The world where the people should die or live for their country has gone. 

We don't exist for the country. Rather, the country exists for its people, not only higher people of the government. 

If we couldn't leave the country and just obey the government, the higher people may regard us insignificant or subordinate to the country. 

Don't make yourself to be subordinate to the government and to follow its orders. 

Being subordinate to the government or any higher object is not good for changing it at all. 

Being independent to the government is much better for making it regard you precious. 

One of someone who can be treated poorly by the manager of any organization is the people who cannot leave its organization. The manager might think them as their slaves. 

However, the manager can not treat someone who can leave the organization poorly. (Or there is someone who has similar ability and want to be subordinate to the organization.)

So, if we become competent enough to be able to leave our country, then the higher people must think our benefits and make the government for the people, not only the higher people of the government. 

Anyway, if you want to change the country or if you dislike this country, I suggest you had better improving yourself to have an appealing ability. 

                                                    We should improve ourselves to be able to migrate to other countries. 

한 줄 요약 : 다들 한반도를 탈출할 수 있는 실력을 기르자. 그러면 지도층들이 알아서 바뀔 것이다.