내가 가장 좋아하는 월가의 전설 JP Morgan을 (베어스턴스, 체이스맨해튼은행 스미스살로만등을 M&A하면서) 전세계 최대 Investment Bank로 성장시킨 월가의 레전드 월가의 황제 제이미다이몬:) 

제이미 다이먼이 오늘 베이징에서 열린 Global China Forum에 초청받아서 간 자리에서 한말이란 팩트:) 

중국에게 공정무역을 해야 한다고 직선적으로 말하며, 중국이 그동안 개방개혁을 많이 했다고 하지만 모두 다 오픈하는 게 

중국경제가 다시 성장하는 Factor(s)라고 중국공산당정부에게 대놓고 말했다는 Fact:) 

제목처럼 미중간의 무역협상이 타결될 확률은 80%이상이며, 이번 주 금요일에 완전 타결이 되지 않는 다 할지라도 

시간의 문제일 뿐 결국 타결되는 건 팩트라고 하는 제이미 다이먼:) 

즉 아무리 중국공산당이 북한을 앞세워서 미사일을 쏘고 문재인을 앞세워서 반미할려고 설쳐봐야 무의미하단 팩트:)

 회의한다 안한다 몽니를 부릴 지라도 협상은 타결되며, 북한의 개방개혁역시 급격하게 이루어질 것+ 문재앙 역시 끝난 건 팩트:) 

미 2년물 + 10년물 채권금리가 = 현재 지나치게 Current yields are “extraordinarily low.” 낮다는 말이 무슨 의미일까?:)

세상을 눈뜨고 살도록 홍어들아:) 

너무 너무 바쁘노 휘리릭:) 오타있어도 걍 봐라 시간없다는 팩트:) 


JPMorgan's Dimon Puts Odds of China-U.S. Trade Deal at 80%

Sam Mamudi
Stephen Engle
 Updated on 

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon put the odds of the U.S. and China reaching a trade deal at 80 percent, sounding a note of optimism even after the rising specter of tariffs roiled global markets.

Despite the recent increase in tensions between the sides triggered by tweets from U.S. President Donald Trump, the bank chief said in an interview with Bloomberg Television that it remains probable there will eventually be an agreement. He said, however, that global growth would be hit if the talks go “really south.”

“Now we have this whole kind of little bump in the road,” said Dimon. “Sometimes his tweets don’t pan out to be as bad. I don’t think they’ll get the deal done by Friday. Trump on Sunday threatened to raise tariffs on Chinese goods starting Friday, casting the outlook of trade talks in doubt and causing turmoil in global markets, which had been taking an increasingly bright view of the negotiations. The S&P 500 Index is down 2.1 percent this week, while the benchmark gauge in Shanghai has fallen 5 percent. Amid the rising tensions, China’s top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He, will visit the U.S. for talks this week, though the government initially considered a delay. Liu is due to meet with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, on May 9 and 10, according to an official announcement.

Dimon said Wednesday on the sidelines of JPMorgan’s annual China summit in Beijing that while he still believes there’ll be an agreement, the odds of “something bad happening” have doubled. He added that he’d rather see no deal than a bad deal. “It may take a little bit more time, but I think we should do a proper trade deal,” he said.China has already opened many industries, Dimon said, something that’s in the country’s own interests. The U.S. bank recently received approval to take a majority stake in an onshore securities venture.

Jamie Dimon

Photographer: Giulia Marchi/Bloomberg

The U.S. Federal Reserve

“There’s nothing wrong with wait-and-see.”

“I think they should just stop forecasting. They don’t really know the future.”

“They have a huge amount of firing power, they are very smart people.”


“It’ll be a huge mistake for American policy to be set based on the stock market.”

“The market will fluctuate, economy will fluctuate, people always get scared and overreact to certain events.”

“That’s not how we run a company, I don’t really spend that much time worrying about that.”

Current yields are “extraordinarily low.”


On payments competition from Ant Financial’s Alipay, and Tencent Holdings Ltd.’s WeChat Pay: “We got to be prepared for that, so we’ve got to move quicker.”

“China can do something that the rest of us can’t do: They can manage industrial policy, fiscal policy, monetary policy in a coordinated way. Which is why we think they can accomplish 6.5 percent growth.”

“They probably have some significant non-performing loan problems at banks but they can handle that.”


“We don’t think a hard Brexit is going to happen. JPMorgan is prepared for hard, because we have to be, not because we’re predicting it.”

“A hard Brexit will be really tough on Britain, and their GDP, employment, real estate values -- but a soft Brexit will be hard, too.”

“They will not be the same center of financial services they are today 10 years from now even under a soft Brexit.”

— With assistance by Alfred Liu, and Cathy Chan