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밑의 뉴욕관련 기사는 The Village라는 뉴욕의 유명한 Local Magazine중에 하나인데, Hudson Yard라는 West쪽에 지어진 건물인데 (한달전에 완공 및 입주시작), 너무 부실이 많다는 걸 비판하면서 현재 민주당 시장인 더블라지오가 ( 웃기는 게 본인도 와이프도 동성애자 근데 왜 결혼??) 뉴욕주건설노조의 규제완화요구를 들어줘서 하나 하나가 상징적인 건물인 맨해튼의 스카이라인도 엉망이 된다는 우려라는 것과 동시에 다른 도시들과 달리 세금은 엄청나게 가져가면서 ( 예: 아리조나, or Florida와 비교하면 소득세는 10만불 기준으로 무려 2배가까이, 법인세역시 2배가까이 그래서 2달전 아마존이 뉴욕본사짓는 다고 하다가 계획취소) 왜 뉴욕시에서 건설노조 감리하나 똑바로 하지 않고 완공된지 한달만에 저런 엉망진창이냐는  엄청난 비판을 듣는 상황이란 팩트:) 

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A city for the rich, built poorly: The construction of Hudson Yards


Hudson Yards bills itself as New York’s newest neighborhood, however it reflects many of the shortcomings of the city’s prior superblock development projects.

The original World Trade Center’s Austin J. Tobin Plaza was an enclosure of skyscrapers along the Hudson River, inadvertently creating a brutal wind tunnel. Hudson Yards is much the same.

Brooklyn’s MetroTech Center lacked a unified vision with its variety pack of 90s-fad architecture and is today largely unremarkable. Hudson Yards developer Related Companies took a similar approach, commissioning numerous so-called “starchitects” to build what New York TimesArchitecture critic Micheal Kimmelman describes as an “architectural petting zoo.” 

But Hudson Yards also appears to have created their own problems, particularly with the build quality of the development.

Take the Shed’s Bloomberg Building, for example:

Damage on the wheels of the Shed’s retractable assembly. | Taidgh Barron / Village Spoke

These construction flaws are troubling considering the labor history of the development. Related twice sued the multi-union construction bloc building the complex and convinced the largest unions in the bloc to break ranks, and they won a judgment to use cheaper non-union labor.

A month before its grand opening, Hudson Yards appeared to face the prospect of a reporters, politicians and Big Bird from Sesame Street crossing a picket line to attend its ribbon cutting. But Related’s President Bruce Beale Jr. was able to avoid such a picture by cutting a deal with the weakened construction unions to end their weekly pickets and rallies in exchange for using some union labor during the second phase of the development.

Despite the deal, Hudson Yards’ labor history appears etched in the quality of its craftsmanship.

Hudson Yards’ website calls the Public Square and Gardens area of the complex “the smartest park ever built” and an “engineering marvel,” but the Public Square is lined with broken pavers and questionable construction.

“The most important place in New York is Rockefeller Center during Christmas time, I wanted to have a 12-month Christmas tree” Mr. Ross said.

And thus, Vessel was commissioned to serve as a “vessel” to attract tourists to the West-side campus and vertical retail luxury mall that looks like any other global city mall.

But even Hudson Yards’ crown jewel has misaligned cladding adorning its entrance.

It’s easy to get the feeling that the faceplates of brand-new signs popping off their fixtures were simply pixel-off details unnoticeable in a 100:1 scale virtual world. Taidgh Barron / Village Spoke

While Mr. Kimmelman in the New York Times calls Hudson Yards “a spectacle” where “the peak ambitions of city life were consuming luxury goods and enjoying a smooth, seductive, mindless materialism,” saying it’s a place designed for a smooth experience is a stretch.