
유출 정보 텔레그램 링크

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다만 유출 정보니만큼 인게임에 그대로 패치될지 알 수 없고, 또 다음 업뎃들에 관해 스포일러가 될 수 있으니 주의

아래는 다음 나웨 유출 내용

BoosterInfoActive - '[PH] BOOSTER ACTIVE'

BoosterInfoInactive - '[PH] GET ACT BOOSTERS'

BoosterInfoInactiveDesc - '[PH] ACT BOOSTER\r\n Increases the Reputation gain from 4,500 to 15,000 for the next 20 Weekly Acts.\r\n\r\n SEASON ACT BOOSTER\r\n Doubles your Reputation gain for every completed Act for the rest of the season.'

BoosterPurchaseDialog - '[PH] Would you like to purchase an ACT BOOSTER?\r\n\r\n The Act Booster will increase your Reputation gain to 15,000 for the next 20 Weekly Acts completed.\r\n\r\n The Season Act Booster will double you Reputation gain for every completed Act for the rest of the Season.'

BoosterSeasonActiveDesc - '[PH] The current Season must end before you purchase additional boosters.'

BoosterSeasonDesc - '[PH] Receive double the Reputation rewards when completing any act.'

BoosterSeasonName - '[PH] SEASON ACT BOOSTER'

BoosterSeasonNameShort - '[PH] SEASON BOOSTER'

BoosterWeeklyActiveDesc - '[PH] You must complete your Weekly Acts before purchasing additional boosters.'

BoosterWeeklyActsCount - '[PH] |CURR|/|TOTAL| Acts Completed'

BoosterWeeklyDesc - '[PH] Receive 15,000 Reputation when completing Weekly acts.'

BoosterWeeklyName - '[PH] WEEKLY ACT BOOSTER'

BoosterWeeklyNameShort - '[PH] ACT BOOSTER'

NightwaveCatabolystAugmentModDesc - 'Each kill increases Critical Chance and Critical Damage by |CRIT_INCREASE|% up to |BUFF_MAX|%. Reduce by |BUFF_REDUCTION|% when fewer than |MIN_ENEMY_COUNT| enemies are struck by grenade explosion.'

NightwaveCatabolystAugmentModName - 'Critical Mutation'

NightwaveSporothrixAugmentModDesc - 'Shots have +|PUNCH_THROUGH| Punch Through and barbs explode instantly. Barbs that strike enemies directly have +|BARBS_RADIUS|m radius and |BARBS_STATUS_CHANCE|% Status Chance. Headshots double the radius.'

NightwaveSporothrixAugmentModName - 'Volatile Variant'

뭔가 부스터 같은게 생기는 것 같은데, 뭔지는 몰?루

그리고 나웨 개조모드는 카타볼리스트와 스포로트릭스

카타볼리스트는 적 죽일때마다 쌍치증가인 것 같고, 장전 수류탄도 뭔가 연관 있는거 같음

스포로트릭스는 두뚫주고 적 뚫을때마다 바로 폭발하는 것 같은데, 이건 실제로 나와봐야 알듯