우만래 반대 채널
Warning. The wiki you made is being used to make money only by umanle, who is  banning users who disagrees and trys to protect their copyright!
The reason that namu.wiki was built was because of the Rigveda wiki's dictatorship and the owner's commercial activitys with the wiki. But namuwiki is walking to the same place.
Umanle is violating CCL's NC article and is doing commercial activitys, even this moment.
But the important part is that umanle is banning and crushing down users who disagrees with this, present, past, or future.
People who puts up some "Healthy criticism" are being banned by umanle and the current dictatorial administration with the reason of "operational disturbance", but forgetting that healthy criticism helps the wiki.  Umanle is also banning the uses of wiki gallery(which users with big infulence resides) so they can get more and more reason to wipe up disloyal users. 
Clearly, even though it is a user to produce high-quality content, users cannot control the malicious behavior of their commercial and commercial use contrary to the CCL.
We namuwiki users are trying to regain and create a healthy wiki against this absurdity, and are asking for active  communication with the current administration and umanle.
Before you edit, first read 故alphawiki's following articles 나무위키 제 2차 영리 논란 ,나무위키/비판라레나사측 관리자나무위키 위키 갤러리 이용 금지 사건위키 갤러리나무라이브 잡담 채널and find out the truth of namu.wiki. We disagree with trolling and unreasoned vandalisms. Please ask to 위키 갤러리 , 나무라이브 잡담 채널(권장)users to have more information.
Please spread the truth if you saw this.