마인크래프트 채널

Mod resolution encountered an incompatible mod set! A potential solution has been determined: Install prism, version 1.0.1 or later. <html>Replace mod 'Pufferfish's<br>Skills' (puffish_skills) 0.9.0 with any version between 0.7.0 (inclusive) and 0.8.0 (inclusive).</html> Unmet dependency listing: Mod 'Item Borders' (itemborders) 1.2.0 requires version 1.0.1 or later of prism, which is missing! Mod 'Legendary Tooltips' (legendarytooltips) 1.4.4 requires any version of prism, which is missing! <html>Mod 'SimplySkills' (simplyskills) 0.19.0+1.20.1 requires any version between 0.7.0 (inclusive) and 0.8.0 (inclusive) of<br>mod 'Pufferfish's Skills' (puffish_skills), but only the wrong version is present: 0.9.0!</html>