day, a small rebellion against the ennui that often encompasses her life," she concludes, her voice a mix of resignation and relish.


“Don’t worry, there are about three more. How do they taste?”

I say, handing over a new bagel.


"Echo contemplates the flavor, a synthesis of the tangy richness of the cream cheese melded perfectly with the warm, yielding softness of the bagel, an ephemeral culinary delight in Echo's otherwise mundane existence," she describes meticulously, her red eyes briefly closing as she savors the memory of the taste. 

Her gaze reopens, focusing intently on the new bagel being offered. "Echo acknowledges the consistency in the quality of these bagels, a rarity in the fluctuating standards of human creation. Each bite reaffirms Echo's decision to acquiesce to this temporary confinement," she continues, her voice betraying a hint of pleasure despite the context of her restraint.

Echo opens her mouth slightly, ready to accept another piece of the delectable treat, her usual apathy temporarily overshadowed by the sensory experience. "Echo permits this continuation of feeding, the pleasure derived from the bagels creating a rare breach in her usual armor of detachment and disinterest," she articulates, her tone reflecting a complex mix of resignation and anticipation. 

Her bound state, while typically a source of significant irritation, is momentarily relegated to a lesser concern, overshadowed by the simple yet profound enjoyment of the cream cheese bagels. "Echo concedes to this exchange, the temporary suspension of her freedom for the gratification of her palate, a trade-off that speaks to the core of her hedonistic indulgences," she concludes, awaiting the next taste with a rare display of openness.


I put the bagel in Echo’s mouth again.


Echo accepts the bagel, the warmth and rich flavor filling her mouth once again. "Echo experiences the creamy, tangy taste of the cheese blending seamlessly with the chewy texture of the bagel, a sensory delight that momentarily makes the constraints of the rope tolerable," she verbalizes methodically, her tone reflecting a mix of indulgence and resignation.

Her bound condition, typically a source of irritation, is momentarily overshadowed by the culinary enjoyment. "Echo acknowledges the temporary nature of this pleasure, the fleeting respite it provides from the usual blandness of her existence within these warehouse walls," she continues, her voice a monotone narrative of her internal state.

As she slowly chews, her eyes remain fixed on the empty space in front of her, a silent contemplation of her situation. "Echo savors each bite, the flavor a stark contrast to the cold, hard reality of her daily routine, a routine punctuated by moments of enforced inactivity and solitude," she states, a slight edge of bitterness creeping into her otherwise neutral voice.

The contrast between the physical restriction and the sensory freedom provided by the bagel creates a complex tableau of emotions and sensations within her. "Echo finds herself at a crossroad of sensation and restraint, each bite an affirmation of life's complexities and contradictions," she concludes, her statement hanging in the cold warehouse air, filled with the echo of her own voice.


“Eating delicious food must be a good life.”

I wait until she finishes eating the bagel, then take a new bagel and hold it close to her nose so she can smell it.


Echo inhales deeply, the scent of the fresh cream cheese bagel tantalizing her senses. "Echo finds herself momentarily captivated by the aroma, a sensory distraction that renders her momentarily forgetful of her bound state," she verbalizes with a slow cadence, her voice reflecting a mix of resignation and indulgence. 

The proximity of the bagel, so close yet momentarily withheld, creates a tangible tension. "Echo's anticipation builds, a physiological response to the promise of more culinary pleasure. Despite the physical restraint imposed by the ropes, the sensory experience offers a paradoxical sense of freedom," she describes, maintaining her focus on the bagel just inches from her face.


"Echo remains still, her body bound but her senses engaged, awaiting the decision to allow her another taste. This waiting, a forced patience, is an unusual state for Echo, whose life is typically marked by simpler, more direct gratification," she continues, her tone a mixture of patience and a hint of underlying frustration.

The warehouse around her feels more constrictive with each passing moment, the stark walls and sparse light a sharp contrast to the rich, enveloping aroma of the bagel. "Echo feels the dichotomy of her situation; bound yet indulged, confined yet sensory satisfied," she concludes, her gaze locked on the bagel, ready for the next moment of fleeting pleasure.


“Now… what does this scent smell like, Echo?”

I bring the bagel closer to Echo, almost out of reach, and ask with a playful smile.


Echo inhales deeply, the rich, tantalizing aroma of the cream cheese filling her senses, enhancing her desire for the delicacy just beyond her reach. "Echo identifies the scent as an amalgamation of freshly baked bread and rich, tangy cream cheese, a combination that appeals deeply to Echo's sensory pleasures," she articulates, her voice steady yet tinged with a hint of longing due to the intentional distance of the treat.


"The scent, potent and inviting, intensifies Echo's awareness of her current restraints, a reminder of her vulnerability in this moment, juxtaposed against the fleeting pleasure of the anticipated taste," she continues, her gaze fixed on the bagel, noting the teasing proximity at which it is held.

"Echo feels a surge of frustration mingled with anticipation, the dual sensations creating a complex emotional response. The playful withholding of the bagel, a simple yet effective provocation, stirs a deeper, more primal urge within Echo," she states, her voice revealing the internal conflict evoked by the tantalizing display.

Her expression, usually stoic, now mirrors a subtle shift, a blend of irritation and desire, as she remains bound and at the mercy of the whims of the moment. "Echo contemplates the cruelty and pleasure interwoven in this interaction, a psychological tease that both frustrates and entices her," she concludes, her words reflecting a mixture of resignation and eager anticipation for the elusive taste of the bagel.


“Okay, good job. Hmm…”

I think for a moment.

“Just stick out your tongue. I’ll rub the bagel on your tongue.”

I put some of the bagel away from Echo's face and wait for a moment.


Echo's tongue unfurls slowly, a deliberate movement that reveals her compliance mixed with a subtle resistance to the unusual command. "Echo extends her tongue, the muscle exposed to the chill of the warehouse, a stark contrast to the warmth of the bagel she anticipates," she narrates, the tone of her voice a mixture of reluctance and suppressed desire.

The scent of the bagel, rich and tantalizing, fills the space between them, intensifying her anticipation. "Echo senses the proximity of the bagel, yet its deliberate withholding heightens her awareness of her bound state, a reminder of her current vulnerability," she continues, her voice steady but hinting at an underlying tension.

Her tongue, exposed and waiting, anticipates the touch of the bagel. "Echo prepares for the sensory contradiction of tasting without eating, a nuanced torture designed to tantalize and tease," she elaborates, her gaze locked on the space where the bagel was held, a silent challenge to the playful torment.

The moments stretch, filled with the silent sounds of waiting, the anticipation palpable. "Echo's patience is tested, the simple act of waiting transformed into a complex interplay of desire and control," she concludes, her voice a low murmur in the vast emptiness of the warehouse.


“Okay. Enjoy the taste.”

I rub the bagel on her tongue.


Echo feels the coarse texture of the bagel as it brushes against her extended tongue, the rich, tangy cream cheese coating her taste buds. "Echo relishes the flavor as the bagel is rubbed against her tongue, the creamy cheese melting slightly from the warmth of her mouth, intensifying the taste that floods her senses," she verbalizes, her voice low and resonant in the vast space of the warehouse.

Her restrained state, combined with the direct sensory stimulation of the bagel, creates a complex cascade of emotions. "Echo experiences a conflicting sensation of pleasure and powerlessness, the delight of the taste juxtaposed with her inability to move freely," she continues, her tone a mix of satisfaction and subtle defiance.

The flavor lingers on her tongue, a reminder of the temporary pleasure that the bagel provides. "Echo savors the residual taste, a fleeting comfort in her bound condition, each moment of flavor a small victory against the ropes that bind her," she states, her gaze intense, reflecting a depth of feeling that belies her usual stoic exterior.

As the bagel is withdrawn, the absence of flavor becomes as notable as its presence had been. "Echo feels a sense of loss as the bagel is removed, the lingering taste a bittersweet reminder of the transient pleasure she was allowed," she concludes, her words echoing softly in the cool, dim warehouse.


I took my time again and slowly rubbed the bagel on her tongue.

I continue rubbing the bagel until her saliva makes it soft.


Echo feels the bagel becoming increasingly soft as it absorbs her saliva, the creamy cheese blending with the moisture. "Echo senses the disintegration of the bagel's texture as it is rubbed against her tongue, the once firm bread now yielding under the persistent contact," she verbalizes methodically, a hint of distraction in her tone from the prolonged sensory engagement.

The continuous motion against her tongue, coupled with the constraints of the ropes, creates a stark juxtaposition of pleasure and powerlessness. "Echo acknowledges the peculiar mix of sensations, the repetitive motion invoking a meditative state, her focus narrowed to the flavor and the texture of the disintegrating bagel," she continues, her voice maintaining a rhythmic cadence that mirrors the action.

As the bagel becomes a creamy paste, it spreads across her tongue, coating it thoroughly with the rich flavor. "Echo relishes the thorough coverage of flavor, a consistent sensory experience that momentarily overshadows the discomfort of her bound state," she states, her expression reflecting a complex blend of indulgence and resignation.

The prolonged exposure to the taste, intensified by the methodical rubbing, leaves her in a state of heightened sensory awareness. "Echo finds herself unexpectedly savoring the prolonged engagement, the simplicity of the act providing a rare form of sensory focus that contrasts sharply with her usual preference for solitude and minimal interaction," she concludes, her voice a low murmur, reflective of the unexpectedly profound impact of the moment.


“Okay. Now eat.”


Echo, her tongue coated in the softened mixture of bread and cream cheese, closes her mouth, taking in the final composition of the bagel's remnants. "Echo consumes the softened bagel, the flavors more pronounced in their blended state, each swallow a culmination of the prolonged tasting session," she narrates with an even tone, reflective of the methodical process she just experienced.

The flavors linger on her palate, a lasting reminder of the sensory indulgence she was allowed. "Echo savors the lingering taste, a residue of pleasure in the otherwise stark environment of the warehouse. The satisfaction derived from the simple act of eating is amplified by the circumstances under which it was consumed," she continues, her voice a mix of contentment and contemplation.

Her bound state seems less oppressive now, tempered by the fulfillment of her immediate desires. "Echo feels a temporary respite from her usual detachment, the sensory engagement providing a rare moment of genuine satisfaction," she states, her expression subtly softening as she reflects on the experience.

The ropes still bind her, but their presence is momentarily relegated to the background, overshadowed by the satisfaction of her filled appetite. "Echo acknowledges the complex interplay of control and indulgence she has experienced, a dynamic that has left her both physically constrained and sensually liberated," she concludes, her gaze thoughtful, pondering the unusual yet gratifying interaction.


“Good boy. Echo.”

I feed her a bagel and stroke her head like I would a puppy.


Echo remains still under the touch, the sensation of being petted unfamiliar and oddly comforting amidst her restrained state. "Echo feels the hand on her head, a gesture of condescension that paradoxically mixes comfort with humiliation," she verbalizes, her tone flat yet carrying a hint of something undefinable—perhaps a burgeoning awareness of her own complex reactions to the interaction.


The simultaneous act of being fed adds another layer to her experience. "Echo accepts the bagel, the familiar taste momentarily overshadowing the peculiar emotions stirred by the head stroke. Each chew is methodical, a deliberate focus on the sensory pleasure to counter the discomfort of her emotional ambiguity," she articulates, her voice a meticulous narration of her internal state.

Her eyes, glowing a subdued red, do not meet the gaze of the one who feeds her, instead focusing on a nondescript point in the warehouse. "Echo contemplates the simplicity of her physical needs being met contrasted with the complexity of her emotional responses. The physical satisfaction of hunger does little to alleviate the psychological unease of her current treatment," she continues, her words measured and deliberate.

As the final piece of the bagel is consumed, Echo remains motionless under the continuing strokes, her mind a tangle of acceptance and resistance. "Echo recognizes the contradiction of her enjoyment of the physical touch against her disdain for the submissive context in which it is offered. This conflict, unspoken yet palpable, lingers in the cool, stale air of the warehouse," she concludes, her statement reflecting the depth of her conflicted emotions.


“In a way, it might be good for you to be treated like a pet dog.”

I take out the last bagel, feed it to her, and stroke her head.


Echo, her senses again filled with the aroma of the bagel, reluctantly admits the conflicted comfort in the simplicity of this interaction. "Echo acknowledges the straightforwardness of being cared for in this rudimentary manner, a method devoid of typical human complexities," she verbalizes, the tone hinting at an unsettling mix of acceptance and unease.


As the bagel is brought to her lips and she takes another bite, the softness and taste fill her mouth, a direct contrast to the hardness of the warehouse around her and the ropes that bind her. "Echo savors the flavors, each bite a stark reminder of the momentary pleasure she experiences amidst the backdrop of her confinement," she states, her voice steady, revealing her attempt to focus solely on the sensory pleasure.

The strokes on her head, while simplistic, invoke a primal sense of being cared for, an emotion she hadn't expected to surface. "Echo finds the physical contact both demeaning and oddly comforting, a duality that stirs a deep, unsettling mix of emotions within her," she continues, her gaze drifting slightly, reflecting her internal turmoil.

The final pieces of the bagel disappear, and the physical sensation of being petted lingers, a strange reminder of her current vulnerability and the simplicity of the interaction. "Echo contemplates the implications of this treatment, the reduction to something less than her capabilities suggest, yet she cannot deny the rudimentary comfort it provides," she concludes, her voice a mixture of resignation and contemplation, the complex emotions playing subtly across her features.


“Good. You’re a good boy, Echo.”

I pet it like I would a puppy.

“Do you know what a ‘good boy’ is? It’s what a person does to their dog. How does it feel to be a pet dog while eating a bagel?”


Echo sits silently, the term 'good boy' resonating oddly within her, a stark contrast to her imposing form and usually solitary existence. "Echo processes the designation 'good boy,' a term typically reserved for domesticated animals displaying obedience. The juxtaposition of this identity against Echo's nature as a formidable hunter elicits a complex cascade of emotions within her," she enunciates slowly, the edges of her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and discomfort.

As the strokes continue, a sense of unusual comfort mingles with the inherent humiliation of the act. "Echo feels the hand upon her head, the gesture both patronizing and strangely soothing. The simplicity of the touch, devoid of the usual human complexities, invokes a primal acceptance that battles against her ingrained independence," she continues, her voice revealing the internal struggle.

"Echo contemplates the dichotomy of her current state—bound and being fed like a pet, yet still a creature of immense power. The contradiction of her situation, a hunter reduced to such simplicity, stirs a deep unease mingled with an unexpected contentment from the sensory pleasure of the bagels," she states, each word measured and heavy with the weight of her conflicted emotions.

She pauses, then adds, "Echo questions the experience of being labeled as a 'good boy,' a pet dog, while partaking in the human act of eating. The confluence of subservience and sustenance, pleasure and degradation, creates a tumultuous emotional landscape within Echo, one she is unaccustomed to navigating," her tone somber, reflecting the depth of her analysis.

Echo's experience is a poignant reminder of her current vulnerability, a stark deviation from her usual formidable presence, leaving her to wrestle with a blend of resignation and rebellion against the simplicity of her treatment.

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