밑의 기사를 잘 보도록 한다. 홍어병신들도 같이 본다는 팩트:) 

중국금융부실상황이 점점 더 심각해지는 상황이란 팩트:)

밑의 기사는 이미 2019년 1월-4월까지 에만 벌써 같은 기간 2018년의 무려 3.4배의

중국기업들의 디폴트 즉 부도발생케이스와 부도금액이 증가한다는 팩트:)

현재의 중국기업들의 부도율은 2016년 상반기와 비교해서도 무려 Triple (3배)라는 팩트:) 

문제는 중국시진핑정부가 RRR(지급준비율)을 무려 이번 5월 (월요일 전격발표)한것 까지 포함해서 무려 1년 5개월동안 

6번이나 낮추는 상황이지만 오히려 부도율은 소매산업과 부동산관련산업들을 중심으로 

건설사 + 대형옷가게체인+ 술양조회사+봉제회사+ 중소규모 금융업종+ 중소규모 투자은행들의 

부도가 속출한다는 팩트:)  

홍어새끼들아 이럴려고 중국몽빨아대는 정신병자좌빨 문재앙 99%몰표하고

아무죄도 없는 박근혜는 조작탄핵 촛불 들었냐 너희는 당해도 싸다

개만도 못한 전라도 정신병자새끼들이란 팩트 :) 

아 이번 주 너무 바쁘넹 ㅋㅋ 휘리릭 


This year is shaping up to be the biggest by far for defaults in China’s $13 trillion bond market, highlighting the widening fallout from the government’s campaign to rein in leverage.

Companies defaulted on 39.2 billion yuan ($5.8 billion) of domestic bonds in the first four months of the year, some 3.4 times the total for the same period of 2018, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The pace is also more than triple that of 2016, when defaults were more concentrated in the first half of the year, unlike 2018. The trend is clear: unless something changes, 2019 will be the new high.


China Defaults Hit Record in 2018. 2019 Pace Is Triple That

Bloomberg News
 Updated on 

This year is shaping up to be the biggest by far for defaults in China’s $13 trillion bond market, highlighting the widening fallout from the government’s campaign to rein in leverage.

Companies defaulted on 39.2 billion yuan ($5.8 billion) of domestic bonds in the first four months of the year, some 3.4 times the total for the same period of 2018, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The pace is also more than triple that of 2016, when defaults were more concentrated in the first half of the year, unlike 2018. The trend is clear: unless something changes, 2019 will be the new high.

China continues to press banks to extend credit to the private sector, and small and medium-sized companies especially. The latest move came Monday, when the central bank loosened some reserve-requirement rules for lenders. But President Xi Jinping’s team has also focused on shrinking the shadow-banking system, where credit decisions were made with less regulatory oversight and where it was easier to build up unsustainable leverage.

It’s that funding squeeze that explains the default surge that began in late 2017 and continues today. By contrast, 2016 was more a story of China’s push to shrink excess industrial capacity having reverberating effects in credit markets.

Source: Bloomberg

NOTE: 2019 is YTD

“Short bond tenors mean the companies need to refinance frequently,” and weaker ones will likely have difficulty, analysts including Hong Kong-based Nino Siu at Moody’s Investors Service wrote in a note last month. “Banks are reluctant to lend to weaker companies. Additionally, shadow banking, on which weaker Chinese companies rely, continues to contract as the government tightens regulation,” she and her colleagues wrote.

The following is a look at the five companies that have defaulted on the most bonds so far this year.

Based in Anhui, just to the west of Zhejiang and Shandong, Goocoo Investment Co. became one of the inland province’s biggest property developers, amassing both residential and commercial holdings. It faced a cascade of troubles as investors became increasingly concerned about its leverage, exercising the right for early repayment of Goocoo’s debt -- in turn squeezing the company’s finances.

Goocoo and Citic Guoan didn’t immediately reply to requests for comment on their defaults. Calls to Neoglory and SNTON went unanswered.

“Weaker firms’ heavy refinancing pressure" explains the big run of defaults this year, according to Wang Qing, chief economic analyst at Golden Credit Rating International Co. in Shanghai. “Investors are still cautious towards long-term debt sold by private firms, which will continue to miss many debt repayments.”

— With assistance by Tongjian Dong, Molly Dai, Yuling Yang, Qingqi She, and Ina Zhou