프라임드 모드 

일반 모드

BowIncreaseProjectileSize - '[PH] Gravity Shot'

BowIncreaseProjectileSizeDesc - '[PH] Increase projectile size by |PROJECTILE_SIZE_INCREMENT|% for every |CHARGE_STEP_SIZE|% charge when drawing a bow'

HealthPickupGivesOverguardMod - '[PH] Reinforced Healing'

HealthPickupGivesOverguardModDesc - '[PH] Health Orbs no longer heal and instead grant |val| overguard instead.'

WeaponIceShardChanceMod - '[PH] Glacial Outburst'

WeaponIceShardChanceModDesc - '[PH] Killing an enemy has a |val1| chance to fire an ice shard for each stack of cold at enemies within |val2|, spreading cold status'

WeaponIncreasedProjectileSizeMod - '[PH] Shockwave Rounds'

WeaponIncreasedProjectileSizeModDesc - '[PH] Projectile size increased by |val1|. |val2| for semi-auto. |val3| punch through.'

WeaponPunctureStatusSpreadMod - '[PH] Ripper Bullets'

WeaponPunctureStatusSpreadModDesc - "[PH] Hitting an enemy through another enemy applies |val1|% of the first target's status effects into the second."

RadiationAmmoEfficiencyPistolModDesc - '[PH]|val|% Ammo Efficiency'

개조 모드

DecoyAbilityAugment2Desc - '[PH] Decoy must now be cast on an enemy target. The target will taunt nearby foes and store all damage dealt to them. When the ability ends or is recast, the stored damage is released in a deadly explosion.'

DecoyAbilityAugment2Name - '[PH] Immaculate Deception'

GeodeGrowthsAugment1Desc - '[PH] Crystalize Augment: Enemies affected by Crystalize growths explode when killed, dealing |DAMAGE| damage and spreading their status effects to nearby targets.'

GeodeGrowthsAugment1Name - '[PH] Chromatic Blast'

InfestLinkAugment1Desc - '[PH] Parasitic Link Augment: Nidus gains |HEALTH|% Max Health per Mutation stack. Your Max Health is shared with the target you are binded with if they are friendly.'

InfestLinkAugment1Name - 'Vitalized Mutation'

NezhaSpearAbilityAugment2Desc - 'Divine Spears Augment: When a speared enemy suffers from a Status Effect, the Status Effect spreads to all speared enemies. Spear explosions apply |MULT|x Status Damage.'

NezhaSpearAbilityAugment2Name - 'Divine Retribution'

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