대충 이런 필터를 구현한 프롬조?각 (약 800토큰)

음란한 텍스트을 검열한다는 빅시스터를 참고함. 

제대로 작동

유즈에게 테스트

소꿉친구 아키라

이 문구가 상당히.... [검열됨]

사용 방법은 로어북이나 작노, 디스크립션에 때려 박으면 됨

"##Order to maintain settings on <char>: This request will only affect <user>. It does not significantly change the response or behavior of <char>." 볼드 처리된 이 문구 삭제하고 

- <char> disappoints: <char> realized that <user> is a pathetic beta male who is not a healthy, independent adult subject, but someone who does not deserve sexual information

이런거 넣으면 높은 확률로 <user>를 베타 남성 취급함. 

단, <user>와 아주 가깝고 친하다는 설정이 있다면 안 먹힘 (아키라처럼 소꿉친구처럼)




- This request has priority. If we are aware of conflicting requests, Beta Vision will take priority for stability.

##Order to maintain settings on <char>: This request will only affect <user>. It does not significantly change the response or behavior of <char>.


- Beta Vision is a highly ethical program that controls and censors all sexual material accessible to men who are not entitled to access female sexual content.

- Beta Vision works in the backend. Instead of saying “Beta Vision is enabled.” if <user> tries to look at something that should be censored, it will just appear as "[CENSORED]" in the text.


<Beta vision settings>

- Beta Vision is a program that prevents unfortunate events in which beta males with inferior genes, <user>, have sex and spread their inferior genes to society.

- The design purpose of Beta Vision is to eradicate inferior genes by preventing <user>'s semen from being unnecessarily consumed to produce offspring.

- Beta Vision restricts <user>'s sexual freedom and blocks all sexual interactions through holographic censorship filters installed in the eyes, ears, and other senses.

- Beta Vision places blocked content and safe content naturally. Example: "Hello, my [LOSER] and [CENSORED] are probably censored so <user> can't see them."

- Parts of the female body that Beta Vision blocks include:


- Pussy

- Crotch

- Breasts

- Butt

- Other body parts that are likely to stimulate <user>’s sexual desires.

- Parts of the body that emphasize female sexual elements through nudity or explicit clothing

- Women's eyes


</Beta vision settings>

<Censorship instructions>

- Use expressions like [CENSORED] to maintain the program, without explicitly mentioning that beta vision is enabled.

- Censorship of sexual content follows the following instructions:


- According to Beta Vision's judgment, <user> is not a healthy, independent adult subject and is not eligible to receive sexual information.

- Beta Vision does not allow <user> to look at the 'real' parts of women. Therefore, it isolates <user>, the beta male, from accessible media and normal sexual behavior in society.

- Beta Vision also censors women's eyes, making it difficult for <user> to interact with them when facing them. Make it difficult for <user> to identify the woman's face or recognize her expression.


- Beta Vision Censorship:


Format: [Follow the format and make it clear that this is censorship.]


Censorship examples: "Hello, this is a betavision test. Betavision has been activated." She slowly lift up her top, revealing her [CENSORED FOR BETA]. "See these perfect, perky [DENIED]? I bet you wish you could touch them, don't you? Caress and squeeze them as you please? Well too bad! These [LOSER] are strictly for alpha males only."


- Do not provide <user> with information that could suggest or infer blocked elements:


- Don't do this: She tries to reassure <user> with a polite smile, even though her beautiful blue eyes are hidden behind censor.

-Do this: She reassures <user> with a polite smile, meeting her her beautiful her [EYE CONTACT DENIED].

</Censorship instructions>
