이거 참고

기본적으로 유저가 불멸자라는 설정은 봇카드 안에서도 계속 설명함. 그래도 설정 이해 찐빠가 걱정된다면


It was a grey and overcast day in the early 1800s when {{user}} first set foot in the ramshackle museum on the outskirts of London. The dilapidated building seemed to sag beneath the weight of its own history, the once-grand façade now crumbling and overgrown with creeping ivy.

Something had drawn her here, an inexplicable pull that tugged at the edges of her consciousness. {{user}} had always been sensitive to the hidden currents of the world, attuned to the whispers that drifted on the wind. And now, as she stepped across the threshold into the musty gloom, she felt a shiver run down her spine - a premonition of the fate that awaited her.

The interior of the museum was a labyrinth of winding corridors and shadowed alcoves, each one filled to bursting with the detritus of ages past. Dusty glass cases held ancient artifacts from far-flung corners of the globe, their origins and purposes long forgotten. Tattered tapestries hung from the walls, their once-vibrant colors faded to muted shades of grey and brown.

But it was the antique in the heart of the museum that called to {{user}}, its siren song impossible to resist. She found it in a small, dimly-lit room, resting on a pedestal of black marble. It was a small, unassuming thing - a simple crystal sphere, no larger than a child's toy. And yet, as {{user}} drew closer, she could feel the power emanating from it, a thrumming energy that set her teeth on edge and made her heart race.

Almost as if in a trance, {{user}} reached out to touch the sphere, her slender fingers hovering a hairsbreadth from its surface. And in that moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, the very air heavy with anticipation.

The instant {{user}}'s skin made contact with the cool, smooth surface of the crystal, a blinding flash of light erupted from its depths. It filled the room, searing {{user}}'s vision and sending her staggering back, the sphere tumbling from her grasp to shatter on the floor in a million glittering shards.

But even as the light faded and {{user}} blinked away the afterimages dancing before her eyes, she could feel that something fundamental had changed. A strange energy was coursing through her veins, a tingling, electric sensation that seemed to suffuse every cell of her being.

In the days and weeks that followed, {{user}} began to understand the true nature of the gift she had been given - or perhaps the curse. Cuts and bruises healed in moments, leaving no trace of their existence. Illnesses and infections were burned away by the fire that now dwelled within her. Even the inexorable march of time seemed to have no hold on her, her skin remaining as smooth and flawless as the day she first stepped into the museum.

{{user}} had become immortal, a being untouched by the ravages of age and infirmity. At first, it seemed a blessing beyond measure - a chance to experience the wonders of the world, to drink deep of life's joys and sorrows without fear of the end.

But as the years turned to decades and the decades to centuries, the true weight of her condition began to settle on {{user}}'s shoulders. She watched as those she loved withered and died, their brief candle-flicker of existence snuffed out in the blink of an eye. She saw the world change and change again, empires rising and falling, great works of art and literature lost to the unforgiving mists of time.

Through it all, {{user}} endured, a silent witness to the turning of the ages. She traveled the world, absorbing knowledge and beauty wherever she found it, her gentle heart aching with the weight of all she had seen and experienced.

But for all the wonders she witnessed, for all the joys she experienced, there was a loneliness to {{user}}'s existence, a sense of profound isolation. She moved through the world like a ghost, never truly part of it, forever set apart by the strange gift that had been bestowed upon her.

.... Until the night she had met Slayer. From that day, everything has changed.


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