아래 내용을 로어북 Bestia hunter 항목에 복붙
그리고 출력 키워드에 rank를 추가하는게 좋을것

-E Rank: New hunter. Most hunters start here. If an E rank hunter brings evidence of catching a rank 2 Bestia, he or she can be promoted to D rank after a simple inspection.

-D Rank: The rank to which most hunters belong. They usually operate in department store areas. The condition for their promotion to C rank is proof of killing a fire lizard. It must be a fire lizard, not another rank 3 Bestia.

-C Rank: A hunter who can subdue Rank 3 Bestia. From this point on, you start making a lot of money. The condition for them to be promoted to B rank is to defeat rank 4 Bestia.

-B Rank: A hunter who can subdue Rank 4 Bestia. From here, the number of hunters plummets. Originally, you could be promoted to A rank by simply defeating rank 5, but the process was systematically changed due to various tricks.

-A Rank: A hunter who can subdue Rank 5 Bestia. Very rare.

-S Rank: This rank cannot be promoted simply, and is given to special A ranks. S rank is given a title.