원주민 회관

왜 씨바 이상하게 나무위키에만 연관되면 이렇게 좃같은 일들이 일어날까???


Every empire… tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires. In that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate. However, imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms, such as innovation, progress, or civilization of a “savage” nation.


To what extent should we embrace the perspective on globalization reflected in the source?



Since the 18th century, when imperialism and eugenics run by white people was rampant, European empires had exploited, colonized, and forced many other countries into being assimilated to European culture. This was accomplished by using their strong national power which was achieved by the industrial revolution. To an Imperialist the main purpose of imperialism is to educate and civilize the indigenous peoples, not to exploit and tyrannize over them. They should keep establishing colonies in the countries of inferior nations because imperialism is the most beneficial ideology for everyone, even the subjugated nations, as it improves the living standard of indigenous peoples by assimilating them. The perspective of the source is critical towards empires that justify its exploitation and subjugation towards weak countries; like in the poem ‘The Burden of White Men’, which sound like imperialists are sacrificing themselves for the modernization and civilizing of indigenous nations. The source not only criticizes the flimsy excuses and justifications of imperialists, but it also asserts that even those negative traits, such as subjugation and exploitation, are inseparable from imperialism.

We should heavily embrace the perspective on globalization that the source represents because it brings to light the major negative impacts that imperialism has on indigenous populations.


Imperialists exploit the nations that they come to ‘help’. This is done in many forms, not just through guns, but also by culturally destroying the indigenous peoples. Imperialism is an ideology that pursues its own interests by exerting any kind of leverage that it has over other nations, and ultimately assimilates them to a specific culture in order to exploit them.


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