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밑의 블룸버그 프로페셔널서비스는 일반인들이 접근 할수 없는 블롬버그 터미널에 들어가야만 볼수 있는 기사란 팩트 (물론 일부내용은 홈피에서도 볼수있다:) 

Long Story, Short해서, 현재 가장 좋은 Growth Track을 보이는 곳은 미국과 남미란 팩트:) 미국은 실업율 3.6% + Wage Growth 3.2% + Core Inflation 1.8%+ PCE 2.2% etc로 Phillips Curve가 아주 정말 잘 작동한다느 팩트:) 

문재앙의 최저임금인상과 정반대로 ( 무랴 단 2년간 36%가 넘는 인상이 말이되냐) Tax-cut ( 중산층 상류층 전방위적 세금감면)이 엄청난 경제적 위력을 발휘하는 건 팩트:)

문재앙정권의 병신들은 밀턴프리드먼의 시대에 케인즈를 부활시켜서 사회주의적 강제를 할려고 하니 자유시장경제가 붕괴되는 건 당연한 팩트란 것:) 

이럴려고 아무런 죄도 없는 박근혜는 조작탄핵시키고, 촛불쿠테타로 헌정질서붕괴시키고, 너희 일자리 다 날려버리는 상황을 만들었냐? 특히 묻지마 몰표정신병동 전라도 너희는 오지게 재앙맞았구나 ㅋㅋㅋ  1분기 한국경제성장율 (-) 0.3%가 뭐야, 적자국채추경펑펑 너희는 점점 더 빈곤상태로 빠져들어가는 중이란 팩트:)  

참고로 남미경제는 현재와 같은 상황에서 브라질 칠레등의 중앙은행들이 금리를 동결한다는 건 = 안정적인 경기상승을 의미한다는 팩트:) 


Here’s our weekly rundown of key economic events:

U.S. and Canada

The consumer price index, to be released on Friday, will test Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s assessment of tepid inflationary pressures as “transitory.” A rebound in apparel prices will likely bring the pace of monthly gains in the rate back into 0.2 percent territory and push the year-over-year pace up to 2.1 percent, according to Bloomberg Economics. Surging gasoline prices is seen driving headline CPI inflation higher. The producer price index is published the day before. Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz speaks on Monday.

For more, read Bloomberg Economics’ full Weekahead for the U.S.


Central banks in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines will all decide monetary policy amid gathering signs the region is going to soon start cutting interest rates. Reductions in the Philippines and Malaysia are likely and the Australians and Kiwis could act too.

For emerging Asia, that would mark a change in course from last year, when countries like Indonesia and the Philippines were among the world’s most aggressive movers as the Fed tightened policy. The Fed’s policy pause has created room to shift interest rates lower, but with higher oil prices and Powell pushing back against pressure to cut borrowing costs, that window for action may begin to narrow. In China, export data will be closely watched on Wednesday for more signs the economy is stabilizing.

For more, read Bloomberg Economics’ full Weekahead for the U.S.

Europe, Middle East and Africa

German industrial production and factory orders reports will help determine just how strong the euro area is after data last week showed most of the region surpassing forecasts in the first quarter. Industrial production, which is released on Wednesday, is though predicted to have declined in March. Concurrent with those data, the final outlook on eurozone growth and inflation from the European Commission before the bloc’s Parliamentary elections will be released on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, the Norges Bank could signal plans to raise interest rates.

In the U.K., Friday sees the publication of gross domestic product for the first quarter and a monthly number for March, when the economy faced a potential precipice as the Brexit deadline loomed. President Cyril Ramaphosa will look to strengthen his grip on power at elections in South Africa Wednesday as he seeks a mandate to rejuvenate the economy.

For more, read Bloomberg Economics’ full Weekahead for EMEA

Latin America

Three Latin American central banks are expected to remain on hold this week. On Wednesday, Brazil will likely keep its key interest rate at an all-time low of 6.5 percent, as uncertainty about the approval of government reforms constrains its ability to cut despite a weak economy. On the following day, Chile is forecast to leave its benchmark at 3 percent after halting a monetary tightening cycle that had started in October. Also on Thursday, Peru is predicted to keep borrowing costs at a record low of 2.75 percent for a 14th straight month as its economy grows below potential.

For more, read Bloomberg Economics’ full Weekahead for Latin America.