Tick tock! Tick tock! 

Venezuel Maduro the fucking socialist is being finished, or will be getting 'the fuck' out of Venezuela right guys?:) 

계속하는 말처럼 난 절대로 과장하는 사람 아니란 팩트:)

팩트만 말한다는 것:)

문재앙 보고 있나 독재자새꺄!  

왜 US아이비리그출신들과 US초일류공대출신들이 자유조선을 조직해서 북한김정은 붕괴시키겠어?:) 

자유조선조직해서 북한체제붕괴를 치밀하게 조직하고 움직이고 스페인 북대사관 기밀자료들 

훔쳐서 미정보당국에 다 넘기고, shadow-moving계네들 Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Caltec, Brown, MIT etc출신들

이란 건 아냐 지잡대 경희대출신 문재앙독재자 개자식아!!! 

21세기에 중국공산당과 베네주엘라식 사회주의가 뭐냐? ㅋㅋㅋ

넌 끝났어 문재인! What goes around, fucking comes around! :) 

P.S Hey Guys, follow me to read the trend what the heck is going on in this world!:) 


(2월 11일 포스트) 

미국 직접 베네주엘라 군장성들과 접촉하고 있으며, 마두로정권의 명령을 듣지 말것을 촉구하는 중이란 팩트:) 

현재 구이아노 야당대표가 공식적으로 베네주엘라의 새로운 대통령으로 1월에 선언했고, 미국과 유럽국가들이 구이아노 현 야당지도자를 베네주엘라 대통령으로 인정한 상황이며 더 이상 마두로는 베네주엘라 대통령이 아니며 그의 모든 해외 자산과 그 측근들의 미국 유럽내 자산들을 전부 동결+ 압류시작한 상황이란 팩트:) 

마두로사회주의정권의 붕괴는 이제 초읽기에 들어간 상황이란 팩트:) 

문노인 딸도 태국으로 빌라팔아치우고 급 도망간 이유와 해외재산반출관련 특검을 해야 하며 

손혜원이 가졌다는 뉴욕맨해튼의 수백억짜리 펜트하우스와 뉴욕에 여러채가 있다는 부동산들

과연 그 자금들의 출처는 누구와 경제공동체인지 전부 다 특검해야 한다는 팩트:) 

댓글알바 경제공동체 뇌물 민간인사정등 전부 너희가 한 짓거리를 아무런 죄도 없는 박근혜에게 가짜뉴스로 손석희 앞세워서 조작해서 태블릿PC부터 전부 다 조작으로 탄핵시키고 너희가 멀쩡 할 줄알았어? 내가 말했지 수학적으로 계산해보면 2018년 10월 +/- 6개월로 너희는 끝장난다고 말야 이제 실감나냐? 부정부패 좌빨들 너희는 끝장났어 이미:) 

What goes around, comes around 이란 팩트:) 

US reportedly in direct contact with Venezuelan military, urging defections(미정부는 베네주엘라군장성들과 직접 접촉중에 있으며, 마두로에게 반기를 들고 이탈종용=defections 즉 체포?) 할 것을 촉구하는 중)

  • The U.S. is holding direct communications with members of Venezuela's military urging them to abandon leader Nicolas Maduro and is also preparing new sanctions.
  • The U.S. also weighing possible sanctions on Cuban military and intelligence officials whom it says are helping Maduro remain in power.
  • Major European countries have joined the United States in backing Guaido but they have stopped short of the sweeping oil sanctions and financial measures that Washington has imposed.

Published 2:06 PM ET Fri, 8 Feb 2019

Adriana Loureiro | Reuters
Venezuelan soldiers take part in a ceremony with Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (not pictured), after his swearing-in for a second presidential term, at Fuerte Tiuna military base in Caracas, Venezuela January 10, 2019.

The United States is holding direct communications with members of Venezuela's military urging them to abandon leader Nicolas Maduro and is also preparing new sanctions aimed at increasing pressure on him, a senior White House official said.

The Trump administration expects further military defections from Maduro's side, the official told Reuters in an interview, despite only a few senior officers having done so since opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself interim president last month, earning the recognition of the United States and dozens of other countries.

"We believe these to be those first couple pebbles before we start really seeing bigger rocks rolling down the hill," the official said this week, speaking on condition of anonymity. "We're still having conversations with members of the former Maduro regime, with military members, although those conversations are very, very limited."

The official declined to provide details on the discussions or the level at which they are being held, and it was unclear whether such contacts could create cracks in the Venezuelan socialist leader's support from the military, which is pivotal to his grip on power.

With the Venezuelan military still apparently loyal to Maduro, a source in Washington close to the opposition expressed doubts whether the Trump administration has laid enough groundwork to spur a wider mutiny in the ranks where many officers are suspected of benefiting from corruption and drug trafficking.

Guaido says the May 2018 vote in which Maduro won a second term as president was a sham and on Jan. 23 invoked a constitutional provision to declare himself president, promising free and fair elections.

Venezuelan assets

The U.S. government also sees European allies as likely to do more to prevent Maduro from transferring or hiding Venezuela government assets held outside the country, the U.S. official said.

Major European countries have joined the United States in backing Guaido but they have stopped short of the sweeping oil sanctions and financial measures that Washington has imposed.

At the same time, the Trump administration is readying further possible sanctions on Venezuela, the official said.

Previous rounds have targeted dozens of Venezuelan military and government officials, including Maduro himself, and last month finally hit the OPEC member's vital oil sector. But the administration has stopped short of imposing so-called "secondary" sanctions, which would punish non-U.S. companies for doing business with the Venezuela government or the state oil monopoly PDVSA.

The U.S. official said that Washington had every tool available to apply pressure on Maduro and his associates "to accept a legitimate democratic transition."

The U.S. government is also weighing possible sanctions on Cuban military and intelligence officials whom it says are helping Maduro remain in power, a second U.S. official and person familiar with the deliberations have told Reuters.

Maduro's government has accused Guaido, who has galvanized Venezuela's opposition, of attempting to stage a U.S.-directed coup.

General Francisco Yanez of the air force's high command became the first active Venezuelan general to recognize Guaido, but he is one of about 2,000 generals. Venezuela's chief military attache to the United States also said he was defecting late last month.

Guaido has actively courted members of the military with promises of amnesty and preferential legal treatment if they disavow Maduro and disobey his orders, and Washington this week raised the prospect of dropping sanctions on senior Venezuelan officers if they recognize Guaido.

Maduro still has the support of the military high command, and now routinely appears in pre-recorded events at military bases where officers stand behind him and chant triumphal slogans such as "Loyal always, traitors never."